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Sun on my back; Dirt on my hands…


Chasing the Present
Nice! Are those 100 gallon reservoirs?
Closer to 50G, lips are strong enough to walk on though, definitely comes in handy !

That room is 8’ x 6’ x 11’ H or that’s area I use in there to grow… it’s like the person I bought this home from, a builder put a few perfect spots for my many hobbies… I bought home post the RE bust of 2009 time frame, he definitely wasn’t planning to sell but such is life; ebb & flows, peaks & troughs

Outside was a clean slate however, nearly all that work I did myself, alone… And when I began I was like most city slickers, lol - quite a bit different these days ;)


Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
Sounds like a great plan. Unfortunately I am only allowed (more or less) to grow outdoor.

It makes me happy to see your work. Seems like you’re a really active guy with passion for live.


Chasing the Present
Sounds like a great plan. Unfortunately I am only allowed (more or less) to grow outdoor.

It makes me happy to see your work. Seems like you’re a really active guy with passion for live.
Thank you - have had enough close people to me have short lives; it causes many reactions in people good & bad which change over time….

One key takeaway for me at least is life is very short, and as cheesy as it may sound - seize the day, facts I try and live by



Harvested the skunk




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