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Strange Slime buildup on roots


Out of the slime, finally.
why bother with h2o2 when zone seems to work so much better, mycostop is the best for preventing it from getting a foothold if you want beneficials... i know you want to save money but h2o2 doesn't kill this stuff... it might prevent root rot but this is different than root rot... bleach won't even kill it... physan 20 is better but not perfect still... and that's just for cleaning... also zone is really cheap when you get down to the actual dilution rate, i think it's like 5ml/5gal... just don't know why you want to risk burning the crap out of your plants for temporary marginal results? also for running a clean res stick to the gh2 part lucas formula with the zone... doesn't give the bacteria much to feed on.. preventing light leaks in the res can play a big part as well

H2O2 kills as does bleach and Physan20. The problem is that it does not keep it from coming back. So, when you know its going to come back I have had great success with Zone to keep it at bay. But, I was not completely satisfied. Yes, I am running the basic Lucas formula in the rez. Using Flora Nova Bloom only. Please, read this sticky fully.


Freedom Fighter
You may have had an overabundance of beneficial bacteria instead of the slime since your roots described seemed healthy and the plants were vigorous. I have done this myself with subculture and liquid carbo load in the past. I know you already did the H2O2, but I would have advised against it. I would of suggested a gentle bathing of the roots, a rez change and ditching the carbo load. Good luck.

I am out of my element here, as I am not a hydro guy at all...but reading through this, I will have to agree...Carbo Load is great in soil...I use it...but it is thick, goopy shit-- Don't think it would be good for hydro at all--


richyrich im sending some stoner love your way coz i dont want you pissed off with me - not the gay type or anything. easy/easier its not important now. Lets see if the UV works- please keep us informed! :)


Out of the slime, finally.
One week of veg has gone by. No sign of the slime yet. Roots checked and they are pearly white. From past experience its still early. The next few weeks will tell all. Also, forgot to mention that I am not caring about the water temps. My rez temp has been fluctuating between 72-78 F. I want to see if this UV will keep all the nasties away even to the point of not having to care about rez temps. That is as long as they don't get high enough to diminish oxygen levels.


New member
Fuck. I had a long post written and lost it.

Anyhow, I've read through most of this thread, probably more than I should have during finals week, but I'm glad you are out there fighting the good fight for us RR. It's my understanding that the cause of the slime is still a mystery. Is this right?

I saw on another forum someone suspected air stones as the culprit. Could it be that simple?

So today I ran to the hydro store and got some Dutch Master Zone (not too cheap) and they ordered me some physan20. Just to be sure on administering the P20 - put around 1ml in my 8 gallon rez. Let it set for an hour then change the res out completely? At the rate this stuff colonizes it sounds like when I prep my secondary res I'll just have to administer the physan20 as part of the prep weekly...

Considering I change my rez out once a week/week and a half I hope this will keep the gunk at bay.


Out of the slime, finally.
Fuck. I had a long post written and lost it.

Anyhow, I've read through most of this thread, probably more than I should have during finals week, but I'm glad you are out there fighting the good fight for us RR. It's my understanding that the cause of the slime is still a mystery. Is this right?

I saw on another forum someone suspected air stones as the culprit. Could it be that simple?

So today I ran to the hydro store and got some Dutch Master Zone (not too cheap) and they ordered me some physan20. Just to be sure on administering the P20 - put around 1ml in my 8 gallon rez. Let it set for an hour then change the res out completely? At the rate this stuff colonizes it sounds like when I prep my secondary res I'll just have to administer the physan20 as part of the prep weekly...

Considering I change my rez out once a week/week and a half I hope this will keep the gunk at bay.

I don't believe it to be much of a mystery any more. From what I have concluded, this is a form of cyanobacteria (it is a bacteria and not a true algae). Cyanobacteria are amongst the oldest living things on this earth; if not the first. If this bacteria has been living this long amongst everything that has happened in earth's past; you can understand why it is so hard to fight away. This type of bacteria is known as Brown Slime Algae; a misnomer name. At least this is what I have concluded from my research and I have shared plenty in all of my posts in this sticky. If you read the entire sticky you will find all of what I have said so far and others have added considerable info and experience too. The best answers to this problem are in this sticky already.


Out of the slime, finally.
Alright, I finally got around to an idea I had for a while now. I made this now as a back up just in case my UV light in the rez experiment begins to fail.

I posted quite a bit on using beneficial bacteria and fungi in the past. I incorporated ideas given to us just recently along with ideas I remember from reading Big Tokes bio bucket sticky. Bio buckets work by harnessing the benefits of benes in a hydro system; and water temps are not even an issue in that system. In bio buckets lava rocks are used to provide a home for the benes. I wanted to create something different to be able to just drop into a reservoir. I wanted to have a suitable housing for the benes to take a stronghold in the rez; to out compete the brown slime algae and other pathogens. So, I created what is below. It cost no more than $15 not including the cost of buying benes in a bottle if you choose too.

Here are the parts needes. 1 piece of 2" pvc pipe any length you want. 2 couplings, 2 end caps with 3/4' threading in the hole, 1 1/2' barb with 3/4" threading and aquarium biological filters.

Take your 2" pvc pipe and stuff it full of aquarium biological filters. At this time you may want to sprinkle some benes on the filters (the powdered kind).

Take a coupling and end cap and attach as so. This will be the exit.

Do the same and screw in the barb fitting to this end. This is the end where you will connect the pump.

When done this is what you should have.

I built mine as a back up and eventual experiment. Please, if any of you want to make one let us know what happens. It's probably going to be a while before I try mine out.


nice one richy rich. Please dont get offended but i ahve a suggestion! I realise some tiptoe-ing is necessary by now, but personally i think its better if its not contained. i.e. the roots can touch it. So a piece of that foam at the bottom of each bucket, or whatever, depending on your system, so that the roots grow and touch it. Much easiER too :) The idea is to get the colony to spread on the roots surface. When the plants are young and the root ball is too small, i doubt thats going to happen - but if you had that sponge for the roots to touch....


Out of the slime, finally.
DItrY, no offense taken. All suggestions are welcome, and you don't have to tip toe. I had to put it out there earlier that I do not like mis-quotes and some opinions lacking input that are made from those who have not read through this entire sticky. That is all.

Adding biological filters in multiple areas is an excellent idea, especially, when they are so cheap. The only problem I have is with my hydro set up is that I run ebb n flow in trays. It is a covered tray that uses no medium in the tray. Kind of like how NFT works. The roots just grow all together in the bottom of the tray into a big intertwined mat. That is why I was focusing on just the reservoir. I took a look at your setup and you are doing a DWC. A filter would be excellent in each container for DWC as you have done. I suppose I could place multiple filters in my trays. Otherwise, my roots have no way of touching the filter in the reservoir. They are separate. This is something that is going to happen in a lot of hydro set ups that are not DWC; ex: NFT, ebb n flow, multi-flow buckets, drips systems, aero, and etc. But, when ever possible it is a good idea to add filters where ever possible. For instance, if I were running multiple pots of hydroton I would add a filter to every single pot. I would want to breed and harness as many benes as possible to combat the brown algae slime.


Out of the slime, finally.
I just keep on finding this stuff all over now. It's been no secret, just has taken a lot of reading in these forums. Couldn't find with the search functions. This one is from Jan 2004.

Two-part mycorrhizal inoculants, Earth Nectar and Earth Ambrosia, are for use with soil gardening and in hydroponics systems. When Earth Nectar—containing the concentrated mycorrhizal cultures—is mixed with Earth Ambrosia—the fuel delivery system for the active cultures—they combine to infuse the growing medium with mycorrhizal cultures resulting in stronger plants and increased crop yields.

Earth Nectar & Earth Ambrosia. Used together in your cloning system these solutions prevent the slimy buildup that sometimes accompanies the water in the system if not changed often. Using these solutions cuts down on the gray matter that at times appears on fledgling cuttings. You will find this product to be indispensable in your cloning adventures. Sold in set of pints or quarts, must buy both.

Man, I wish I would of known what I put in bold long ago after I did round after round of failure with my ez cloner. I was always getting the slime even with no organic fuel for the slime to feed on. I will buy and blow the dust off my ez cloner. Back to cut then set and forget. No easier way to clone.


great. Since I dont have to tip-toe I did spend alot of my time trying to tell you so but i was not worthy. Now stay away from that H2o2!


Out of the slime, finally.
great. Since I dont have to tip-toe I did spend alot of my time trying to tell you so but i was not worthy. Now stay away from that H2o2!

DItrY, I don't know if you are trying to be joking but you have an unappealing personality in your posts that is very apparent now. What I have in bold in your quote, I bet makes you feel real good stating. So, now I don't care for your attitude and I have news for you.



I am joking. What was apparent long ago from your posts is that you need to bring out your sense of humour more. You were very edgy towards me, unjustifiably, because you can interpret a casual remark or a slight misuse of grammar as something else with a threatenning meaning. and i think its fair to say you'd still be getting more heartache using h2o2 and UV and clean sterilising practices etc. and it comes as no surprise to hear you arrogantly declaring it was all a waste of my time. I know you knew all about them but lets face it mate you had strayed off the right path somewhat. All this whilst i have to endure your occasional rudeness. However, I still love you dude and its water under the boat!

Incidently, with a protective barrier of BB on your roots, put a heater with a thermostat in the res, set it to 25C, and BOOMAFUCKINGLOOM. Its just about the perfect temperature but its normal considered unsafe in a convential hydro water culture.


Out of the slime, finally.
I am joking. What was apparent long ago from your posts is that you need to bring out your sense of humour more. You were very edgy towards me, unjustifiably, because you can interpret a casual remark or a slight misuse of grammar as something else with a threatenning meaning. and i think its fair to say you'd still be getting more heartache using h2o2 and UV and clean sterilising practices etc. and it comes as no surprise to hear you arrogantly declaring it was all a waste of my time. I know you knew all about them but lets face it mate you had strayed off the right path somewhat. All this whilst i have to endure your occasional rudeness. However, I still love you dude and its water under the boat!

Incidently, with a protective barrier of BB on your roots, put a heater with a thermostat in the res, set it to 25C, and BOOMAFUCKINGLOOM. Its just about the perfect temperature but its normal considered unsafe in a convential hydro water culture.

You are not easy to read and maybe its a difference in countries. I took a poke through your posts and it seems as if you are from England or Australia? I am very articulate and I can read your cues between the lines. You do not seem to come off as joking. Edgy?, not, but responsive to direct comments.

I don't know where you can declare I stated I said "...it was all a waste of your time..." Dude, where did you grab that from? Answer if you want, but I assume you will not because I can't even find where you could insinuate that from my posts.

You have a subtle way of making snide remarks in your posts and comments that are direct. You know it and I know it, but, anyway, this thread is not for this and let it be 'water under the bridge'.

Back to the slime.


Hey Richyrich, I am a good little apprentice of yours. I now find myself quoting snippets of your posts and bolding them - oh no wait i wont bother with that bit.

I have news for you.

...kind of arrogant, also dismissing the possibility that i helped you - rather than a courteous thankyou like i deserve.

We were both lost in the same forest dude, and when i stumbled onto the right path to safety, i saw you in the distance, wildy off course, taking a shit in a bear infested area. I only did what any other good person in my situation would do and try to get you back on the right track.

Now getting this slime is the best thing thats ever happenned to one of my grows, because has tought me a huge amount and I am yet again humbled by the awesome elegance of nature.


Out of the slime, finally.
Posted by richyrich on 12/13/2008
Post #302

I'm afraid there is no cure. Prevention is a must always but once you get it, what to do? Physan20 to to erradicate what is present and then Dutch Master Zone to keep it at bay once it comes right back. All my trials led me to this solution. And to tell the truth I was still not happy with that but it was the best I could do.

I spoke of it in earlier threads but I have not tried it yet because I have semi-retired from growing. Since I moved to soil previously, more specifically organics, I learned a lot about beneficial bacteria, fungi and etc.. I have yet to try to battle the hydro herpe with beneficials in hydro the right way. I believe the way to do it would be to have your rez primed with beneficials that would not allow the slime algae a chance at getting a foot hold. You would have to seed the rez with the right beneficials, feed them properly and let it prime for 2 weeks before introducing any plants to the system. Rez change outs would be very different. I have done it in the past with success. I would probably start by just doing add backs, water and nutes. No complete change outs. You would be dumping your beneficials and then you know who's gonna come slime you. Then I would try partial change outs. Maybe dump half and add back half. That way you still have a large colony of beneficials to fend off the herp. Anyway, that is what I was thinking for my next round for when ever that may be.


Out of the slime, finally.
Here is an update on the UV experiment. So far so good. Here is what they are running at. Notice the water temp is high at 78; as I mentioned I am not worrying about it. I want to see what happens even though I own several water chillers. Roots are pearly white and the plants are healthy.


Out of the slime, finally.
Now here is what I am up to now. Finally, getting back to hydro after a year or so away I wanted to run an experiment with a beneficial microbe seeded reservoir that I have talked much about in the past. Seeing that I decided to go with the UV light in the reservoir this run I figured I could run an experiment with beneficials in my EZ Cloner. I always got slimed in that thing. We have one confirmed grow from DItrY that he/she got rid of the slime by introducing beneficial microbes to his/her grow. I, also, linked some old posts that I never came across before in all my reading on this site regarding the same.

I completely cleaned my EZ Cloner with Physan20 and set it up. The next thing I had to decide was where I wanted to get my beneficial microbes from. I could buy very expensive bottles that like to sell everything separate. One bottle for beneficial bacteria. Another bottle for beneficial fungi and so on. What I ended up doing is making my own earth worm casting tea. IMO nothing beats a fresh brewed EWC tea for microbes. You get beneficial bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. And the best of all is you only need a $5 dollar bag of earth worm castings, a bucket, air stone and air pump. Oh, and some molasses or what I used, CarboLoad that I still had stored away. The complex sugars in these products feed the microbes. Get over to the organic soil forum and read about EWC teas. In 24 hours they should look frothy like mine.

I ended up putting some in a gallon container for later use. You can store it in the fridge for up to 7-10 days.

And, here is the EZ Cloner ready to go. Notice, I went ahead and threw in a biological filter. Keep you updated.

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