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strongest strain you've smoked


Well-known member
I don't know how the tests work but just look at the guy on the thumbnail lmao not the kind of guy I would trust for anything really :ROFLMAO: it's always clowns with blue hair piercings and a backwards hat telling you what's up and what's best in this cannabis world. To be honest I would give him a pickaxe and send him to the mines see if he could be useful that way at least.
Just the fact that people buy tests in the first place shows how many fall for the myth about thc level being the end all. if pot was so weak as they claim it was years ago compared to now ,no one would have smoked it, It's naive to think people didn't know what a buzz was back then when window pane was circulating on the street for a buck a hit. The best weed is gone,just like 70,80's,90's killer strains are watered down and genetics are lost except for some who preserve,(look at C99 even Bros Grimm doesn't have the original anymore,do any still have their originals?) the best weed was around long before prohibition and the leftovers have mostly been hybridized with dutch seedbank offerings in their native home because it's all about money. Just look at GHS ,they spread their seeds all over the world and trade the farmers for theirs so local farmers can get yield and they get the undiluted, now those genetics have infiltrated landraces and every generation gets more cookie cutter weed.


Active member
I have no idea what it was or the strain, but my first year in college I smoked with some people from Arizona that brought some herb in from AZ. At that point I'd been a regular smoker and tried all different varieties and grades of cannabis.

I took one hit of this shit from a little glass bowl and started coughing uncontrollably. I coughed and coughed and coughed and proceeded to get so fucking high, like noobie edibles level high. It was absurd. I couldn't even hit the pipe more than twice because I got scorched so fucking bad.

To this day I have never gotten that high before from just smoking flower, not out of a bong, nothing. It was crazy.


Well-known member
Just the fact that people buy tests in the first place shows how many fall for the myth about thc level being the end all. if pot was so weak as they claim it was years ago compared to now ,no one would have smoked it, It's naive to think people didn't know what a buzz was back then when window pane was circulating on the street for a buck a hit. The best weed is gone,just like 70,80's,90's killer strains are watered down and genetics are lost except for some who preserve,(look at C99 even Bros Grimm doesn't have the original anymore,do any still have their originals?) the best weed was around long before prohibition and the leftovers have mostly been hybridized with dutch seedbank offerings in their native home because it's all about money. Just look at GHS ,they spread their seeds all over the world and trade the farmers for theirs so local farmers can get yield and they get the undiluted, now those genetics have infiltrated landraces and every generation gets more cookie cutter weed.
I don´t think it´s all that bad. There have been a lot of nice gentics that is lost, but it´s also been developed a lot of nice strains both in Holland and other countries. Holland was the epicenter, then USA and now it´s taking off worldwide. I think the best is yet to come.


Well-known member
ermmm, super star is one .... extremely strong and narcotic but also toxic to the skin ........rubbing against it would bring me out in lumps and bumps ....like been stung by a stinging nettle ,... be careful with that strain


Well-known member
There was some scary strong Shit in those Jock Horror packs! A friend of mine still has a cut of that he’s kept around since I think 05-06.
yep thats around the time my buddy was growing - 1st grow was jock/white widow/white rhino/ice n another 1 or 2 from nirvana... it was all good... but one plant of the jock was ass-kickin- since it was the 1st grow, being old n stupid, didn't take a cutting... we grew out over 2 packs, found good weed, but not that lady - bought a pack of jack herer, prob was 10x the cost of the jock, n nothing was close..

i still have a 1/2 + pack from that time, n a couple of grows ago started 2 seeds, 1 was a lady, good , but again not that lady...

i always thought guys talking about elites was bullshit.... but it's not .....


Well-known member
September 1976 I got prepared for the televising of Bob Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Revue concert on TV! I couldn’t believe that a major television network NBC was going to show a Dylan concert!
Back then there was only three major television networks and they were all pretty conservative. So being able to see this concert on tv was a very big deal for a teenage dude in the Midwest in 1976. Hell a photo of Dylan was on the front page of the TV guide promoting the concert. The TV GUIDE was a weekly magazine that had all of that week‘s programming and everybody got the TV guide.

I needed something special for the concert and not the usual Mexican that I always got. My dealer, a classmate a couple of years older than me was very, very reluctant to get give you anything but the “regular” unless you were a big, steady buyer. Well that wasn’t me who usually bought nickel bags and when I was feeling flush, a dime bag. So I emptied out my piggy bank and I approached him sheepishly with my request.
I told him I had $50 bucks to spend and I wanted it for the Dylan concert. Unbeknownst to me he was a big Dylan fan and he appreciated my enthusiasm for Bob’s concert. So he told me to come by his place that evening.

I did and he presented to me a two inch long stick of black, opiated finger hash and a small amount of pot. Probably enough for 2 to 3 joints. This stuff sure didn’t look like my usual pot. He said it was from Columbia. He told me what the hash was and it kind of frightened me. I asked him, “ Am I going to get addicted?” Remember that I’m a teenage kid who only knew what little I gathered from tv about some of this stuff. I heard opium and I thought “hard drugs” and I had only ever had bunk Mexi weed.

He assured me I wasn’t going to get addicted and that if I wanted a killer high that I should break off a small piece of the hash, grind it up and put it in a joint. Sounded good to me. I asked my younger brother if he wanted to join me and he jumped at the chance. He was actually much more of an experienced smoker than me.

He told me that first we should drive out into the country to smoke. He got a rounded glass out of the kitchen, a small square piece of cardboard and one of my mom’s sewing pins. We parked the car and he told me to break off a piece of the hash and give it to him. He poked the pin up through the piece of cardboard in the middle. He stuck the piece of hash on the the top of the pin and lit it. After letting it burn for about 5 seconds he blew it out and stuck the glass on top. The glass quickly filled with smoke. He put his lips close the glass, lifted the edge and took a big hit and handed it to me.

We each took about three hits and the finished that piece of hash. This was also my first hash experience. I was grinding another small piece of hash and making a joint while my brother was setting up the cardboard, pin and glass rig. The concert was going to start in 30 minutes so we needed to head home. I slammed a Joe Walsh 8 track in the player and headed home. We were about ten minutes from home but after a few minutes of driving I asked my brother, where are we going? He looked at me, smiled and said, I don’t know. Then we cracked up, I dodged a few telephone polls and then we remembered.

I lit up the joint, took a couple of hits, passed it and then we sat in our driveway for a couple of minutes in a stupor. Then we got extremely paranoid. We worried that mom and dad were sitting in the living room waiting to talk to us. I knew there was no way I could talk to my parents, hell I could barely speak period. We finally got the nerve to go in the house. Mom was in the kitchen doing dishes and dad was in his bedroom watching a ball game.

I fired up the tv and the concert was about to start. We sat there silent throughout the whole concert, completely immersed in the show. After it was over I turned off the tv and my mom came in the said, you boys sure are quiet tonight. I looked at my brother and hoped that he would say something because I didn’t think I was capable of speaking.

He spoke up and kind of mumbling said, great concert. My mom smiled and said, you boys really do love music and then she left to go read her Harlequin romance book. My brother was my hero that he was able to speak! We ended up passing out on the sofa and I woke up in the middle of the night with dry mouth so bad I didn’t think I could swallow.

It was a transporter type of high. I was transported to the concert and was completely there and completely involved. It took me to another place and left me there for a couple of hours. The next day I went about my business in a foggy haze.


Active member
I know those are all legendary source countries and surely have made the best hashes known to history but the few times I've had some what I got wasn't so great, nowhere near the better Moroccans. The worst hash I have ever had was some super expensive Nepalese, it was like inhaling car exhaust fumes. The Afghans seem to be quite capable of contaminating their product as well. Hopefully some day I will come across some good hash from those countries. Well I think I did have some pretty nice Lebanese a couple of times.

The Moroccan "soap bar" hash with the rubber and whatnot was kind of frowned upon in my snobhead circles, so I didn't really come across these "prizes". But on the other hand the bullet shaped pieces I sometimes got sure grossed me out wondering whose ass they came out of.

It's possible that a lot was genetically "contaminated' with Pakistani or even Skunk genetics. But also with heavy influence from Moroccan with certain genotypes doing well in the environment, and with all the pollen in the air and seeds made by it being used the next year. And the hash was made from a mix of different plants with varied chemotypes, even CBD plants. That's something I like to look for as one marker of authenticity, having a balanced THC/CBD ratio - not THC dominant like modern hash would be.
Morocco does not traditionally produce hash, only weed. it was the hippies (the legend speaks of an Englishman named 00) in the 60s, who imported the technique from the middle east. unlike Afghanistan or India for example. I'm going to speak subjectively, but I prefer Asian black, I'm not a big fan of Lebanese or Moroccan in terms of flavors, even if the effect of beldia which makes you talkative and philosophical is very pleasant. if the worst you've had is Nepali, that's normal, first of all, a fact, hash often travels in bad conditions, and Nepal is much further away than Morocco (not to mention the often organic additives that they also deteriorate). in Afghanistan also the hash is sometimes adulterated by the inhabitants, so imagine the one arriving in Europe (the Afghan charsi buy garda (not presed hash) rather than chars (black) and press it themselves to avoid additives.)
I completely agree with you, the old-fashioned hash is much better with very interesting thc/cbd/cbn ratios, even with thcv for some mazar i shariff, chitral, or himalayan. Personally that's what I try to replicate when I make hash, it's still a bit high in thc, but every year I improve the process.


Active member
I've smoked more varieties than I can remember but the one that stands out as being more potent than anything is the 56 Headband cut aka OG renamed. Even pure haze feels weak compared to this cutting. The high is soaring and euphoric but continues to build way beyond the point where even the strongest cuts out there get to. Not only is the peak extremely intense but the buzz lasted at least 4 hours the first time I tried it and at least 3 hours every corresponding sesh after that. It's the happiest, longest lasting and probably least functional cultivar I've had the pleasure of experiencing.


Well-known member
If you listen to the Breeder's Syndicate or Potcast podcasts they mention quite often how strains that are marketed as over 30% thc are likely bullshit because testing labs are corrupt and will give out inflated results to please their customers lol. Also so the corrupt dispensaries can sell their slop as 30% thc so it will sell quicker. Shittiest industry in the world.

I wonder how much THC is in the Zamal x Jamaica buds that I grew last summer, that get me unconfortably high for 4 hours with half a joint, and make going to the supermarket an Indiana Jones movie. Probably under 15%. As the saying goes - what matters is not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean.
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The kind of bud that gets zero likes on instagram as well :biggrin:

Edit - by the way, comercial moroccan hash that gets into Europe has been made with dutch strains for almost 20 years. Hardly a 2.5% thc landrace, more likely critical mass which is the most sold weed in Spain. Or nowadays spanish bulk fem seeds derived from skunks and cookies.

Man I live in Canada and every popular product on the legal market is around 25% THC if not more. Nearly all those products have boring short duration high. People think that testing numbers are inflated but I don't really think so since products are extremely kiefy.

Thing is, a good NL#5 x Haze cut at around 15% thc will always get you WAY higher than all those strains only bred based on THC and candy flavor profile.

Since they started to test everything, quality of effects went down significantly. They used to breed cannabis based on SUBJECTIVE EFFECTS and now they consider way too much THC production.

Subjective effects = you smoke it and you feel a great high.
Objective number = the stats look good on paper.

Les gens dans mon entourage au Canada achètent des produits sur le marché légal en se basant sur les résultats obtenus en laboratoire. Leur pot à 30% de thc a habituellement un buzz de merde qui dure 30 minutes et te rend déprimé. Le marché devrait éduquer les gens sur l'effet d'entourage et non le THC.
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starin' at the world through my rearview
Man I live in Canada and every popular product on the legal market is around 25% THC if not more. Nearly all those products have boring short duration high. People think that testing numbers are inflated but I don't really think so since products are extremely kiefy.

Thing is, a good NL#5 x Haze cut at around 15% thc will always get you WAY higher than all those strains only bred based on THC and candy flavor profile.

Since they started to test everything, quality of effects went down significantly. They used to breed cannabis based on SUBJECTIVE EFFECTS and now they consider way too much THC production.

Subjective effects = you smoke it and you feel a great high.
Objective number = the stats look good on paper.

Les gens dans mon entourage au Canada achètent des produits sur le marché légal en se basant sur les résultats obtenus en laboratoire. Leur pot à 30% de thc a habituellement un buzz de merde qui dure 30 minutes et te rend déprimé. Le marché devrait éduquer les gens sur l'effet d'entourage et non le THC.
There is no standardised globaly how to test cannabis products mostly these tests from labs are just bullshit.