CT Guy
CT Guy,
I am a bit confused as to the role of Humic Acids in the brewing of ACT. I know that what I have read leads me to the conclusion that Humic Acids help with the chelation of micronutrients that tend to form salts, but have not been able to find any information as to their benefit to aerobic bacterial growth. The only source study I can find would lead me to believe that they are only helpful to anaerobic bacteria:
Any ideas on where to get info on this?
Humic acids are generally touted as a fungal food, in addition to their chelation properties. Not a lot of good information on the web from what I've seen. Did you check out www.teravita.com? There's some info. available there.
We use small amounts in our brewing process, but I think the chelation properties are it's biggest contributor to plant health and growth.
My favorite humic acid product is LC-10+7 because it's already chelated with the essential minerals that your plant needs and in the proper amounts. I've gotten excellent feedback from people who have used it. I think because it corrects any micro mineral deficiencies.
I've seen the 1st hand benefit in that I got my mother using seaweed extract powder and the LC-10+7 on her houseplants every other week (no ACT at all). She had a plant from my great grandmother that had never flowered in the 2 years she had owned it, and within a month of using those 2 products it was blooming!
There needs to be a lot more scientific study done on humates and ACT (or if it's out there I haven't seen it), but I think there's a lot of potential for both in the organic industry.