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Active member
hmmm ever read Albert Pike, Carroll Quigley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russell, Orwell, both Huxleys, Wells, Plato, the writings of the Frankfurt School, - , if you had you would know it is no conspiracy, but anyway, keep taking ya flu shots, brushing ya teeth with flouride, welcome GMO with open arms and just disbelieve everything except what Huw Edwards tells you at 6 o'clock mate and you'll be alright. Have a good day.


Andinismo Hierbatero
hmmm ever read Albert Pike, Carroll Quigley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russell, Orwell, both Huxleys, Wells, Plato, the writings of the Frankfurt School, - , if you had you would know it is no conspiracy, but anyway, keep taking ya flu shots, brushing ya teeth with flouride, welcome GMO with open arms and just disbelieve everything except what Huw Edwards tells you at 6 o'clock mate and you'll be alright. Have a good day.

There's no relation in not believing in contrails' supposed evil nature, and loving GMO products. You lack logical capabilities obviously, hence, your talent to discriminate between good info and bad is highly questionable.

GMO products are verifiable empirically, while the whole conspiracy theory on the evils of contrails is not.

the things that are being sprayed up there for weather "control" are all well known substances, sprayed for specific purposes, like wanting to make it rain, but with a questionable success rate; we know the effects, concentration and rate of dissolution into the atmosphere, etc... try to spray dangerous chemicals in dangerous concentrations, and you'll either get shot down by an army plane or get taken to jail once you land; just ask Assad about it, or Saddam.

you know what is scary? people wasting their time in all these ethereal conspiracy theories, while ignoring the hard cold facts of the fucked up shit we indeed are doing: polluting the oceans, escaped radiation, pursuit of nuclear facilities, harmful pesticides, etc... these are not conspiracies, these damaging things are happening right now, even as you read all the bullshit conspiracies, radiation is still escaping into the atmosphere in Japan, 100% empirically proven and acknowledged; and yet, what some of you do? spam the forums with all sorts of nonsense while ignoring the real problems.


ICMag Donor
Albert Pike, Carroll Quigley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russell, Orwell, both Huxleys, Wells, Plato, the writings of the Frankfurt School

Quite an impressive list you have there.

There are two motives for reading a book: one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it.

Recognise the quote ?

None of them would have fallen for the chemtrail conspiracy based on the evidence.

There are certainly many real conspiracies and subterfuges , starting the Iraq war on manufactured evidence is an obvious recent one , but chemtrails as portrayed online is not one of them.

The HAARP conspiracy is ludicrous if you understand the science behind it.

I do not take anything in the dumbed down ratings driven media at face value , better to find the source and decide yourself.

Conspiracy sites are the ultimate dumbing down based on fear , completely one sided and with no science , that do not tolerate an alternative view and make money from products and click throughs or boost the ego of the authors.

They have much in common with creationist websites and fringe cult religions like scientology.

After weeks of low cloud its a fine day with a clear blue sky , there are three impressive contrails that add visual interest to a boring background , hard to pick out the dozen that are at an altitude that does not form them , but they are there.

Would be a shame to spray some vinegar around and make them disappear.

To break the shackles of earth and scratch the face of god . . .


ICMag Donor
For someone so well read and a fellow Brit i expected more , thats not much better than the standard sheep based retort.

Even trichy managed better than this , at least make an effort.


Active member
No one is expecting you to take everything as a fact, but I urge you (foomar) to take a look at the complete lie that is the economic system. Consider who, what, when and where economics is involved in the world. You will see it pervades almost every aspect of life and its rigged.
Its there for and by the few sociopaths in control. Now if you think it does not include science and its funding, you would be wrong. If its not furthering the agenda of the state, then the person doing the honest research will not have much of a career. Its not fear based its real, and it might be shitty to try to cope with ,but that's the facts.
I mean FFS how long has the cannabis community been trying to prove the efficacy of cannabis with science and been shut down at every turn ?

Here is a short overview of the comparison of mainstream economics ,the Keynesians and the non statist Austrian school. the Keynesians say it is simple math, it would be if it were not for the very real people involved who are hurt by conducting empirical experiments on society. Also there would be no need for theories if it were that simple.

Keynesian and Austrian Economic Fundamentals

Austrian economist destroying shills on main stream TV.

James Grant Asks The "PhD Standard" To Allow Markets To Finally Clear

Hitler Informed Cartoon Bears Destroyed the Keynesian Multipliers

To make it clearer and in context as it relates to environmental matters ,we would not be talking about "saving the environment " (UN agenda 21), if the economy was not enabled by money printing, and fake demand created by TV pushing a whole bunch of crap off as trendy shit everyone needs, and the banks making loans no one can pay back in pursuance of "the dream", because resources are a scarce thing. Once they are gone they are gone.
If the market was choosing the best most scarce commodity as money freely, resources would all be allocated much more wisely.

These fabricated currencies are forced on nations at the point of a gun as well ,they represent a debt to a bank and are not even money/wealth. So in international affairs it causes war ,because the victim country see's that its used as a control mechanism and not for the benefit of a country.
Its for the banks. When you hear we are spreading democracy, it is an Orwellian term for destroying them and fundamentally changing their system of economics in favor of the IMF/FED. Look at the Ukraine its happening at this very moment. The banks took their gold installed a front man to manage their investment , and they are now taking loans from the bank to go to war with Russia. Russia knows this and wants to protect its sovereignty ,from being another notch in the bankers belts.

I have not touched on inflation and how it hurts the poor and the people on fixed incomes and how banks loan to their buddies first before inflation hits to get the best deals and at 0% interest. But ill leave it to you to do some reading.

Mystery of Banking, The

Murray N. Rothbard


ICMag Donor
take a look at the complete lie that is the economic system

When it comes to this subject you are preaching to the converted , the entire world economy is based on an unsustainable lie since at least the industrial revolution.

But I feel the chemtrail issue and most other CT,s to be no more than an orchestrated attempt to distract from the real issues , just trying to demolish some of them with the hope that people will choose to fight the right battles rather than waste there time on the distractions.

Too many get embroiled in the wrong problems and never move beyond them , the proponents are the real disinfo.


Active member
But the unsustainability manifests in popularizing the depopulation agenda and agenda 21.
Not in rational monetary reform because they will loose control an wealth. There will be no one to leach off of, no one will need them. (Hello bit coin and precious metals).

The psychopaths pulling the strings want people dead instead. There are tons of ways to do that, I think its too early to discount the many delivery systems they could utilize. Airborn or otherwise. This lady says they are using nano particulates. If they are not looking for those then it could be why there is no evidence of them.
I know jets dump fuel prior to landing they could be in the form of a fuel additive.

Assistance Testing Snow & Rain For Geo-engineering

Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan,

They do stuff like dropping depleted uranium and white phosphorus on populations and agent orange on our own troops. So im not so quick to dismiss it as ramblings.


ICMag Donor
Not sure where to start with that lot so will stick to the one item relevant to chemtrails and aircraft for now.

I know jets dump fuel prior to landing they could be in the form of a fuel additive.

This is absolutely not standard practice , though most jets have a fuel dump system it is very rarely used and has to be justified to prevent prosecution for pollution.

The only time fuel is dumped is if a jet experiences a fault or incident that mandates an immediate landing near the start of a flight when loaded with fuel.

If non critical the plane will circle in a holding pattern and burn it up , in a real emergency the final option is to dump fuel , over the sea if possible.

The reason is that a fully fuel loaded plane is at serious risk of collapsing the undercarriage , with a higher chance of a lethal fire if this should happen.

There is a maximum rated weight for landing that is much lower than maximum take off weight mandated in type approval.

Engines are less efficient at low speed and altitude , you can smell unburnt fuel around airports , military jets waste even more as they are optimised for performance over economy and run rich.


Active member
just some water vapor i woke up to today, nothing to worry about go back to sheep, I mean sleep





ICMag Donor
just some water vapor i woke up to today, nothing to worry about

That's the first thing you have posted that's true , though its ice crystals at that altitude.

You can post them on a chem site and be a hero.

The first one might drift into a star of david , those pesky Jews are at it again.


There's no relation in not believing in contrails' supposed evil nature, and loving GMO products. You lack logical capabilities obviously, hence, your talent to discriminate between good info and bad is highly questionable.

GMO products are verifiable empirically, while the whole conspiracy theory on the evils of contrails is not.

the things that are being sprayed up there for weather "control" are all well known substances, sprayed for specific purposes, like wanting to make it rain, but with a questionable success rate; we know the effects, concentration and rate of dissolution into the atmosphere, etc... try to spray dangerous chemicals in dangerous concentrations, and you'll either get shot down by an army plane or get taken to jail once you land; just ask Assad about it, or Saddam.

you know what is scary? people wasting their time in all these ethereal conspiracy theories, while ignoring the hard cold facts of the fucked up shit we indeed are doing: polluting the oceans, escaped radiation, pursuit of nuclear facilities, harmful pesticides, etc... these are not conspiracies, these damaging things are happening right now, even as you read all the bullshit conspiracies, radiation is still escaping into the atmosphere in Japan, 100% empirically proven and acknowledged; and yet, what some of you do? spam the forums with all sorts of nonsense while ignoring the real problems.

Chemtrails is a term used by government and NASA officials. Weather modification is the official agenda. Surely not all contrails are chemtrails but stuff is being sprayed in the atmosphere.
It might not be their agenda to kill or sicken us but it will be a side effect. Just like dumping tons of cancerous, illegal corexit to disperse the deepwater oil leak might really been intended to save the gulf rather than destroy it even further. Those governments might just be listening to some idiotic scientists rather than have evil intentions.

I believe haarp is real as well. Putin has criticized the building of space weapons in some of his speeches, and thats exactly what it is.
The military technology is so advanced and they have done some wicked evil stuff in the past, i dont see why they wouldve stopped those practices. Just because our controlled media doesnt report anything doesnt mean its not happening.

Assad and sadam were enemies of the banking cartel and thats why they had to go. Iraq got a central bank shortly after the country was in control and iran will follow. If horrific war crimes are a reason to bring down governments, a lot more will have to be taken down. Again the media will only report the supposed war crimes of the renegade countries that dont want to follow suit.


ICMag Donor
I believe haarp is real as well

The hardware for HAARP is simple , basic , well documented and completely understood within the scientific community.

It is a research tool , no more , no less.

If it had the potential for changing the weather and causing earthquakes , frying peoples brains ect it would have been built by Iran and North Korea years ago as a low cost WOMD , rather than spend billions developing nuclear weapons.

Just because our controlled media doesnt report anything doesnt mean its not happening.

And if infowars reports it you take it as a fact ?


Andinismo Hierbatero
Chemtrails is a term used by government and NASA officials. Weather modification is the official agenda. Surely not all contrails are chemtrails but stuff is being sprayed in the atmosphere.
It might not be their agenda to kill or sicken us but it will be a side effect. Just like dumping tons of cancerous, illegal corexit to disperse the deepwater oil leak might really been intended to save the gulf rather than destroy it even further. Those governments might just be listening to some idiotic scientists rather than have evil intentions.

I believe haarp is real as well. Putin has criticized the building of space weapons in some of his speeches, and thats exactly what it is.
The military technology is so advanced and they have done some wicked evil stuff in the past, i dont see why they wouldve stopped those practices. Just because our controlled media doesnt report anything doesnt mean its not happening.

Assad and sadam were enemies of the banking cartel and thats why they had to go. Iraq got a central bank shortly after the country was in control and iran will follow. If horrific war crimes are a reason to bring down governments, a lot more will have to be taken down. Again the media will only report the supposed war crimes of the renegade countries that dont want to follow suit.

Putin has no business criticizing HARP or anything more technologically advanced than an ak-47, the guy is the equivalent of Al Gore when it comes down to being an authority on science and technology.

I'm sure you also think man never made it to the moon either, as that's Putin's official stance on the issue, as most Russians believe.

But don't let those little inconsistencies turn you off from your super bright heroes who seem to have it all figured out, basically: the U.S is the big Satan! :yoinks:

these are the kind of "great" minds that come up with all these shady ass conspiracies:





Active member
foomar, you're a mug and thats my last post on the matter, so dont bother typing some cocksucker reply as I shant see it,


Active member
these are the kind of "great" minds that come up with all these shady ass conspiracies:




Seriously ? If it is not them (I'm talking about their government I could care less what people worship) then it would be someone else doing it for the banks. But here is a recent development about AIPAC.

Rand introduced a bill to end aid to Palestine ,guess who opposed it ? AIPAC .Now one should be seriously questioning there intentions as this would have helped Israel a great deal by passing this and these frauds whoever they work for and whatever their ethnicity are about to be exposed.

Why would they not support this ?

Sen. Paul Introduces Stand with Israel Act of 2014

Bill ends foreign aid to Palestinian government

Apr 29, 2014

Sen. Rand Paul today introduced the Stand with Israel Act of 2014. This legislation halts all U.S. aid to the Palestinian government until they agree to a ceasefire and recognize the right of Israel to exist. The bill, S. 2265, can be found HERE and below:

"Today, I introduced legislation to make all future aid to the Palestinian government conditional upon the new unity government putting itself on the record recognizing the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state and agreeing to a lasting peace."

"Prohibition on Foreign Assistance.

(a) In General. Except as provided under subsection (b) and notwithstanding any other provision of law, no amounts may be obligated or expended to provide any direct United States assistance, loan guarantee, or debt relief to the Palestinian Authority, or any affiliated governing entity or leadership organization.

(b) Exception. The prohibition under subsection (a) shall have no effect for a fiscal year if the President certifies to Congress during that fiscal year that the Palestinian Authority has --
(1) Formally recognized the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state;
(2) Publicly recognized the state of Israel;
(3) Renounced terrorism;
(4) Purged all individuals with terrorist ties from security services;
(4) Terminated funding of anti-American and anti-Israel incitement;
(5) Publicly pledged to not engage in war with Israel; and
(6) Honored previous diplomatic agreements."

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) -- possible GOP candidate for president

Its probably to keep the middle east destabilized for more western intervention for the banks.


So your insults about conspiracies are turning out to be distractions from real issues.



Andinismo Hierbatero
Seriously ? If it is not them (I'm talking about their government I could care less what people worship) then it would be someone else doing it for the banks. But here is a recent development about AIPAC.

Rand introduced a bill to end aid to Palestine ,guess who opposed it ? AIPAC .Now one should be seriously questioning there intentions as this would have helped Israel a great deal by passing this and these frauds whoever they work for and whatever their ethnicity are about to be exposed.

Why would they not support this ?

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) -- possible GOP candidate for president

Its probably to keep the middle east destabilized for more western intervention for the banks.

View Image

So your insults about conspiracies are turning out to be distractions from real issues.

View Image

sorry mate, but you seem to lack a great deal of understanding of what is happening out here.

you want to end aid for the Palestinian territories? that's kind of crazy if you were to ask me. You'll only accomplish more radicalization of already radical militants, and at the same time you'd be screwing over the people who just want peace who live under the authoritarian regime of Hamas and Fatah.

Rand Paul has already shown himself to be a loud mouth with no understanding of anything at all, this would not be the first time he'd be talking out of his poorly informed mouth.

surely, you won't listen to reason though, as you are convinced the Devil himself is the supreme leader of all banks :yoinks:


Active member
Not sure where to start with that lot so will stick to the one item relevant to chemtrails and aircraft for now.

This is absolutely not standard practice , though most jets have a fuel dump system it is very rarely used and has to be justified to prevent prosecution for pollution.

The only time fuel is dumped is if a jet experiences a fault or incident that mandates an immediate landing near the start of a flight when loaded with fuel.

If non critical the plane will circle in a holding pattern and burn it up , in a real emergency the final option is to dump fuel , over the sea if possible.

OK supposing its not standard practice and only in an emergency it would depend on what constitutes an emergency or pollution to them and the regulators. It could happen more often than you think. I think you should take into consideration limited liability also.

Seems to be a pretty well documented occurrence.

This is to point out that regulators are bought and paid for by their respective industries.
What Is Regulatory Capture?