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TALIBAN AMBUSH In A Afghani Pot Field...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
damn Endur thats just over the top crazy shit.....kinda like a Saturday night in Oakland!


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
That SAW just murdered those hash plants.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Anyone up for some afghani bullet hash?


Active member
damn says the video isnt available..

i think ive seen this before...i have a really cool picture taken from a local newspaper..its got 3 or 4 soldiers in a field of pot, with an IED explosion happening a few hundred yards away..

ive watched almost every documentary there is on afghanistan..some of the most graphic firefights are in "restrepo"...and another documentary called "armadillo"


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Those soldiers aren't in a firefight they're just helping the poor Afghan farmer trim his plants is all, remember "hearts and minds". :biggrin:


When I was over there (02-03) everything we did, we did at night, and were gone before sun up.

We did a gig where we had to stay on target long enough that the sun came up, and after a while, one of the boys called me over and asked me if I "Noticed anything unusual......".

I looked around. Nothing.

"Look closely at what we are using as concealment....."

I did.

Weed. Everywhere. Growing wild, like common grass anywhere else on the planet.

Everything that was green was weed. Literally. The area was very dry and rocky outside of the irrigated areas the Afghanis used for their poppy, but the cannabis was surviving on its own in that harsh climate.

The entire lower valley was filled with it. If it was growing, it was either cultivated poppy or wild cannabis, for miles, and miles, and miles.

Strange place for a westerner...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When I was over there (02-03) everything we did, we did at night, and were gone before sun up.

We did a gig where we had to stay on target long enough that the sun came up, and after a while, one of the boys called me over and asked me if I "Noticed anything unusual......".

I looked around. Nothing.

"Look closely at what we are using as concealment....."

I did.

Weed. Everywhere. Growing wild, like common grass anywhere else on the planet.

Everything that was green was weed. Literally. The area was very dry and rocky outside of the irrigated areas the Afghanis used for their poppy, but the cannabis was surviving on its own in that harsh climate.

The entire lower valley was filled with it. If it was growing, it was either cultivated poppy or wild cannabis, for miles, and miles, and miles.

Strange place for a westerner...

Any of you guys ever sample a little bit of it for yourselves? or score some poppies for opium? I never hear stories about American soldiers getting high over there but i figure it must happen because it's so readily available and with the stresses of combat you may want to relieve some tension. I know the ANA troops are always messed up smoking opium like it's nothing.


BTW thank you for your service, i did my time in the army can't say i seen combat though.


Any of you guys ever sample a little bit of it for yourselves? or score some poppies for opium?

Nah, not in our organization. You'd get the boot for using cannabis, and nobody wanted to get the boot. Most of our time was spent doing missions, or prepping to do missions, so you always wanted to have a clear head in case shit went bad.

The local forces would blaze away though.

The areas we worked were predominantly poppy areas. All the cannabis we saw was "wild" and uncultivated. We only rolled by one small crop of cultivated cannabis on maybe an acre or so of land.

At the time, I would never have guessed that I would one day be planting my own little cannabis garden to help manage the pain caused by doing all the crazy shit I did over there.

Funny how life works sometimes...

Peace and thanks to you and yours.


Active member
One of the most surreal nights of my life....spent on the airfield at FOB "Naray" in northeastern Afghanistan in 2009. Imagine a huge flat gravel area, several hundred square meters, surrounded by dirt walls and concertina wire, and totally blacked out dark in the middle of the night. This is way out in the country in Afghanistan and they don't exactly have power or anything, so it's totally pitch black out and there's countless billions of stars in the sky overhead. I mean 10x more stars than you've ever seen in the starriest skies in the States. The Milky Way galaxy is right there above you, easily visible with the naked eye. It's a bit cool out, dry, and there is a light breeze blowing.

I came there to fix a satellite dish, did my job, and was now waiting to catch a flight out. For hours multiple Chinook and gunship convoys would drop in, land and sit there for what seemed like ages with deafening noise, hurricane force winds and dust blowing everywhere, the Gator running back and forth to offload cargo, troops dimly visible running up and down in the faint red glow of the ramp area......then finally the whole mess taking off again, blowing one final huge cloud of dust every-fucking-where, and leaving us again in silence. It was me and a few other miscellaneous civilians there, a few American troops, a guy running around with a radio headset, another one running the clipboard.....and an assload of Afghan special forces scattered about.

I struck up a conversation with a fellow from Bosnia, a contractor for KBR who was going home on emergency leave to visit his sick father. He told me about various cool party spots in Europe, said Czech Republic was the best and cheapest. I could barely make him out in the dim light and as we spoke, I smelled the distinct smell of burning hash on a few occasions, drifting from an anonymous Afghan somewhere in the darkness. From what I've seen these Afghans are some chiefin sons o bitches, and you cant really blame them.....their hash is the best shit I've ever smoked, to this day.

After what seemed like forever our flight arrived to pick us up, and I spent the next 45 minutes of hell sitting in the #2 spot behind the front starboard gunner in a Chinook, in a T-shirt, helmet and body armor, on the most uncomfortable goddamn seat ever designed for man....cold ass wind just roaring in the wide ass open window right next to me, packed in like sardines amongst huge mounds of gear and equipment.....staring mutely at the Afghan soldiers across the aisle.

Crazy times....