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supermans sequoia special


Active member
here is where I will document my year long or so adventure. after lots of shit going wrong, cigarette lighter in car died, so no charging shit, phone died,ac died, then ac circuit breaker died,then camera battery died,. I got it sorted but for c lighter in car. so I will start in the local area and the foothills .sometimes with my old Fuji camera and sometimes with my nikon. watching the seasons change will be fun and I have a super telephoto lense for closeups of potential wildlife. stay tuned. DAVESNOTHERE
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pure dynamite
took a chair..

hope things will start to go better for you, now that you sorted those problems! :wave:


Active member
and my bad luck rolls on.now my auto focus on one lense died. ooh well doobie told me I need to use manual for best photos anyhow. stay tuned. got pics of local hills and almost half dry lake. lol like fishin in a barrel at this point.


Active member
ok figuring out new computer and software. well deer like to camp too lol. pic taken from campground down stream from me . nice deep pool there in river.


Active member
couldn't be more chill. toke weed at will ,only 1 pig. party whenever you want . lots of friendly tourists. nice bar down road on river, decent local band too. couldn't ask for much more. I got lucky while up here last on vacation and got a good deal on a trailer. perfect location for a base camp and exploring the sequoia area. beats the hell out of a tent . got all conveniences in trailor and with my wifi antenna free wifi.lots of wildlife. shitloads deer,quail,turkey ect. the raccoons are like german shepards up here lol
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Active member
taking me longer than I expected to setup . looked like a bear attacked my door had to fix .and electric stuff 12 v and other. got it sorted mostly. now car batt needs replaced. after jan 1 I will be ready with my new season pass and battery. I should be able to cover the foothills areas in winter/early spring and then move on for the thaw in the spring. lol peace


Active member
going through a few stream pics to add. no good waterfalls or nuthin so far. I did however like this picture . LOL I can take like 500+ per card but only like a few . if ya take enough eventually you get one ya like.peace, and am gonna get another with a peace sign instead of finger.


Active member
heres a few. the tree was really undercut. amazing it stands.big enough to easily sleep under till high water sweeps ya downstream . lol and it just happens theres a riverfront bar . come high water I can kayak to bar. yeehaw. some friendly ducks came up as I was sitting in undercut.


Active member
Very nice, Thx 4 sharing tha pic's.

I think those are Coot's. They are a duck like bird. supposed to taste like shit.

Peace; 1TT


Active member
^^^good to know as I was considering knocking off a few lol. I will get better pics of em eventually with a longer lense and id em.