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stealth sealed room for own consume


Well-known member
Run the cloner for a day or so empty with bleach to water at 1:5. Then rinse it real well and put 5-10 drops bleach in your clone mix.
really appreciate :good: first Ill gonna give a try to only cleaning the setup and start using bleach, before going deeply into more asepsis.

Ouch unnamedmike, what a bummer! But I'm sure you'll be back in no time!
Thanks bro :good:The worst was the impotence of get hermaphrodites in 3 different strains from the same "bank", loss more money that the one i can waste and receive no apology or any other word for ruined my summer meds. I just hope my last order finally arrive some day... but i have not too much hopes, i already have been waiting 10 weeks. yuju !!:whee::D

Haven't you thought on repurposing a small fridge for this? Insulation comes stock, and you could possibly repurpose the AC part to suit better...
Thanks for the idea ! way more efficient than a peltier based chiller, and solve the enclosure part, too.

I had to stop growing in a rented house once, as anything I'd sow, or try to clone, died days after... apparently there are fungus that can "plug" seedlings or cuts, stopping all sap flow.
Heat has arrived here, clone tent yesterday was 33C. Wary to move the tent to a basement... was used as a wine cellar, it still reeks to it, never saw as many diferent yeasts and molds grow on anything that had an organic trail on it.
My first years in the current house something like that happened to me, i lose tons of very good seeds my first grows, to the point of nearly stop growing. The problem stopped when i started using bennis. Now i need to figure out how to succesfuly clone, the flowering room is at 29ºC and the grow tent at ambient temp, mexican summer temps, parameters not for cloning

Do you use h2O2 for your cuts feed? Maybe that will help?
I tried with and without h2o2, different applying ratios, 35% food grade, but that just decelerate the time to start becoming mucus


Active member
I'm using Res Clear and Clonex clone nutes in my cloner with great results. I don't even change the nutes. I run them for as long as it take to sprout roots. I pump chlorinated water through the cloner for a couple of hours to overnight before I put it away.


Altruistic Hazeist
I wonder what is what causes the mucus, which specific fungus or bacteria.

A blind shot: try using rockwool cubes. Maybe such fungus or bacteria cannot thrive in an inert medium.

I had good success in the past, only special thing I did was letting the cubes in ph'ed solution of 5.5-5.6 overnight.

Maybe is just the flora along with the heat and high humidity conditions, and a isolated cooled cloner is what you need.

Another idea: using a germicide UV lamp inside the cloner fridge.


King of Schwag
Water change for your clones every 2 days?

That seems like a lot of work, plz don't tell my clones about that.
I don't change the water during the rooting periode, I don't add any h202, no rooting hormones or anything else for that matter.

I keep my water temp around 21-23C degrees, ambient temp around the plants around 20C and

Misting the roots 1 min every 5 min.


Well-known member
I'm using Res Clear and Clonex clone nutes in my cloner with great results. I don't even change the nutes. I run them for as long as it take to sprout roots. I pump chlorinated water through the cloner for a couple of hours to overnight before I put it away.

Thanks again bro im gonna search the res clean online, pretty tempted

I wonder what is what causes the mucus, which specific fungus or bacteria.
A blind shot: try using rockwool cubes. Maybe such fungus or bacteria cannot thrive in an inert medium.
I had good success in the past, only special thing I did was letting the cubes in ph'ed solution of 5.5-5.6 overnight.
Maybe is just the flora along with the heat and high humidity conditions, and a isolated cooled cloner is what you need.
Another idea: using a germicide UV lamp inside the cloner fridge.

Look like you are totally right bro, some hours after some bleach was added, 2 cuttings that has been rooting for 10 days, finally showed roots, there is something against pots in my home xD
My best success rate rooting, is with plants rooting inside the flowering room, 29ºC and 2 hepa filters (mini split, dehumidifier) working 24/7 in a sealed room.

Water change for your clones every 2 days?
That seems like a lot of work, plz don't tell my clones about that.
I don't change the water during the rooting periode, I don't add any h202, no rooting hormones or anything else for that matter.
I keep my water temp around 21-23C degrees, ambient temp around the plants around 20C and
Misting the roots 1 min every 5 min.

Hi palindrome, thanks for the input ;) Im jelous of your cloning work flow, i use to do mostly the same back in spain, but here my needed are differents.
Im not a fan of move water bottles either xD but when its needed .. its needed. Anyway i have most part of the growing area automatized, not too much work around apart of the clones.
In spain i used to watering the cuttings with plain water and nothing more with a +-100% success rate. Now I live surrounded by Caribbean jungle, here is no winter, only a eternal summer since the last de glaciation. The awesome micro life has been a problem since i arrived. Everything start to rot pretty quickly. I read in this forum about similar things from other "jungle" growers, about life growing everywhere specially some fungus are real bitches.
The first years i had so many problems germinating that i started studding in vitro techniques, thankfully its not necessary go so deep, only boil the cococoir before use it for seeds, if i dont want to lose most of them.

spain 12 years back.



and mexico, present day
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Well-known member
Thanks to your greats advices guys, i slowly having some rooted plants. Plants that was in the aerocloner, with no success for more than 10 days now, are showing healthy roots:groupwave: Im moving the cuts to cococoir from the aerocloner when they start showing roots.
Finally the ssh ladies under the COBs are doing the job at an acceptable level, so they dont gonna be tossed out. I already have cuttings of every SSH and SSHP waiting for a new round, the current plants are "too young to die, to old for rock&roll"






Well-known member
Hey there. :tiphat:
I have successfully cloned all my current plants. Im gonna switch from chlorine to calcium hypochlorite, to avoid sodium, but the asepsie is working pretty good, even with temps over 30ºC. I did a cloning round without the 24h white soft light, and this lowered the success rate.

Step to step, im getting closer to my idea of a flowering room for personal use. I love to breed and im ever looking for new phenos, so i have too much different feeding plants to my patience / skill.
Ive been planning for a long time to fully automatize the irrigation system adding a few diy fertilizer injectors, but that only make me able to have one EC. To solve that im gonna add two microtubes to every watering cap, one with the nutrient solution, and the other with RO water. Every microtube gonna be driven with a solenoid valve and may be im gonna need some flow sensors too. less than 10usd each completed cap +-. I really want to flowering pure sativa plants next to afgans using the same nutrient tank. Im tired of mixing water





1l soda can sized, ssh bud. Smell/stink like sour strawberry candy flavoring. Im truly impressed with mrnice.


Amazing Mike.

I got this fungi blend for the coco- Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma lignorum and Trichoderma koningii


Funny business is cloning. I only tried aero-cloner style one time and was a bust. Considering my climate and lack of controls I didn't bother with it again, and just been coco ever since.
I did try coco pucks for a few but you ain't got much time to catch them if they dry out so I prefer cups of coco.

Anyways, you get mad roots and mad clones and change nothing then boom out of nowhere clone-game goes to shit. I try changing my heat belt temp, moisture in the coco, root gel/no root gel etc.. I see this happens on the boards alot.
Important to consider where your clones are coming from, don't wonder about problems if the mother/donor plants are not 100% healthy at all times and every time. And sanitary practices don't slip. Bleach solution on scissors and tools and Pots (any good suggestions about this?) Clean hands, gloves. Systemic disease within the plant could just be causing the clone degradation. Gnats will spread it to. Also even tap water can be a source for pythium.

When you think what we are doing with the cannabis plant keeping it in production artificially the way we do is unnatural, really doesn't need much stress to make it worse. Making and growing seed is a good idea.

Sorry for the long winded double post bro, just wanted to have a chat.
Peace dots :gday:


Well-known member
Funny business is cloning. I only tried aero-cloner style one time and was a bust. Considering my climate and lack of controls I didn't bother with it again, and just been coco ever since.
I did try coco pucks for a few but you ain't got much time to catch them if they dry out so I prefer cups of coco.
Anyways, you get mad roots and mad clones and change nothing then boom out of nowhere clone-game goes to shit. I try changing my heat belt temp, moisture in the coco, root gel/no root gel etc.. I see this happens on the boards alot.
Hey dots, thanks for stopping by, bro :good:. Sorry about my late reply, I have had some crazy days here.
Im currently cloning in the aerocloner over 30ºC, just using bleach and light on 24/7. The system in part is pretty close to an in vitro bioreactor, for my the easy way for small batch of cuttings.

Important to consider where your clones are coming from, don't wonder about problems if the mother/donor plants are not 100% healthy at all times and every time. And sanitary practices don't slip. Bleach solution on scissors and tools and Pots (any good suggestions about this?) Clean hands, gloves. Systemic disease within the plant could just be causing the clone degradation. Gnats will spread it to. Also even tap water can be a source for pythium.

totally agree with you. I cant remember if i already say that, but my cuttings are easiest to root since i started using calmag in the mums.

I never been concerned about pythium or any other fungus, but after some issues with the minisplit, im a clean guy. Im gonna try to keep alive just the coco coir (bennis) inside the pots, and keep the pipes, floor and the watering table as clean as possible.

When you think what we are doing with the cannabis plant keeping it in production artificially the way we do is unnatural, really doesn't need much stress to make it worse. Making and growing seed is a good idea.

Im learning as much as i can about in vitro, micropropagation, callus formation, alginate micro clones, etc just for remember in the genetics that i lost in all this years make me want to cry xD Im sure i can be a better me just not suffering because im without my prefered med.

Sorry for the long winded double post bro, just wanted to have a chat.
Peace dots
Thanks for stopping by bro, you are welcomed, again sorry for my late reply. Im tasting some early ssh flowers and, o boy! it was a time since the last time i had my home cleanest than now. And the grow room, back yard ... :whee:


Well-known member
I' have some kind of problem with the SD card in the grow controller. Im storing all the volatile data inside the SD (lights ON/OFF, watering times, etc). To avoid disasters, the code was programmed to "dont do any shit if a valid SD card is not inserted"
Im not sure if its the humidity, but its my first suspect. Weeks ago, the SD reader integrated in the controller, started to fail and since yesterday, is totally dead. I have another sd reader more, but look dead too ... i double checked wiring, code, the cards are ok.., but i cant put to work the modules again. Im waiting for new ones, but im gonna storage the volatile data inside the arduino EEPROM instead the sd. And keep the sd only for dataloging.



Well-known member
Hi Mike, What language do you program the Arduino boards with?
Hi Fixer, Im programming the Arduino Mega board in C / C++ using the Arduino IDE. The Xbee module accept AT commands and firmware updates. The Nextion touchscreen has his own IDE , and a C based languaje.
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Active member
That's beyond me. I took Basic in High School about 40 years ago. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for stopping by bro, you are welcomed, again sorry for my late reply. Im tasting some early ssh flowers and, o boy! it was a time since the last time i had my home cleanest than now. And the grow room, back yard ... :whee:

Hi bro. No worries about the reply. Look after yourself my friend.
When you say in vitro bio reactor, do you mean just because of the design of an aero cloner or is there something specific about yours?
How do you think about that bleach in there man with the sodium? I've got the best batch of clones going now in a long time, using bleach on everything and in between cuts @1000ppm but I also rinse in tap water. And very healthy clone mother. (I'll be grabbing some calcium hypochlorite anyway)

Calmag- I just passed up a calmag purchase because I use tap water and coco nutrients. But you use RO right.
I did read that sterilising the coco can imbalance the CEC, do you have 'recharge' method after sterilisation?

The TC is interesting bro. I have some old seeds to germ. I'm not sure what is the point of rinsing/cleaning the seeds if they are going into an unsterile media anyway. But why not I guess if it could help. But if the tap root runs out of energy (besides opening the seed and exposing the coty in hopes of photosynthesis) then there's really no way of supplementing the endosperm to give the radical more energy? Say using sugar water for example?

Anyhow, talk soon Mike hope everything is well my bro.


Well-known member
Hi bro. No worries about the reply. Look after yourself my friend.
When you say in vitro bio reactor, do you mean just because of the design of an aero cloner or is there something specific about yours?
Hey bro :tiphat:
To me, the underwater part of an aero cloner is like a invitro bioreactor for orchids. Add a dome and asepsis, and you have a complete bioreactor. In fact, looking at the asepsis level that i need to succesfuly clone/germinating, im pretty tentated to start a small area for invitro. The only "but ..." is the cost of laboratory supplies here in mexico.

How do you think about that bleach in there man with the sodium? I've got the best batch of clones going now in a long time, using bleach on everything and in between cuts @1000ppm but I also rinse in tap water. And very healthy clone mother. (I'll be grabbing some calcium hypochlorite anyway)
In the aerocloner, the bleach is working great to me too , but i'm concerned about using bleach and coco together, thats why im looking for calcium hypochlorite.

Calmag- I just passed up a calmag purchase because I use tap water and coco nutrients. But you use RO right. What ppm / ec have your tap water? And yes, using RO water calmag is a must to, at least in my actual setup. In Madrid, my tap water was perfect, 340ppm, but here im at sea level, liquid sodium xD

I did read that sterilising the coco can imbalance the CEC, do you have 'recharge' method after sterilisation?
what kind of sterilization? heat, chemical oxidative ? i know nothing about this area bro, anyway im pretty new to cococoir, can you explain me that a little more, please? I saw that the adding of h2o2, eliminate the iron in a single dosis, pretty amazing stuff for yellowing purposes.

The TC is interesting bro. I have some old seeds to germ. I'm not sure what is the point of rinsing/cleaning the seeds if they are going into an unsterile media anyway.
The external sterilization is to avoid external patogenes, but some times antibiotics and fungicides are needed in the final medium, there is bacterias, fungi and virus, inside the seed even before the germinating(Let me search the sci paper, i have a ton of unnamed pdf) i have little in vitro experience, but i already saw that. Indoor seeds germinate invitro far better than the outdoor seeds.

But why not I guess if it could help. But if the tap root runs out of energy (besides opening the seed and exposing the coty in hopes of photosynthesis) then there's really no way of supplementing the endosperm to give the radical more energy? Say using sugar water for example?
My current in vitro medium consist in: agar + murashige and skoog medium + white table sugar.
Invitro plants are heterotrophs, need to be slowly acclimated, before a natural autotrophic alimentation


Anyhow, talk soon Mike hope everything is well my bro.

Thanks my friend, hope everything is well there too. Here life still going on, all this covid stuff is like a boot in the neck, you know. plenty of free time for R&D, too little money for R&D xD.


Well-known member
That's beyond me. I took Basic in High School about 40 years ago. Keep up the good work!

Thanks bro :groupwave:Now programming is easy, there is plenty of examples, mostly of the times you just gonna need to modify the sample code and compile. And there is a ton of info now for every sensor, some times is harder to set a mechanical timer than program a timer.

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