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Sun on my back; Dirt on my hands…


Chasing the Present
Taking this male out moving to another room, I’ve noticed plenty of pollination done by the one NC male & I don’t want anything to mix up, even though timing & seed appearance would vary greatly no reason to create the work of separation & uncertainty




It’s like he was never there; I’ve got maybe 15 of these brute 44G garbage cans, among other sizes too; they are ideal for recycling soil & wheel @ so easy, even on grass when the quality castor base are used… only the primary stem & immediate rootball goes outside to be recycled/composted everything else stays in & reused indefinitely


They Make great 44 gallon reservoirs using a float & RO line too - edit - this one below is 32 gallons

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Chasing the Present
Beautiful & petite New Caledonia - Man did that male sneakily dump a ton of early pollen from only a few open flowers, looks like this is gonna be another seed run… which isn’t a bad thing, I narrowed down the NC from 65 or so plants to 7 females & 1 male at this P2 stage - I see some big improvements coming in the F3 including much less hermiage :)



Pretty rough being a niners fan at this game - haha, 15 miles N in Buffalo no snow Orchard Park many feet, that’s the epitome of lake effect bands - gotta love it !



Chasing the Present
A 9'ers fan? Say it ain't so!

The beauty of the Great Lakes...15 min away completely different forecast. What a game to attend! I love those snow games. Sad I missed that one.
since 1984, damn near my entire life...... I lived in Buffalo for awhile long time ago, bills fans and buffalo in general is wild, the frats used to meet up at the games to brawl in the bathrooms just for shits and giggles, Buffalo is a extremely fun place but definitly a rough place too..... My buddy bought like 25 season tickets as an investment decades ago when nobody wanted them, my gosh has he had a hell of a return on that , figures he's an energy investment banker, like he needs more coin... haha... I'm in CNY and it barely snowed here but is now, all about the direction of the winds ;)


Chasing the Present
Trying to fit as much into one frame as possible, we do our best - ha





More seeds than I ever wanted coming; maybe I’ll start making some of this stuff available soon, I feel like I’m hoarding all the fun toys in the sandbox :)

Wasabi I whacked back due bugs, I definitely need to separate out some of these clumps & eat the carrot sized sticks, definitely not a plant to grow for the inpatient - ha, set it & forget it, everything grows itself when we allow it too



Happy snow day @ here, got 12-14” in past 12 hours, nothing beats a good shoveling workout ;)



Chasing the Present
We got around 6" and was worth some plowing and salting time. Cash money yeehaw.

Love your narrow leaf rooms!
Thx !

I refuse to break out the blower unless at least 18”, if lake effect more like 24”+, we ended up getting @15” - the kids love it and so do the big kids (Me!) - heading to the reservoir today for sledding, it’s no joke but definitely a workout to the top, especially carrying the little one when she gets tired





Well-known member
Hey man, Iv been following your thread for a while now, love it, thanks for sharing... I have just harvested some pollen from a few different males from inside and would like to store some for an extended period of time... would you be kind enough to give us a few pointers on how one should go about things...?


Chasing the Present
Hey man, Iv been following your thread for a while now, love it, thanks for sharing... I have just harvested some pollen from a few different males from inside and would like to store some for an extended period of time... would you be kind enough to give us a few pointers on how one should go about things...?
Many thanks I appreciate it

Let it dry out completely, this time of year (winter here) is much easier than more humid summers but really it’s not too hard anytime…

Once dry I like to put in many small baggies then into larger bag vac sealed into jars, some in fridge (use 1-5 years) some into freezer LT storage (5+ years) - I used to use tiny vials but it’s very complicated getting air out of them so only use bags now….

Dry, no air, stable cool or cold temps is your goal, moisture is what primarily kills pollen viability


Chasing the Present
The Purple Durlumbo - this plant is so damn sticky, it’s just beginning flower, by end it’ll be dripping the waxes all over; BUT will also have decent flowers ;)





Far too dry in this room right now lights on, transpiration is suffering but the more they grow the better it’ll be

My phone camera eats hog shit, I hate this fking thing


Well-known member
Cool tx for the reply. Ja it's the drying that's got me a bit concerned. It's summer here and humid, doesn't really drop below 75% this time of year... iv had the pile out 24hours now, also not too sure on how to know that it's dry..? First timer here....

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