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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


ICMag Donor

Put their shoulders to the big wheel. work their fingers
To the bone
Take their pleasures in the future, put it down and bring
It home
Walk around into the sundown, looking for an honest man
Gentle people seeing too much, aching to be wat they can
Angels, tired angels
Tired down inside their shoes
All wanting grace
They live again rhythym lines on the king of Gondor's
Children, gentle children
Gentle leaving to the wars
They found their place
And live again their rhythym lives on the king of
Gondor's face
Sinking down into the lame words, overflowing with their
Praying for it all to cease fire, saturated with desire
Standing up to all the brave men, laughing hollow at the
Day's end
Walking back and give a handshake, this is just another
Bad break
Songwriters: Felix Pappalardi / Gail Collins

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Bluebirds started to fledge today. Watched a couple pop out and fly right up into a tree. Was just outside and this guy came swooping but me and hit the deck.


Had landed by my wagon.



ICMag Donor
Bluebirds started to fledge today. Watched a couple pop out and fly right up into a tree. Was just outside and this guy came swooping but me and hit the deck.

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Had landed by my wagon.

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Here’s what I’m looking at this good 😌 morning (by the way it looks like it’s going to be beautiful out )these little bunnies are so fucking cute I’m beside myself except it should be three instead of two but I did see one emerging hopefully to hang out with mom


Well-known member
Much needed rain. Everything was real dry and I have been watering every day. Have to transfer water from one pond to another then I'm going to do some grilling.
We’re pretty much the opposite here last weekend we got about 8 tenths of an inch and over 4 inches for the month…that’s counting the 1.2 inches we got yesterday and this morning…but I know I gotta get my drip system setup in the garden asap…produce is growin like crazy