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ICMag Donor
Marijuana Enhances Enjoyment Of Music, New Study Finds, Confirming What Every Stoner Already Knows
Duh … I could’ve told them that 50 years ago


ICMag Donor
It’s so nice waking up not feeling that sudden onslaught of pressure. There’s a couple more plants out there but other than that everything is inside drying Some of them are starting to crisp up ! ⬆️ formulating a plan & think I can start bucking down on some…. don’t have many large bins, but I’m going to store with the very large black contractor bags.

Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Can’t be that much different in Finland
What comes to drinking, they dont dare to challenge us 😅 I'm working like crazy setting up things for the winter season 😍 made some pulled pork, it's in the oven atm and will be ready later in the evening.

Pork neck/kassler, Louisiana style dry rub, some garlic, couple of my own jalapenos and a stonger chili, my "own" strain. A cup of Westons vintage cloudy cider and hours of slow cooking. Can't go wrong. Also pickled some jalapenos and red onions and theres plenty of corn tortillas.

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