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still sharing joints? why I don't


Jack Crevalle

Once I was smoking out of a bubbler and someone was sick with a cold. They wanted to smoke the pipe, but I said, no, because I didn't want to get sick. Do you know what this person and the other 4 in the room said? "But glass is sterile, it doesn't transmit germs.."
Can you fucking believe that?
Most people are pretty dumb,

On another similar note, I overheard a guy was braggin' about banging 2 "gals" in TJ at a brothel over the weekend to his friend and was asking if he though he may have gotten something from them...His friend was also worried as he had gotten a blowjob from a hooker also at the same place.
His friend said "I'm going to get tested as soon as I get back!"

The ass banger, who apparently goes by Pooh or somethung, replied
"Hell no, Ima fuck a couple chicks back home and wait for a call...."

Can you believe that shit?!
I couldn't believe my ears, humans are a lost case....


jerks and germs

jerks and germs

the liver lippers are bad enough to hear about- but the TJ twins win the gag me award. That is homicidal behavior. as Otto would say- you harshed my mellow
yes, humans can be really fuct-up. :bashhead:

I never put my lips on a joint- I hold the end inbetween my index and middle finger and my lips go on my fingers, the end of the joint is not exposed. I still don't want it to be all wet and germy from someone else.

personally, I hate pipes, and now that I am smoking good pot I hate them even more. Problem is the flavor gets ruined after a couple tokes, all you are smoking is pipe. cleaning them is a mess, and they stink- not something I want in my pocket or car.
bongs are too mouth involved. lips, or the kind your whole mouth goes in- oh my god, that is so disgusting! and have you ever smelled somebody's lips after they been hitting the bong?

But I am a serious smoker, not a part timer, :joint: so all those fancy pipes and bongs and stuff just seem like a hassle. they look cool. love those glass ones, art wise.
peace all


Active member
juana2 said:
the liver lippers are bad enough to hear about- but the TJ twins win the gag me award. That is homicidal behavior. as Otto would say- you harshed my mellow
yes, humans can be really fuct-up. :bashhead:

I never put my lips on a joint- I hold the end inbetween my index and middle finger and my lips go on my fingers, the end of the joint is not exposed. I still don't want it to be all wet and germy from someone else.

personally, I hate pipes, and now that I am smoking good pot I hate them even more. Problem is the flavor gets ruined after a couple tokes, all you are smoking is pipe. cleaning them is a mess, and they stink- not something I want in my pocket or car.
bongs are too mouth involved. lips, or the kind your whole mouth goes in- oh my god, that is so disgusting! and have you ever smelled somebody's lips after they been hitting the bong?

But I am a serious smoker, not a part timer, :joint: so all those fancy pipes and bongs and stuff just seem like a hassle. they look cool. love those glass ones, art wise.
peace all

i like having my options. i love a blunt overall. but, i've got a few glass pieces that i keep bubblewrapped just in case. i got that electric vacuum shit for when i am feeling quite lazy. i have to warn, it's BOSS. hash only from now on. personally, i just like to have the option.

any of you guys have this: www.solopipe.com

i sent them an email trying to make an order but no response. i think i've seen devices like that before but these things need some damn names. or at least i need to know what they are called.


sunshine in a bag
Some people just have no respect anymore. Sometimes I have to remind myself to relax if its not my weed and I can choose not to smoke with the person that is getting on my nerves anymore...
Seems like people that you smoke up or get smoked up love to bogart, if a friend of mine smokes me up I take 1-2 hits off the blunt or joint and pass it back. I appreciate it if he passes it back but I never expect it, although my friends always do. If I'm high and I know I've reached my ceiling, I'll decline further hits and let him finish his blunt in peace, lol.

Sometimes smoking by myself is better than smoking with other people, people are just too disrespectful nowadays.
Or maybe I just need better/different friends (that smoke, that is)


I don't much like smoking with strangers anymore either,and I think of myself as a personable guy. I think being a grower has got something to do with it. I don't have the luxury of talking about growing with anyone except on IC, so the conversations going on most of the time don't interest me when the joint is being passed.

Also, for the most part I like to expand my mind when I smoke in groups...think about things bigger than everyday life kind of stuff, and the crowd I used to smoke with didn't. And its not like I don't enjoy their company while sober, I mean these are my friends I'm talking about now...but I think there is something else going on in a growers head when he/she are toking.

...I need to make it to the ICMAG CUP DAMNIT!!! :joint:
i started in 1968. the good old days when mums didn't know what that odd smell was. :)

i am blessed with copious quantities of smokable materials so i roll everyone their own. when i want to hit it, i want to hit it. know what i mean?


Nothing worse than a soggy joint, thankfully it doesnt happen often since the guys I usually smoke with have enough experience not to cause it to happen :)

Its just the newbs and the casual smokers who ruin it for me, it really puts me off the joint for some reason if I detect wetness but as long as it's dry the thought of it being... unhygenic doesnt occur to me.

I once watched someone attempting to take a bong hit for their first time... amazed, I watched them put their entire mouth over the mouthpiece - we're talking a two inch thick walled glass tube here.... some people.
Wow, is this another sign you're getting Old? You all wear bicycle helmets too? Christ, this is the saddest thread I've read on ICM. Youself's from 20 years ago would be shaking their heads pathetically......


Active member
The reason I dont pass, this probably has already been said, but cold sores aka mouth herpes. This is transferable via a joint. Many people still dont know that a cold sore is a herpe. These are the same that can be genital herpes as well. Say a chick witha cold sore gives you head ( dont mean to be vulgar, hope I dont offend anyone) and you catch her cold sore aka herpes, imagine how mad you get. They are just as transferable with a joint or kissing as well. This alone is the main reason I dont ever pass. Hey I would rather roll you your own or load you a pipe/bong load to save myself from getting a virus that doesnt have a cure. Getting sick or the flu from passing would just suck to. I just dont pass, not greedy, just dont condone it.


diego, read up on your std's bro, those herpes you mentioned are two different types and cannot be passed in that manner because they are not the same herpes. genital herpes and oral herpes are two completely different things.


Active member
rkrone said:
diego, read up on your std's bro, those herpes you mentioned are two different types and cannot be passed in that manner because they are not the same herpes. genital herpes and oral herpes are two completely different things.

hate to break it to you, but you obviously havent taken any simple classes in college such as sex ed,,,lol,,, yeah they are called two different herpes simplexes yeah, but I think you need to do the research, cause they can be passed that way. Herpes really all they need to pass to one another is an opening. Even something as simple as cut can have a herpe transferred to it. Educate yourself a little more buddy, this is relatively common knowledge. Two different simplexes not two different transfer methods. Or how about this you go on believing what you believe in and I will go on knowing what I know. LOL. I really hope you dont believe what you do. FOr your sake
mann.. the talkers are the worst for me. i had this one friend who would not take a hit, start to tell a story, take a hit, still tell a story, then wed all be like yo wtf hurry up u dumbass, then after 2 hits hes like o my bad i only took 1 hit.... this story is so long dude.... soo..... we dont smoke with that douchebag anymore.

nowadays its the rest of us, no talking when were hittting it, 2 hits, and then everyone makes fun of this kid and how much we despise him when we arent hitting the blunt/joint. around here we mostly smoke blunts.



I know what you mean. Just watching the smoke drift away as it sits in their hands. My thinking is: don't waste any.

I rarely smoke j's or anything other than Vape. I get the most efficient hits from that.


i want to make it clear that i was mis-informed about herpes- Diego forced me to open my eyes and i learned the correct information i thought i learned years ago, thank you diego. or as nickelodeon says in the am hours - Go Diego, Go

that is all


Active member
No prob krone, yeah I remember when I first learned that, it was almost an imediate stopping of passing joints, bongs, blunts, pipes. We all bring oour own smoking utensile nowadays and just wouldnt be fun to get herpes when yuo can just avoid it and smoke more. No prob the krone, glad to inform ya, it'll make you think twice now when that chick has some "shit on her shit" from either that movie how high or another one I cant remembre at moment, ppretty sure it was how high though. Anyways, now you got a reason to not pass, lol. Later man,


Wow, is this another sign you're getting Old? You all wear bicycle helmets too? Christ, this is the saddest thread I've read on ICM. Youself's from 20 years ago would be shaking their heads pathetically......

Harsh words ich. you don't sound like someone I'd want to share a joint with anyway.
and you probably drool so there! :spank:

liver lips and talkers, can't stand 'em.
it's rude and thoughtless, besides infectious.
and people putting a glob of spit on a run-
where is the puke emoticon?

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