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Chasing The Present
Some of your rooms appear to be a solid sea of green. How do you maintain such foliage with no issues ? do you ever need to spray?
Interestingly Those plants were covered in thrips, I moved them into that room which has near pure UVB running 5 hrs midday and they all but disappeared, id find dead ones on tops, unexplainable… But

I have a clear hypothesis I’m indicating (sounds crazy a bit) but I’m testing out soon in a few rooms to see… Never thrip pressures outside here, only in Greenhouses or inside, hard to ignore these things… I’m sure there’s numerous reasons (outside) but they sure seem to not like UVB - IMO so I’ll be testing out my Hypothesis in a few rooms…

Spray, not in flower and rarely at all, if PM pops up I just hit it with K Bicarbonate or kill the effected / weakest plants - I won’t chase “fabled” Highs for plants that are falling apart, genetically & phenotypically…

There’s something about that space too that just works, VG airflow, change in daily temps etc, gamete of things I suppose…

It seems every grow I’ve done in there, even heat of summer it just works… Humidity is high in there too for winter as garage is heated with Nat Gas Infrared heater & by products are Co2 & humidity, most mites don’t like it humid…. This time year it’s autopilot not even 30mins a week and that’s due to hand watering….

Thanks for stopping in


Well-known member
Interestingly Those plants were covered in thrips, I moved them into that room which has near pure UVB running 5 hrs midday and they all but disappeared, id find dead ones on tops, unexplainable… But

I have a clear hypothesis I’m indicating (sounds crazy a bit) but I’m testing out soon in a few rooms to see… Never thrip pressures outside here, only in Greenhouses or inside, hard to ignore these things… I’m sure there’s numerous reasons (outside) but they sure seem to not like UVB - IMO so I’ll be testing out my Hypothesis in a few rooms…

Spray, not in flower and rarely at all, if PM pops up I just hit it with K Bicarbonate or kill the effected / weakest plants - I won’t chase “fabled” Highs for plants that are falling apart, genetically & phenotypically…

There’s something about that space too that just works, VG airflow, change in daily temps etc, gamete of things I suppose…

It seems every grow I’ve done in there, even heat of summer it just works… Humidity is high in there too for winter as garage is heated with Nat Gas Infrared heater & by products are Co2 & humidity, most mites don’t like it humid…. This time year it’s autopilot not even 30mins a week and that’s due to hand watering….

Thanks for stopping in
That's really interesting about the uvb and thrips.


Chasing The Present
That's really interesting about the uvb and thrips.
Bees for instance use UV to navigate, differentiate within flowers and such, they are clumsy under cover in GH's - There's of course thrip pressures outside to a degree but I never see them, and certainly not on top flowers or leafs basking in the light like they do indoors, I put up / on the UVB, start finding dead ones on top leafs as if I sprayed, knowing I didn't I'm like hmmmm... I've noticed this before and thought about it but never got around to testing, now I am, already have the bulbs just needed a few new fixtures which I believe arrive today... having UVB on a handful of hours a day is beneficial for fungal pressures too...

I work for pennies if I actually figured it out considering the time put in verse what I can extract out of it
Kinda makes me sad, a short story for ya buddy...... Edit: it got long, in these days a book - haha

A good friend growing up, one of my best was living out in Nederland, CO after college and many years afterwards and was getting by via growing, he had to make ends meet..... He was chasing his tail every way possible, overwhelmed, frantic, chaotic every time I visited... I'd show him things, bugs, pressures etc, and he'd get insulted - the dood was a mess, to say the least.... everything he was doing was wrong, over complicated, expensive I can go on and on..... He is not unique, by any means...... But he HAD to make ends meet, it was a mess... I made him add a few pepper plants, guess what, they did much better, peppers are WAY more difficult to grow well inside, I says dude... what's going on, he's like I don't give a shit about the peppers..... BINGO....

Now you are ten times the grower he is, at least...... But every-time I see your rooms it makes me itch as it's so much more difficult than it needs to be, amazing happy plants but I can smell the hard work from over here.... too much of it, none of us are getting any younger, especially a lot of you old codgers :) ....

In a different forum just the other day I was complaining how bored I was with growing cannabis, aside from making new seeds, and young starts shit just takes care of itself pretty much but for an hour or two a week watering.... Max

The small containers in larger ones, my system I've been using long time now is huge part reason, it's nature. Plants love the small ones young, old too, but then the space to do whatever they want later, within reason - it's control, the plants appreciate this... You can then also mineralize / fertilize each small container vs the whole tubs for quick fixes, at end I also just twist and tear out a 2 or 3 liter pot, shake off most the medium and the tub is ready to go after a good spading, outside growing inside, everything is recycled - 98% stays inside rest outside into the pit.....

I can harvest, hang and turn over a room in under 2 hours, that's efficient.

Everything is on wheels, even the large containers and move @ easily, the large containers are ideal buffers for everything, you forget to water for a few days the plants find what they need, nature.....

I think complacency is a tough animal to wrestle, don't fix what's not broken eh... ! but what about all the cracks, shit like that.... Everyday in my mind I'm thinking how to do things easier, better, more time with the kids & family is my carrot.... everyone has their carrot.... In another life I'd be an efficiency expert but my working days seem long gone, what a bum I am......

So it's a teeter tawter and balance is king, like Calcium but you've gotta step back often and say does this make sense, turn off all the noise in places like this, what you see, hear and do what makes sense for you.... Most things I do here are unconventional in sense, but I destroy production #'s for every crop I grow from anything I've ever read, by multiples, so you've gotta find what works for you, your style - but make it easy....... And know all our styles are a moving target, and constantly needs revaluation.....

I enjoy contradicting myself but it's kinda like this



Be Jules Bro :) - self assess and often, improve but BE CHILL

If that all sounds arrogant, whatever, I don't give a shit - I try and help people first and foremost, if they wanna hear any, or not that's their cup of tea..... it's my salvation

Peace Bro
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Chasing The Present
:redface:Lol.. ha ha yes, true I’m a product of self institutionalization
I added quite a bit above, but anyhow.... ^ fk the man bro, they can't ever take your mind or spirit unless you allow them to, and the push these days is the strongest in my lifetime I've seen by a lot.. stay strong, don't be a sheep like so many others.. .baaaaa... even if you are the man, within, fk it too - hahaha
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Chasing The Present
Very likely the volunteers are from DART males, seeds I got from @Arnold. (pollen too actually, thanks brother 10 Males & from old Dashadow gear iirc)…. Some Auto in it, shockingly skunky, will be fun to see what they do popping up mid march @ here….

The female are the Cash Bean I made or other DARTS….

But this is a food GH till the cannabis takes over which effectively is needed shade come mid summer…







I think I see thrip damage already, fuck me it’s gonna be a long battle season - ha


great post about efficiency, ive had similar thoughts in the past myself but you've put things into practice in ways i can barely comprehend

the ghouse spinach starts and what not look fantastic, i planted a couple fruit trees out back yesterday, some rhubarb and berries, if you ever write a book on backyard homesteading, let me know id like to read it


Chasing The Present
great post about efficiency, ive had similar thoughts in the past myself but you've put things into practice in ways i can barely comprehend

the ghouse spinach starts and what not look fantastic, i planted a couple fruit trees out back yesterday, some rhubarb and berries, if you ever write a book on backyard homesteading, let me know id like to read it
It would be at best a pamphlet :) - Many thanks

This is Gambian x Cambodian 2 (F) - couple different type plants come from these beans, this one leans heavily SE Asian but unfortunately this plant made very few seeds with pollen from Cambodian x Laos that worked on others, it also has a few herm flowers I found, and though I wished for seeds @ those, none…

These flowers & edibles from this exact plant or similar are very accumulative, trippy, racy, noidy, in / out legs like I’m not high hours later you’re like am I high as fuck right now, still, no way am I loosing it - lol…. just weird stuff, imbalanced, can get heart palpitations the whole nine….

The plant dropped nearly all its leafs and just had very larger pointy calyx pearls - wheat, and fairly large heads… shit stays green too even after many months drying now whereas other pure NLD went brown in identical conditions…








Some flowers beat up as I’ve been scouring them for seeds…

Scare off your underpants grail, Check, especially when only using above types for weeks / months wout “normal” flowers balancing them out
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Chasing The Present
It’s 98% UVB , higher reading is 4.5-5’ below and other one closer to 6’ below, two 15w ushio midrange bulbs peak 306nm - legit UVB - whole garage stinks beautifully - Sour Citrus Diesel, the X to Wally’s Sour Mango is matching up well so far…

The HI Indica x Ampakafo are beautiful, I can’t wait to grow them wout seeds












Chasing The Present
Man that is so sick @led05
TY brother, coffee roasting day, chilly mid / low 30’s, garage needed a good drying out so perfect day to roast

I’ve been mixing lighter & darker roasts for more well rounded flavor in the cup, it’s super nuanced but it makes a difference





Oops need open up some…. 55f over ambient and two roof windows were open a few inches, gotta open up more

Channel 4 is GH #1





6-7 volunteers up & going, one my favorite times of year is now


Chasing The Present
^^^ TY

You must respect this tech though, no joke - these aren’t your typical Lights, your strongest reptile ones aren’t even close or all your little friends would all be toast under these

This is UVI aka UV index, hint UV is accumulative 1 hr at 100uvi = 10 at 10uvi

You better not let any get too close :)





I’ve posted a lot on these, how I got to them vs countless others I’ve tested, these are nearly pure UVB which imo is the good stuff, guess what they nearly mimic perfectly - Vitamin D synthesis … hmmmm

5-6 maybe more years ago (time flies) I posted a shit load on all this in here, I’m sure easy enough to find if still … search me thread title UVB or something like that would work id bet

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