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Stop sending weed from out west to NY

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Active member
Gonna be a lot of shrooms floating around, until those are legal. But shrooms move way slower than weed for a lot of reasons and crack dealers don't like selling weed cause it's slow.

There will probably always be a black market in Ohio. Ohio doesn't seem to know jack shit about ganja. Something in the water that makes especially stupid people. They'll have their high priced import someday, which makes some high priced local if anyone's that good at a garden. That is IF a gardener wants a reputation and that's one thing hazardous in crime.


Well-known member
At this very moment there are giant VERY dank plants growing in legal grow ops all over Ohio just waiting to stock the shelves in all those dispensaries that are opening very very soon. Too bad they are going to have to dispose of it all. LMAO

It's not the water that makes people in Ohio stupid, it's the lack of sunshine. No vitamin D totally kills the brain.

I believe I recently read that Ohio is the 3rd dumbest state in the country. Oddly enough, I believe Hawaii 'won' first place. With the smartest people being in the New England area. I believe NH, Conn, Mass and a few others were in the top 10.

So, Ohio.... 3rd dumbest fucking people. And, if that's not bad enough, Ohio also has the 5th ugliest women.

Small wonder they don't know anything about ganja. Bunch of stupid horny white guys bumping into each other in the hunt for fat and ugly pussy.

Good Points:

It's in an area that no one else gives a fuck about so no one cares.

The rest of the country loves Ohio because it is like a 'leper colony' that keeps the stupid people and fat, ugly chicks from moving East or West and fucking up the rest of the country.

When I get to Hell, which ever on of my ancestors decided to stop and get off the wagon train in Ohio instead of continuing onto California is going to get an instant and swift kick in the nuts.


To the original poster:

I am sorry that your market is being degraded at a rapid pace.

You should see the destruction of our forests and rivers, from hordes of east coast organized crime crews who stopped buying Native Californian cannabis, and decided to cash crop in our backyards.

The only swimming pool in our poor isolated community is the river. Our children learn to swim, drink from, and live on the river and ground water. Inexperienced growers, cash cropping, fueled by greed, lead to environmental damage, and lethal poisons running off into that very river and groundwater. When I take my daughter to swim today, and wonder how much Avid, Eagle 20, and rodent poison she is swallowing I will feel compassion for local east coast heady growers who had to lower their packs a few more points.

I am not saying all the environmental damage is from out of State crews, that would be crazy. Some of it is from locals, and a lot from international crime crews as well. I can say though, every crew I meet or hear about from the east coast, rolls very hard. They blow up huge gardens wherever and however they can, and continually increase production.

As an act of good will, I suggest a trade. You take back all your crime crews in exchange for all the crappy outdoor packs they dumped in your neighborhood. I will gladly burn the outdoor packs over the winter, because I would not even compost that crap for fear of polluting my compost pile. Question is, what will you do with all those greedy cash croppers when they move back and switch to indoor production on the East Coast.

Truely, no offense meant. Typically I am much more passive, and compassionate. This thread keeps surfacing, during an emotional time in both my neighborhood and our industry. It is not an east coast, west coast thing, but a human nature thing. The nature and societal pressures of greed, that led to both my neighborhood being polluted and both of our livelihoods being degraded.

All love,
Not yet, I have to bash Trump and use the "N" word. Then, we can close it. LOL

OK, for just one second, I will answer something seriously.

Always a black market????????

I would agree based on today's situation but after xx number of years of no alcohol prohibition, how is the illegal black market for alcohol? I don't think there is one, is there? LOL

Eventually, I think it will be the same for pot. Sure, some people make their own beer. But, the masses buy 6 packs. And, I still see a jar of home made moonshine on occasion. But, the liquor store still has a car in the parking lot all day and night.

So, just logically, and not based on anything really happening in the pot market today, I think the black market will eventually disappear. Just like the bootlegger.

There WILL be a certain underground group who don't abide by all the rules. Just as there are 'after-hours' bars and other illegal alcohol enterprises.

However, no one is even close to Anheiser Busch and Seagrams.

And, in the end, even with the 'after hours' bars, the money still filters up to Busch and Seagrams.

Our only real hope for moral victory is that the giant megacorps that control cannabis in the years to come are owned by Tommy Chong and Willie Nelson. At least it will have come to one of our own. LOL
as long as 16 year olds drink, theres a black market


Comfortably numb!
Yeah, but the booze the 16 year olds drink is still Seagrams and Busch, not a black market source.

You are confusing black market with simple underage sales of the big box booze.

Actually, a pretty fucking stupid comparison. You didn't breed, did you? Another 2 digit.
R U always this nasty and ignorant?


Well-known member
Yeah, most of the time. :) I have short tolerance for ignorance. Sorry, it came with age. Honest, I wasn't born like this. LMAO


NY prices used to be ridiculous. $500-$600/oz u should be thankful. All people need access at an affordable price. Dont be so greedy OP


Well-known member
Its all Peppery phenos. Nothing to be found thats nice in Mexican.

depends what Mexican your getting .. if its from mexico ya its mostly trash.. u can grow nice plants from the seeds but the buds just eh.. but if your getting the stuff that's grown in the US by the Mexicans.. there are some winners to be found in those seeds.. that would be the high grade pressed weed that was going around.. had seeds but was no brown swag that's for sure was some nice green and sticky as hell my brother got some around xmas.. and I can say it was the best brick weed ive ever seen in my life.. so about 17 years of smoking and ive never seen any cheap brick weed that was that good.. im guessing Mexicans growing it in the US then shipping it out east.. but could be some lazy huge cali outdoor grows just packaging it way to tight in vac seals to send more out here who knows but still the seeds in that id say if u don't have anything else but those seeds lol I wouldn't hesitate to try em out but I would deff try going for clones or getting some respectable breeders seeds from icmag for sure before those.. but if that's all u got and can afford its damn sure aint that nasty brown brick stuff lol .. if u got any of the same stuff we had up here that is .


Active member
I gotta say that people fightijg over market, an illegal market is not good. All the things that help a legal market, are bad for a covert biz.

That's why it was always just personal stash for me.

Drunken Buddha

Active member
How about the Mexi freight loads that make it to Arizona.....they rarely surface here. My friends in NYC see more than I do. Higher profit, of course back east.


Active member
Right now, California is dumping all it's existing stock of weed wherever they can. The new law comes into effect July 1st as far as requiring all legally sold weed to be tested and certified. So all existing weed stock has to go out the back door now.

So things will get worse/better as far as Cali weed bringing prices down elsewhere.
But you might be surprised at the QUALITY now, as it should improve in general as what California used to keep for itself (top shelf), will now be available (on a somewhat limited basis everywhere!)

I just was in a dispensary and they were nearly empty. They only had crap weed left, with 2 weeks to go before the new law takes effect! They said they are clearing out old stock cause they won't be able to sell it legally after the 1st.

Big question is, will there be enough certified pot ready in July for all the dispensaries? And will the prices go even higher once everything has been tested?

Right now it's around $280 an ounce + tax, for top shelf although I've seen it go much higher for "ultra premium" strains.

I am looking forward to CLEANER weed, but not pricier!

Drunken Buddha

Active member
I was in a dispensary a few weeks ago in Colorado and they had at least 20 different strains, maybe more.....mostly hybrids though some Indi Dom and Sat Dom choices were highlighted as well. Colorado has reasonably good testing requirements and now the Cali is getting in line, the certified testing players will dominate the legal market and even more will be relegated to the "export" market. Not everyone will play by the rules, of course, not everyone ever has.


Invertebrata Inebriata
All this means is that now California is going to be squirting pesticides on their shit, like Colorado already does. I don't know why anybody would buy weed tainted with pesticides. It's unsafe, and it tastes like shit.