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ICMag Donor
Plants look happy as could be @flower~power
Today It’s turning out 😊 lovely
good luck bro.

I crossed cjsd with thaihaze. it will be lime green shit :D

Who would've believed green would end up a novelty colour lol, everything is purple these days idk what has happened strains I grew lots of green strains which are purple now?

I don't hate it but it wouldn't be my 1st choice I like green.



atomizing haze essence
Who would've believed green would end up a novelty colour lol, everything is purple these days idk what has happened strains I grew lots of green strains which are purple now?

I don't hate it but it wouldn't be my 1st choice I like green.
ya know bro that purple shit looks good in bag...

I smoke the green... like this piffy green




Well-known member
I never used to read about gardening, I just planted shit. Some years were good, some not. Now, I read about it a lot. Soil is part of it, but whoa, so much to learn. I learned about hot shit, cool shit and cold shit, literally. Horse and Chicken shit is hot, Goat shit is cool, and rabbit shit is cold, meaning you have to compost hot shit, but cool works sometimes directly and cold can go straight on or in the soil… Hmmm, I have rabbits and goats 😊Used to have horses, too…

I just read about pruning vs. topping vs. thinning tomatoes. I knew what pruning and topping was, and assumed thinning was like pruning, but it’s not. Thinning is if you are growing large tomatoes, remove all but 1 or 2 flowers from each vine, so they can get bigger….. I know, I am little behind in the learning curve…. But this is cool,,, I figure why not try it on some of the cherries and plums tomatoes too, maybe not only leave one or two, but take a couple away, letting more room for the others,,, like the ones that have 20 flowers, remove about 10, or remove all but the tip on some, to see how it turns out…. 😊… but then there are different things that could happen during topping too. Like topping at the beginning will increase the bushiness, if you want a bush, and/or topping near the end of the season sends all energy to any remaining fruit. I never used to prune, but I did a little here and there this year. We will see how it all goes.
@CocoNut 420 You mean this one, about Tomatoes?


ICMag Donor
I’m watching the tlittle bunnies emerge from their den. They’re absolutely tiny. Mama couldn’t have picked the worst place for it. I guarantee they’re gonna get picked up by predators….


ICMag Donor
I just did a quick search >>> “What is the mortality rate for cottontails?

66 to 81 percent

Survival & Threats

For juveniles, 75 to 95 percent die each year, while adult mortality ranges from 66 to 81 percent. With such high mortality, it is unusual for wild rabbits or hares to live much more than a year.”


Not Veteran
What is going on here. How is this plant soo far into flower already? Could be something fantastic for outdoor in the northeat with the early onset of flowering. Do you think it will reveg or does it seem to want to continue flowering? I am very interested in this plant 😁


ICMag Donor
What is going on here. How is this plant soo far into flower already? Could be something fantastic for outdoor in the northeat with the early onset of flowering. Do you think it will reveg or does it seem to want to continue flowering? I am very interested in this plant 😁
I didn’t want that to happen I started this is all the way back in March. I guess I put them out too early. This is the only one that did it and it’s the most sativa leaning which is strange.


Well-known member
What is going on here. How is this plant soo far into flower already? Could be something fantastic for outdoor in the northeat with the early onset of flowering. Do you think it will reveg or does it seem to want to continue flowering? I am very interested in this plant 😁
I’m also very interested!
Nice! Almost like auto flower lol.. you should take a cut and try to reveg. There is like 15 plus hours of daylight atm and it’s flowering. I have had plants that will flower at 14 hours daylight but they weren’t that NLD looking either.