Is it the bro. Grimm C99? I'd pick some up if they were available...
Yes Plant-tone could attract animals, starcrash! But not when allowed to break down for a couple weeks.... It has blood meal in it... Its a good amendment for incorporation, with the media, and then other nutrients can be top dressed or watered in later.... Gotta love the long-lasting organics...
Plant-tone can be applied as a top dressing but thats pretty likely to attract someting... I use guanos/manure for the top dressing...
Yes Plant-tone could attract animals, starcrash! But not when allowed to break down for a couple weeks.... It has blood meal in it... Its a good amendment for incorporation, with the media, and then other nutrients can be top dressed or watered in later.... Gotta love the long-lasting organics...
Plant-tone can be applied as a top dressing but thats pretty likely to attract someting... I use guanos/manure for the top dressing...