I dont know if you should feel flattered by your attention or not.Nice, I got my point across, admit it or not. We will watch as you progress dude. Again, good luck. Peace GS
ps. thanks for bringing yourself to my attention.
as a matter of fact i dont give a damn.
Like i wrote above dont expect to see any pictures from my grows posted here but again it really doesnt seem like your read more from my posts than what you want to read even if its cut out from a really large sheet metal and welded to your forehead.
But despite the avoidance at all costs i havent seen you back up your claims in any way besides posting that the Sweet Skunk even from an early growth stage has very narrow leafs, which i have found pictures indicating that it doesnt and in fact doesnt get them until later what is common knowledge that most sativa dominated hybrids does.
if you have proof othervise and is unable to post it due to problems with icm albums or picture hosting here in generel then just upload the proof of your claims to imageshack.us or similar picture host and they will provide you with a complete link in bb forum code to use here as direct displayed image instead of those worthless attachments every one hates anyway
You show very little general knowledge and even less in the cut you claim to have had for 10 years.
of course you could still surprise me but im begging to doubt it by now or it would have shown before