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Taking the Coco plunge!


yo CQ-looking good. Handwatering that lot must take a bit of time-

i'm struggling to workout whats going on with the ppm's and doseages etc-but the yellowing doesn't look drastic or widespread-and as long as growth continues to be vigourous, fingers crossed it will sort itself out



New member
I too have found coco is the shit!! Im a fox farm ocean forest user regularly and I wasn't able to get any this time around and I was in serious need of a flower lift 30 days into 12/12 so I the guy suggested coco, so I gave her a coco lift and 10 days later I gave her roots a peak. Holy cow!!! the fox farm was very heavy and the roots were barely visible small and looked old and dead. The coco however, the roots were using up every little space and I've never seen roots whiter and more vibrant. It was awsome!!! I'm never going back !!!


Active member
They look good.

I really don't think Monkey Juice needs any cal/mag supplementing at all. It's designed for coco like canna. I never supplemented my MJ with calmag and never had a calmag def. I just think you could run into potential problems/lockouts by adding that in.

When I used PBP and cal-mag I'd usually end up with a cal-mag problem cuz of using too much or something never got it figured out.


Your going to see some yellowing now that you are using flower nutes, and hitting em hard too. This is ok though, that simply is a sign that your plant is getting the P and K it needs for fatty buds! Hopefully you have low enough temps that youll score some of those beautiful yellow and purple leaves on your diesel. Ive seen some beautiful diesel pics like that.

heres some arcata TW (im pretty sure). as you can see the yellowing has set in, but that was one of my best yielding and most potent plants to date.


Active member
I saw no yellowing when using MJ bloom. There is plenty of N in it. Plus cal/mag has N in it if your using that. Mine only yellowed after flushing for over a week. Just my experience with MJ bloom. I think if your seeing some yellowing in early to mid flower then somethings a lil off.


Hello everyone, Thanks for stopping back in.

suckerrepellent, Heya man, looks like you got the goodies there! You still growing the Arcata TW? Thats some REAL nice sativa smoke smoke right there!! Your shit looks mmmm mm yummy! I'll post up a shot of some of my toys soon. Ohh and we needn't worry about clones for the next round heh. Actually if I took them now it would be wayyyy tooo soon. And besides that I have a small veg cab, with a few momma's waiting in the wings... Ken's Grand Daddy Purple, Bubba Kush, Dynamite (45 day'r), and some more of these WW's. I'm gonna run the WW's again next crop, as opposed to what everyone is begging for, which is the Bubba Kush =). Cause this WW looks like it will yield nice, and it grows SUPER FAST, roots super fast. It's a clone I recv'd from some "commercial connoisseurs ".

Ohh and about the yellowing, naa meng it aint right to yellow at week 3. Especially the new growth. If anything yellows it should be the bottom growth. I think we might have it narrowed down now tho...

BAD MONKEY JUICE, YOU F***ING AN F***S!!!! Apparently the MJ Grow "B" IS bad! And has been confirmed by a large hydro retailer. I'm starting to suspect that the bloom is in some way ****ed too. I think that I will be using their 2-part Sensi-grow/bloom next round, and just finish out this MJ run.

Eddie, yeah bud this is one of those things, where you just gotta keep pinging away at it, and hope everything ENDS well. I'm actually doing MUCHO better than I ever thought I would in coco, so lets just roll with it. Hell I've had much WORSE plants make it to a pathetic harvest heheheh.

sherlock_bowls, dood, whats a coco lift? a flower lift? I've never heard of that, but I guess it does make sense. It's just something I've never read about. I suppose it wouldnt hurt the plants to just lift them out of their pot, throw some stuff down there, and place back. Interesting, thanks for teaching me something! hehe. How did the plants respond 30 days in? Did end up nice?

meduser, thanks for stopping in bro, your experience with MJ is valuable to me. I think I'm gonna cut the cal-mag, or bring it down to 1x a week. I'm using the Sensi-Cal for bloom, but it still has N in it. Could be I'm overdoing the N! Thus the slight yellowing of the new growth. Crap! Ahh well, dial, dial, dial. Lol, I may not have even had this revalation if it we're for you guys hehe. N is out, PK is in...
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OK... Long winded & stoned post with no pics is boring!!!!

DAY 18, stretch is just about over, they are just creeping a bit vertically. They better stop heheh!! Avg is about 4'2" Leans to the sativa side this one ehh? But kinda has an Indy stone.

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The drip system has been setup, AND I AM FOOKING LOVING LIFE!!!!!

Took me about an hour, and a sore back to water, everyday....

I now water every plant in less than 4 minutes. All thats left is hookup the plumbing from my rez to the the manifold, and from my waste collection tray underneath which has a small pump, back to the rez.

Which brings me tooo, how do I connect an inline filter to 1/2" poly tubing? I'd like to have one between the waste rez and the main rez. I have a stocking working as a screen attached to the trays drain. It works great, got a big lump of coco in there now, it sits in the waste rez.

1 more thing, this system guys, ZERO LEAKS.

it holds, it doesnt leak.


A little dishsoap, helps get the barbs into the 1/2" poly

use plyers, its easier

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Awesome drip system buddy! just in time too, it looks like the stretch is over and yuou have a jungle on your hands! sorry to hear about the MJ trouble, and hopefully it will get you by for the rest of the run.

When you do finally get around to that bubba after doing all this WW its gonna be cool because you have all this chron of a different type, but you'll yield half as mush lol. worth it in my opinion for the bubba though :rasta

I don't run that TW anymore. it was great, fast flowering, good yielding, great taste and stone. I would recommend that strain to anybody, especially a first time grower. I just got kind of over the classis TW. Kind of too boring with all the super strains out there now.


:laughing: Nice to be a drip finally isn't it ? lol...

Hey C Q , you can get these micro~filter bags to enclose the pump and they work fine keeping lines clear from the pump .

I've also mastered the art of getting roots to grow thru coco mats and down channels of tables from either r/w cubes or pots with net bottoms . This way there's even added root mass in the space below the matts allowing for smaller pot sizes with still good yields . This works with strains that stabilize their height after 12/12 and also keeps particulates in check on the r/o water.

But those pump filter bags work excellent keeping blockage at bay....comes in different sizes all grow stores should carry them . :wave:

PS: I rarely have yellowing since i like to foliar feed in veg & first 2 weeks of flower building up all the essentials i can ..then let the plants coast all the way thru the the rest of flowering phase , having built up all they need in veg & early flower . Use Floralicious Plus (sparingly @ only 5mls/gal , is strong stuff ) since it is so expensive and Fulvic acid and keeps them green & happy.
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Active member
Well you got that jungle now. Looks killer. Next comes the best part juicy, crystally, nugs.

That sux the MJ is went bad on you. 20K said something about his store saying AN messed the MJ up and so it's pulled from the shelves right now till they fix it. Maybe that's the batch you got. Sux for me cuz I've had great success with the MJ and now it looks like it's no longer available. Right when I find something I like too!

After going drip/automated watering you won't ever want to go back. It's a breeze now huh? No more PITA hand watering and they grow better with auto watering.
BLISTERS BLISTERS BLISTERS! I remember that well. My hands were ****ed up after setting up the drip. My friend thought I got burnt LOL.


Yah Meduser .... might just stay with GH & floralicious and wait on trying out the MJ now , lol.....if it aint broke don't fix it . If what 20K is saying about the dillution rates for AN line ...and at those prices it might be a while till i try out their hype .

* Those are some long tall sallys that CQ has going there ....can't believe how well those HK's fower from SR ...pure fire .

=meduser180056]Well you got that jungle now. Looks killer. Next comes the best part juicy, crystally, nugs.

That sux the MJ is went bad on you. 20K said something about his store saying AN messed the MJ up and so it's pulled from the shelves right now till they fix it. Maybe that's the batch you got. Sux for me cuz I've had great success with the MJ and now it looks like it's no longer available. Right when I find something I like too!

After going drip/automated watering you won't ever want to go back. It's a breeze now huh? No more PITA hand watering and they grow better with auto watering.
BLISTERS BLISTERS BLISTERS! I remember that well. My hands were ****ed up after setting up the drip. My friend thought I got burnt LOL.
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suckerrepellent, Thanks for the compliments bud! So far so good with the drip system. And after much debate, I think I may be doing a bubba crop next run. And you'll be proud to hear that I'm pushing them. Got a tad bit of claw and some tip burn. =)

terran2, I actually had one of those pump filter bags laying around, so its on the pump in the main rez. So for filtration I have that, and a stocking on the tray's drain, should be good to go. I really gotta work on my wk 1-2 foliar regime. Got Fulvic & scorpion thats it.

meduser180056, I was actually still able to find the bloom formula. I think it's the grow formula that is messed up, my Grow B had some serious solids in it. And it makes sense cause I was seeing most problems about when I was using the grow. Now in the 4th week they seem to like it just fine at around 900-925ppm.


GAAHHH!H! I'm friggin OVERGROWN!!!! LOL Ohh well, learn and adjust for next time hehe.

These babies are at the start of week 4, and they're still creeping upwards a bit!! Unbelievable! Well not really, several contributing factors me thinks. Excessive N in wks 1-2, high heat ~85, and tooooo high humidity, especially at night when I seal it up. I keep the ventilation going but its not enough. i'm hitting like 80% at night, and 55-60% during the day. Can anyone say DEHUEY!?

I'm not gonna get monster nugs I know this. I've only ran this strain once, and it was in dirt, it was stretchy then too, but not like this. It produced nickel sized dense nugs, but yield was good. The girls I got going now have about a million bud sites each lol. Ohh well, as long as it smokes good =)

So start of week 4 (day 23).

Rez looks like this..

650ppm MJ A+B
200ppm Big Bud
1ml/L Fulvic
1ml/L B-52
1ml/L Carboload

total 1.8ec (900ppm @ .5) (1260ppm @ .7)

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are you gonna trim a lot of lower growth off? It looks like those 1 gallon containers wouldn't hold half the size plant that you have in them now....I know it's coco, but still, don't they need a little more room?!?!? Great work with the drippers, I'm not saying it's bad, but I just thought you would have liked more room...


I'd like to, but I thought it wasnt advisable to trim past week 2. I did all the trimmin I thought I would have to, but they continued to stretch into early week 4. Which made them just crazy. This is my first coco run, and really my first true run with this strain. So I have ALOT of adjusting to do. Next run they will get 0 days veg, as opposed to 7 days, (thats in the 1 gallons, I let them establish in little cups for 4-6 days).

What do you guys think, trim them up?


Active member
Whoo! Those girls sure did stretch! 4 week stretch huh? They should be done by now. Crazy stretch could be caused by heat, excess N, strain, not enough lighting. Those are the main things that cause stretch. If it's strain all you can do next time is flip em earlier like you said. The other factors may have contributed as well though.

As for trimmin 4 weeks in. I say go for it. Anything that's more than 3 feet away from the light isn't gonna do so well anyway so trim em out. Just try not to trim too much in one day so you don't stress em.


i remember my first coco run, also caught off guard with unreal growth. i have to agree with medusa on the trimmin. i think in the long run it'll come out better for ya. great lookin garden and drip setup. peace


meduser180056, yup, yup, yup, yup, all that stuff man hehe ohh well live and learn! I think this strain might be what you call a ZERO DAY VEG strain! Imagine the 4x4 table packed SUPER tight with little square 5.5" pots in coco top drip, with this strain, and lollypop it, single cola style, SUPER SOG! hehe I may just try that one day! 2.5lbs maybe! Not in my closet tho heheh.

gdawg, heya man! thanks for the compliments! This drip is a real life saver, I just cant wait till I have everything tweaked out. Yeah I'm sticking with coco for a LONG time to come, so gotta retweak the way I grow all my strains! Not that I knew how to grow them before lol. But I love the fast growth!

Ok so on your guys advise, let the trimming begin! These babies are 5 damn footers now... NOt what I planned on! :redface:

I aint holding back tho. Hopefully the B-52 they're getting this week will provide some stress relief. Like you said meduser, little bit at a time. At least the undergrowth looks healthy.

Also got the humidity in check, now ~45% RH constant. Shoulda got this LAST run damn hehe.



:wave: hey there c.q. i gotta say it looks like your really gettin it dialed in there. what did the dehumidifier run ya? i'm a few days behind you in a run with 2 strains, one a nl5xhaze by sensi that streches almost to week 4. im tryin the screen of green thang for the first time we'll see what happens. its always been a low yielder so i figures shes a prime candidate cuz the bud is the best i got. how many days the white widow cut take? keep us updated