I have a very recent story, involving synchronicity (maybe, maybe not!).
....... anyhow, I've been sick as a dog for the past month or longer and not able to do anything, a friend has been bringing me juice and soup, but that's it!
So a couple of days ago I was starting to feel a bit better and getting a little appetite along with a sudden craving for something sweet, in fact anything sweet, but the cupboard was bare.
I was also feeling sorry for myself and thinking of my lost buddy, S4L, and the really, really delicious box of chocolates he had sent me this time last year.
Decided to get over it by taking another nap, opened the drawer of the nightside table to put away my glasses and what do I see but one lonely leftover chocolate wrapped up in gold foil staring up at me.
How it got there I do not know as I never eat bon bons in bed.
How it escaped my notice after alla these months I don't know either, but I do believe that S4L lives on in some realm or other and his great sense of humor is still intact!
Looking back, do you think that was WuFlu? Early Jan, like the guy I know.