Here I sit jonesing off of the pills, I and got to get picked on. There's NOTHING worse than a jones deep in your bones but at least I'll find out how bad my back really is.
lol, whatever that all means.
OK, now I get it. you're quittin' the pain meds, wtg so have I. On my latest prescription refill of 60 oxycontin & 60 hydromorphone I have 60 of the oxy's left & 54 hydro's. I got that refilled last on 3/27/12, that equals a 2 month supply of opiates as prescribed to me still being intact 10 months later ~~~ willpower.
When I got that refill last March I threw away about 40-45 of each pill as the previous 2 prescriptions had been filled in April of 2011, never depend on year old drugs.
I wish you luck on kickin' that shit to the curb Hank, in the meanwhile don't expect me to fluff yer pillow.......