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stealth sealed room for own consume


Well-known member
Switched from SD store to EEPROM storing, and the SD reader module was replaced for a new one, to keep the data log functionality.
Finally im working in the irrigation part. But this part is scary, so im gonna go slowly. Currently, im watering for 16 seconds when the "riego manual" button is pressed, to avoid long working times to the pump, like when working time was fully manual

My current most time consuming task, is mixing the nutrient solution for every single strain. Finally im working in the nutrient doser, waiting for a new filament spool while designing the peristaltic pumps for this little motors.


Active member
Thanks bro :groupwave:Now programming is easy, there is plenty of examples, mostly of the times you just gonna need to modify the sample code and compile. And there is a ton of info now for every sensor, some times is harder to set a mechanical timer than program a timer.

I'll take your word for it. It will be a while before I have the time to sit down and tinker. Keep up the good work I love to watch.


Active member
Watch out for high temps in the cloner. I've gotten slime when I've lost track of temps in there. If it slimes you pretty much have to empty out, bleach, and start over with that cloner. I've had luck in the past using aquarium beneficial bacteria in the cloner too as that 'good' bacteria was out-competing with the bad bacteria. The stuff I used was called stress zyme. Other ICMag people talked a lot of trash when I told them what I did but it worked for me so *shrug*. Slimed clones is the WORST.


Thanks my friend, hope everything is well there too. Here life still going on, all this covid stuff is like a boot in the neck, you know. plenty of free time for R&D, too little money for R&D xD.
Hey Mikey Mike.

My water is 140ppm. 15-20ppm calcium. Total hardness 62-94mg caco3/L classified as soft water.

Bro read this LINK for info re oxidants in hydroponics/coco. It's a good one.

Ps. Wow what is that seedling you have in the agar?

Soon enough you will have that 'medicine cabinet strain library.
Peace. Dots


Mike re the steaming boiling coco sterilisation I did read from Canna that it is not advisable. But I'll just let 40amp do the talking.

Originally Posted by 40AmpstoFreedom View Post
Doing more reading and one of my mistakes may also have been to use hot water for flushing and buffering my coco. I definitely steamed the hell out of it by adding 120 degree water to kill bug eggs as a preventative. Reading several papers and some good write-ups on canna site that said this can release nitrates which are poisonous and can inhibit N uptake.


Well-known member
Mike re the steaming boiling coco sterilisation I did read from Canna that it is not advisable. But I'll just let 40amp do the talking.

Thanks Dots ! Interesting reading :tiphat:
As i already said, here we have tons of two things, heat and bugs xD i'm "experimenting" with bleach, h2o2, etc. to slow or stop the espreading of pests/diseases when they are fragile.
Technics learned from in vitro bibliography. Thanks to this technics, im finally starting seeds and cloning at +-30ºC, good gardener tool. But totally agree with you, is not a long term solution, is a patch, a temporary solution. One time the plants reach a healthy looking state, i stop the addition of bleach or h2o2 and start adding mycorrhizae and other bennis.
Res to boil the cococoir, mostly of the times is the only succesful way to go. Imagine +4months waiting for seeds and finally kill every seed due pathogens. Or worst, lose the keepers after months of wasted resources, and again bought more seed, more waiting, more resources, etc.


Well-known member


I didn't see your post, sorry... Thanks for the link bro

Nice automatism, something like that is my idea, but without magnetic stirrers, i hate them xD
In my case, im not going to use glass jars, the nutrients will be in gallon bottles, but basically it is the same.


Well-known member
I feel satisfaction when i see sativas blooming in a controlled way. there are two plants in the picture, the one in the background measures + -170cm.

Now the flowering area (1m * 1.5m) is divided into 6 squares, Now i can bloom plants of almost two meters, together with cuttings starting flowering.



3 sshp in the middle


I'm finishing printing the pieces to raise these plants by half a meter, i hope to upload photos tomorrow.



Looking extreme.
And pest free too I hope.
Love your pics bro.


Well-known member
Looking extreme.
And pest free too I hope.
Love your pics bro.

Thanks my friend. About pest free ...:shucks: im waiting the entomopathogenic nematode steinernema feltiae, for the fungus gnat, to avoid the continuous use of chemicals. Ive been trying with metarhizium anisopliae, beauveria bassiana, paecilomyces fumosoroseus and bacillus thuringiensis (not var.israelensis) but dont look like is doing anything to the gnats. Like the Clash; I fought the gnats and the gnats won, i fought the gnats and the, gnats won.:party: Anyway i have a good feeling this time.


Well-known member
A real pleasure (at least to me) do my every day tasks a little easiest with every update. That give me some free time to spend looking at the plants. The only but ... is the fact of i cant smoke inside the sealed room :shucks:

I did not received yet the M3 screws, for the printed connectors, but the structure is enough strong to do the work.


Some cuttings starting the flo and getting ready to be pollinated with the pollen of 4 mrnice super silver haze males, and my male 13monkeys(bodhis space monkey*dab4life hp13*jackherer)


I have unfinished things to do, but im gonna start the build of the growing area inside the flowering room, im tired of pests, heat and odors.


Well-known member
Yesterday i treated all the plants in house with entomopathogens. Especially for fungus gnat, but also for spider mites and 2 spotted spider mites. After 12 hours, all the indoor cannabis plants are looking healthier.

look like the 2 spotted mites really love the moringa seedslings, but now they got new neighbors.




Well-known member
That's scary looking.

My macro lens is broken and not suitable for video,but it sure was a battle worth recording.

Did you get them all?
not totally, but its no longer a problem, the two entomopathogens are very effective.

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
For the small closet grow, if you look for less powerful LED. Check out our TS600 and TS1000. They are very suitable for that. :dance:


For the small closet grow, if you look for less powerful LED. Check out our TS600 and TS1000. They are very suitable for that. :dance:

Buyer beware, Mars Hydo does not honor their warranty. When mine failed in less than 8 months, I was just out of my hard earned money. Lesson learned- you get what you pay for and cheap isn’t always better in the long run.


Well-known member
For the small closet grow, if you look for less powerful LED. Check out our TS600 and TS1000. They are very suitable for that.
Thanks for the info. I'm a DIY guy, but im getting old, next rounds who knows.

Buyer beware, Mars Hydo does not honor their warranty. When mine failed in less than 8 months, I was just out of my hard earned money. Lesson learned- you get what you pay for and cheap isn’t always better in the long run.

Sorry about your bad experience bro, these things suck. Is the driver okay? If so, you can fix it. What is the fault?


Mike do you know the application rate for sanitising in gram/liter? And is it just a matter of a quick rinse with tap water to remove residual, or really a thorough rinse?
:thank you:


Well-known member
I can't remember the author, is a copy/paste from a forum.

5 grams of pure Pool shock (45% calcium hyd) to 1 gallon of water = SOLUTION MIX.....then to use it 1-5ml per gallon of the SOLUTION MIX to your res according to your requirements.
To figure for 2 ppm of TOTAL chlorine is simple.
Remember 1mg/L = 1 ppm, so 2 ppm would be 2 mg per liter of water.