So I cleaned my #50 tank today. I cleaned it because I noticed it was leaking where the valves screw into the tank, just barley though, i had water up around the valves an noticed a few bubbles coming from the threads, they only seal the top of the threads with some sealant. I'm going to put yellow thread tape on it so it doesn't leak anymore. Also The inside was pretty gross, maybe rust? I don't know but i washed it out with iso and soapy water, i hope that got most of it. They oil I've been making has been awesome and very smooth so I don't think it was contaminating the oil. Ordering another one today or tomorrow, to keep more butane in as a storage tank, almost want to order 2 so I have a new one for running with.
And ya I'm going to the hardware store today to get the connections to start running the tamisiums with the recovery pump. Then I can compare the two machines even though I already know the mkiii is better, i mean damn look how many more valves it has, heh heh... Ill be recovering though the vapor port on the bottom recovery pot and pulling butane from the #50 tank though the top valve on the column, that should speed up these things instead of taking 6-8 hours for one run lol.
Lately with the mkiii I run 1lb of butane every pass and do 5 passes, as long as my tank is cold the whole run takes about 45 min plus prep & clean up about 45 also since I'm slow lol. But 1.5 hours a run is pretty good i think. The refrigerant scale is a must, I wouldn't even run this machine without it for fear of overfilling or something, because I counted too long or something. With the scale I know exactly what I'm running and recovering.
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I wonder if you ended up with a recycled refrigerant recovery tank, instead of a new one.
Some folks have done so and found them to be pretty nasty inside. The tanks had new paint and valves and looked new.