Vuvuzelas are the shiat!
Yeah you can say that.Check this out.


Vuvuzelas are the shiat!
Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame with them, because no one will ever bring a major world sporting event back to SA again because of them.Vuvuzelas are the shiat! How about some of you learn how to use one one before bashing it.
They are unique, maybe that's what pisses some of you off so much. All you can do is clap n cheer... Well we can do that and hit you with over 100 decibel of crazy noise.
I suppose it represents part of the African fighting culture.
The noise is supposed to be aggressive and somewhat threatening. Like to represent the strength and power of the people. Like tribal drums to strike fear etc...
I stoked it's my country that started it. Just learn how to make that thing crank and you'll see how well you can express yourself at a match. And the endless fun with all the crazy sounds you can get out of the thing especially after a few drinks hehe....
Enjoy the games dudes!
It's not a unique African thing and you have no football culture, you only just started playing the freaking game. Learn to sing or start a proper band, shit, take up the trumpet if you love blowing so much.
Oh, and it's not soccer, it's FOOTBALL.
In America it's called soccer. We are Americans so we call it soccer. Get it?