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Kiss My Ring
Where’s the justice in geoengineering?
As geoengineering researchers gather for a conference in Cambridge, Duncan McLaren draws lessons from ethics and science fiction to make a case for caution.

(This post is based on a lecture given earlier today at the SRM Science conference in Cambridge)

Geoengineering is a technology that promises great power. But, as Spiderman was reminded by his Uncle, with great power comes great responsibility. This isn’t a new insight. It reflects long established political understanding. Voltaire apparently said it first, while Lincoln commented “if you want to test a man’s character, give him power”.

Why? Because power brings capability and choice to affect many lives (for good or for ill). Yet the idea that ‘power corrupts’ is not just a cliché. So we develop ethics programs, and accountability mechanisms as counter-balances.

In the case of climate change the world’s elites hold power over the poor and vulnerable, now and into the future. Yet societies have done little to build mechanisms of ethics and accountability for such collective power, especially at international and intergenerational scales. In the global North we still struggle to understand our complicity arising from the benefits we obtain from unjust global systems. Rather than changing our behaviours – and reducing our consumption, we seek novel abatement technologies and adaptation measures as substitutes for mitigation.

In this light all discussion of geoengineering is a sign of our collective ethical failure to achieve adequate progress on climate mitigation. Yet the power that shapes the system remains concentrated.

Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering appears to offer the potential of more rapid, perhaps more targeted control over future climates. But because of its great leverage, it threatens to concentrate power even further. In this SRM resembles nuclear weapons – and it is no coincidence that radionuclides from weapons tests could demarcate the Age of Humans. But SRM is arguably the archetypical Anthropocene technology: its signature would be visible globally and it offers both destructive potential and the prospect of management or control, perhaps even the capacity to restore the planet’s climate to something more hospitable to human civilisation.


Deployed to such ends, SRM would effectively determine the living conditions of all humanity. This ‘great’ power brings difficult ethical questions. The movie Snowpiercer portrays an analogy of such an Anthropocene – a failed geoengineering experiment has plunged the earth into an ice age, reducing the human race to a few passengers on one train, their living conditions entirely determined by a tiny elite (“the driver”) in a ‘global cockpit’.

The movie foresees curtailed freedoms, steepened hierarchies and exploitation of people simply as means to an end (quite literally so in the case of children of a certain size needed to keep the aging engine running). Yet the ‘ordinary’ passengers rebel, wreck the train, and choose instead to take their chances adapting to the changed climate of the new earth.

Snowpiercer illustrates how environmental and technological change can reshape our ethical landscapes, changing the choices we might face. In real life too, technologies of planetary control would change our relationship with the Earth and redefine what it means to be human. Historically, even the wealthiest and most powerful individuals have remained vulnerable to natural disasters like hurricanes. If such forces become controllable and controlled, our roles – and our potential responsibilities - are transformed, raising many ethical questions:

If humanity has the capability to prevent the extremes of climate change, by what authority might scientists or governments choose to deploy it – or not? How can democratic institutions engage with these questions? If human interventions cause harm, how will the perpetrators be held responsible? If a preventable event does harm, who is liable? We have already seen fore-shocks, with court battles in Italy over the potential liability of seismologists for earthquake forecasting.

How much sharper would such battles become if the topic were not just advice or forecasts, but deliberate and active interventions in the climate? In this context ethics and science cannot be disentangled.

The public understand that just because scientists work on SRM as a response to climate change, that doesn’t mean it will therefore necessarily be deployed in ways that help deliver an ethical and just response. They are acutely aware of the cultural, economic and commercial interests at play in the climate debate. They resist the prospect that geo-engineering technologies might be developed and deployed in the interests of the same corporate interests that have driven fossil fuel use, and worry that such interests could distort genuine scientific endeavour.

So, both fiction and reality reveal technologies interacting with our values to change behaviours and ethical landscapes. Geoengineering is not exceptional in this respect.

All technologies – from guns to seatbelts - form part of socio-technical systems. They affect people psychologically and culturally in ways that can produce perverse results. Notably they can reshape how we perceive and react to risk. For example, people buy guns to protect themselves: yet controlled epidemiological studies show that those who carry firearms are more than four times more likely to be shot than those who do not. One reason is the psychological over-confidence that comes with carrying a weapon. Believing themselves somehow ‘insured’, gun users take much greater risks, and get into dangerous situations that they would have avoided if unarmed.

SRM shares some interesting characteristics with guns: we appear to need it because we have collectively failed to prevent the emergence of a major risk to society. Actors who have it might well argue against risk prevention, as they both feel personally safer, and see the technology as protecting important lifestyle, social or market freedoms and rights.

Moreover, its use may both become locked in, and lock in other choices which increase risk: in a society with widespread gun ownership the gun lobby becomes a powerful actor against gun control, and the police must be routinely armed with fatal consequences for certain minorities. With a climate policy reliant on SRM, the termination problem makes stopping extremely challenging in the absence of effective decarbonisation, while the technology enables the fossil fuel lobby to encourage continued extraction and use of fossil fuel – exploiting the benefits of sunk investments - despite this also having unfairly distributed impacts. In other words, there are forms of ‘moral hazard’ associated with the technology.

The term moral hazard originated where insurers were concerned that people of weak moral character would take advantage of insurance by being careless, or even defrauding insurers through acts like arson. More recent definitions focus more narrowly on the tendency of people to adjust their behaviour to a certain level of risk – so, in one classic example, the introduction of compulsory seat-belt wearing led to otherwise more risky driving and an increase in other types of car-related accidental injury.

Geoengineering researchers who suggest we needn’t worry about moral hazard typically define it narrowly, and argue that such risk adjustment – resulting in less mitigation – would be reasonable because geoengineering reduces the social risk of climate change in a different way. Reflecting such assumptions, economic modelling studies often suggest reduced or delayed mitigation when geoengineering is included in the model.

Philosopher David Morrow identifies two reasons why mitigation may be deterred by a greater than ‘rational’ amount – informational asymmetry and cognitive biases. He also notes that even ‘rational’ risk adjustment is not necessarily morally neutral. In the case of seatbelts, for example, much of the new risk was borne by back seat passengers and other road users including pedestrians.

Economic definitions recognise the possible injustice of risk transfer. Paul Krugman defines moral hazard as “any situation in which one person makes the decision about how much risk to take, while someone else bears the cost if things go badly.” This applies to geoengineering: those who might decide to deploy it and - ‘rationally’ - reduce mitigation, are most likely to be in a different country and indeed a different generation than those bearing the brunt of the impacts if geoengineering proves either defective or ineffective.

In practice, the broader socio-economic-technical system will determine whether moral hazard is greasing a slippery slope to SRM deployment – or if SRM can instead be researched – as the US National Academies hope - in ways that help us better understand the climate system, potential interventions in it, and the limits to our understanding; at the same time as humanity adopts and deploys more precautionary approaches to mitigation in the hope of never needing SRM.

Understanding the limits to understanding is critical. We face a “control dilemma”. Discourses of the ‘Anthropocene’ give a misplaced confidence in the controllability of earth systems. If we place greater reliance on geoengineering, but it fails to deliver, humanity is unlikely to be able to compensate by then accelerating mitigation and adaptation. Yet if geoengineering does deliver, our technological hubris is fuelled, potentially exposing us to new, greater environmental challenges, and increasing our reluctance to tackle injustice and unsustainability by political and cultural routes.

Indeed, as Andy Stirling (pdf) has highlighted, Anthropocene discourses not only suggest controllability, but in framing the alternative as catastrophe, they encourage an authoritarian depoliticisation of climate policy. In this geoengineering exemplifies the contemporary ‘post-political’ trend of ‘technological solutionism’. Arguments that – because of its high leverage and low cost – SRM could somehow sideline politics and provide a silver bullet – reach an extreme in which it is postulated that SRM might even be deployed by a single actor: a rogue geoengineer, or a ‘climate vigilante’ – a Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne figure with money and a singular view of justice. But superhero culture also emphasises the ethical dilemmas in vigilantism: the tension between justice and the rule of law.

Stories of the Dark Knight illuminate the need for oversight, accountability and civil liberties - even, or perhaps especially, in times of crisis. They also remind us that while public sympathy for vigilantism signals that something is wrong with the system: this does not mean that what the vigilante does is right or ethical.

Put bluntly, just because climate policy and governance does not work presently, this alone does not make geoengineering – even with democratic oversight - the right answer. In Gotham the need is to eliminate the corruption that enables criminality to flourish, not to give policemen licence to emulate Batman and terrorise criminals.

In practice unilateral geoengineering – whether by states or philanthropists – seems implausible. Yet claims that SRM is a high leverage, low cost, apolitical technology persist, and could yet encourage the prospect of covert geoengineering. As others (pdf) have suggested, the fears of chemtrailers may not be wrong, merely premature. If SRM becomes bogged down in global negotiations, powerful actors might be tempted by ‘emergency’ rhetoric to avoid due process.

However, in practice the more dangerous temptation remains that of treating SRM as a possible saviour and an excuse to further delay even cost-effective mitigation. Some researchers have been quick to dismiss the effects of poor character on moral hazard. But as expenses and lobbying scandals repeatedly reveal, political and corporate elites are susceptible to temptation, and - according to psychological research - more likely to cheat and act unethically than poorer groups in society. And in other experiments, people with ‘self-enhancing’ values - those that relate to the accrual of wealth, power or status to oneself - were found to be more vulnerable to the moral hazard in geoengineering. So we should be concerned about whether the relevant decision makers have the necessary moral character to take tough decisions on mitigation and adaptation, rather than adopting the prospect of geoengineering as an excuse for not upsetting political allies, campaign funders or swing voters. Such a ‘political’ moral hazard seems a bigger reason to worry than the idea that ordinary individuals might relax their efforts to cut emissions.

Indeed, it is possible that many ordinary people might see geoengineering as so wacky and unpalatable that they increase their support for mitigation – the so-called ‘negative moral hazard’. Could the ‘threat’ of SRM then help win public and political support for rapid and adequate action on mitigation and adaptation – rather than offering a further excuse for sustaining economic structures that maintain elite power?

We might consider a parallel in nuclear power. In Germany - where reduced energy consumption is central to the Energiewende - fears of nuclear’s dark side seem to have done as much to drive coherent and ethical climate policy as narratives of ecological modernisation and green jobs.

Yet elsewhere we see this policy actively misrepresented: in certain countries failing to act effectively on climate, nuclear power – tightly linked to existing elite power structures - is still presented as the next essential step, and Germany’s choice to reject it is presented as a climate failure. It’s hard to see why SRM might be treated differently.

Yet moral hazard does not mean we should avoid discussing and researching geoengineering – rather that we should do so with openness and anticipation of the potential implications. David Morrow suggests broadening the alternative scenarios researched; mindful messaging and framing; and active public and political engagement. To deter possible abuses of SRM science we should also openly discuss its politics and ethics in the context of climate complicity. And it is critical to build trust between researchers and stakeholders, enabling a meaningful form of prior consent for experimentation.

Trust cannot be demanded, it needs to be earned through opening ourselves up and making ourselves vulnerable to those we want to trust us. Openness and early engagement could also enhance research substantively, helping scientists anticipate ethical challenges and put in place mechanisms to mitigate them – such as research breakpoints and stagegates; using stakeholder and public involvement to inform research choices; red-team/blue-team models; linking ethical and political research to technical work – all of which could curtail moral hazard and effectively spread grit on the slippery slopes.

But there are no simple decision rules or assessment processes. Ethical questions always involve contextual judgements and require moral wisdom. The crux is to be aware, reflective and reflexive in practice, considering the ethics of each proposal from a range of perspectives. Responsible Innovation means improving anticipation, inclusion, reflexiveness and responsiveness.

For example, researchers need to anticipate the risks of pathways and analyses that frame SRM as an alternative rather than complement to mitigation: these are particularly vulnerable to moral hazard, technological hubris and domination.

Effective inclusion implies engaging publics early and openly about the technologies and the anticipated pathways of deployment (enabling meaningful deliberation on ‘why’ and ‘whether’, not just ‘how’). Researchers should be open to the different perspectives publics bring to such deliberations, and avoid dismissing public views as ill-informed.

Researchers must also be transparent and reflective over potential vested interests; and supportive of procedural rights for transparency, public participation and access to justice with respect to experimental and pilot projects.

Such continued ‘opening up’ of the geoengineering debate needs to show recognition and respect for diverse cultural values.

You might think from all this that I would like to hinder further SRM research. But I do not. In fact I want to suggest two reasons why humanity should now engage with geoengineering as well as climate change: capability and complicity.

By capability I mean that ethical duties can arise directly from our capacity to act to prevent or mitigate harm or injustice. Climate change is already causing widespread harm and injustice, and the problems are set to get worse. Justice demands that those with the knowledge, power and resources to act should do so – to avert dangerous climate change or to restore a more hospitable climate.

Complicity means that our ability to act is reinforced by arguments from responsibility: we who have benefited materially from the actions that have caused climate change bear duties to act (as far as our individual and collective capabilities stretch).

But what actions should we take?

In ethics duties can come in negative and positive forms. A negative duty is one to withhold from doing harm: for example, by actively cutting our excessive consumption of fossil fuels. Positive duties to ‘do good’ are, oddly, trickier to justify: these are often seen as voluntary or charitable. Yet they might be justified by responsibility or complicity: in which case they may become compulsory, such as the forms of restorative justice which demand criminals apologise to their victims or undertake community service. CDR might be best interpreted as such a restorative or reparative duty. Could this apply to SRM too?

Consider circumstances in which SRM might appear ethically desirable or preferable. For this thought experiment, we start by treating SRM deployment as ethically impermissible (because of the moral hazards, and risks of harms involved), and ask whether it could become obligatory or at least permissible as a ‘lesser evil’. The answer depends on our understanding of capability: if we can, acting collectively, avert dangerous climate change by accelerated mitigation, CDR and adaptation, this is clearly a more ethical approach. It is only when we judge that economic and climate inertia makes this implausible, that SRM should be considered. I suspect many geoengineering researchers think we are already past this point. My aim is not to argue one way or the other, but to demonstrate that our understanding of the ethics of SRM, and of our duties and aims in researching it, might change dramatically depending on a relatively small change in context. Indeed, in the face of climate unknowns and uncertainties, exactly the same physical and economic parameters could mean that non-SRM routes to climate safety are simultaneously both plausible and implausible. In other words we may live in a state of ethical indeterminacy. If so we cannot establish the ethically right path simply on the basis of consequences.

But ethically, means matter as much as ends: so we also need to consider due process and virtue (in which moral excellence is primarily a function of character, rather than behaviours or outcomes).

A virtue approach to climate restoration would emphasise humility – focussing on re-establishing conditions in which the system can rebalance and heal itself (absent excessive anthropogenic forcings). In practice this suggests an ethical preference for mitigation and carbon dioxide removal over adaptation or SRM.

It may help here to unpack ‘restoration and repair’ a little. Ideas of ‘climate repair’ or ‘climate restoration’ are complex. Besides the framing effects of implied control and capability, there are ethical distinctions between repairing an artefact, such as a building and restoring a natural system, such as a human body or an ecosystem. In the latter we recognise our inability to return the system to a prior state, still less to restore it to some ‘original design’, and instead seek to establish conditions in which the system can re-establish (relative) autonomy and health for itself. And even in the former case we recognise that seeking the ‘perfect restoration’ of a historic artefact is a misleading and inappropriate goal: instead we understand (as Richard Sennett highlights) that changing materials and purposes imply a process of reconfiguration, and thus we demand transparency in repair work. For instance the Japanese art of Kintsugi involves repairing broken pottery with golden cement or lacquer which highlights the experience of breakage and repair. This makes a virtue of repair, makes the process legible, and leaves a durable reminder of the fragility of the subject.

But arguably the thing most in need of restoration or reconfiguration is not the climate itself, but humanity’s relationship with our environment. Our exploitative, instrumental relationship with the Earth has led us into grave problems. To re-establish the conditions in which a healthy relationship can flourish we need to lose our technocratic hubris and be reconciled with the Earth.

Put crudely therefore, ‘climate restoration’ might imply, on one hand, domination via geoengineering, in which a technocratic elite determines the outcomes and targets of ‘climate reconfiguration’, most likely disregarding past culpability. Here SRM may be a central tool in the climate ‘intervention’ tool box. At the other extreme we can instead conceive of restoration, by resetting conditions in which systems can heal themselves; as a form of reconciliation (with the earth and its people), offered as reparations for past injustices; with new humility.

An instrumentalist approach to climate repair in the Anthropocene – majoring on SRM – risks exacerbating the problems of the discourse: enhancing authoritarian approaches; widening power disparities; and inflating hubris. If we are to live well in an Age of Humans, we need ethics to match – ethics which are cosmopolitan, environmental and global – and which include an understanding of collective complicity and capability, and a contemporary virtue of repair.

In general approaches to justice that draw on ideas of recognition and capabilities appear better suited to address climate change and geoengineering responses’ implications for both people’s functioning and freedoms, now and in the future.

The capabilities approach to justice allows us to think more procedurally about the outcomes that would be ethical and fair. It focuses attention not only on material outcomes and the (re)distribution of wealth, but also and critically on the development of human capabilities to live lives in ways we value (as argued by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum). A stable environment might even be seen as a meta-capability underpinning all others. But even if we don’t wish to privilege it in that way, it’s hard to argue that a stable climate is less important than access to education, or good health, for example.

Following David Schlosberg I argue that it is also critical to include recognition in a capabilities approach: we need to properly recognise the various groups that are vulnerable to climate and geoengineering impacts, and the ways in which institutions and systems may impede their full participation through misrecognition – whether indigenous peoples, women (look around!) or future generations.

Both Sen and Schlosberg emphasise that capabilities can best be founded on and defined through collective public deliberation. This helps us understand them as a foundation for ethical duties: in particular a duty to act politically, collectively to promote and protect capabilities for others – including the maintenance of a supportive, healthy environment in which people are not dependent on the good-will of a technical or political elite for their flourishing. In the same way that we can understand economic dependence on central bankers and captains of industry as a failure to enable individual and community capabilities, so would dependence on a climate maintenance committee of SRM engineers be such a failure. Justice and sustainability imply democratising the economy, not technocratising the environment!

In ethics, both ends and means matter, but ‘a hospitable climate’ is best considered not an end in itself, but as a means towards a just and sustainable society. So how we deliver climate hospitality matters intensely.

As a paradigmatic ‘Anthropocene’ technology SRM promises power to change not only the world, but also our very conceptions of what it is to be human.

We therefore need SRM science which can inform and be informed by an open, deliberative and reflexive politics of reconciliation in our engagement with the climate and other environmental systems.

We also – even more urgently than we need to fill technical knowledge gaps about SRM – desperately need to better understand the politics of climate change and geoengineering in an age of humans. We must explore the ways in which our responses to climate change are socially embedded and ethically loaded. And we need to understand and practice ways of doing research which don’t stimulate moral hazard or authoritarian depoliticisation of climate action.



Kiss My Ring

video confirming chemtrails are aerosols being deliberately dumped into upper atmosphere.

1 – The Climate is Changing Unexpectedly

2 – It Is Difficult to Trust What You Hear

3 – The Future is Uncertain

4 – The Entire Solar System is Shifting

5 – The Sun May Dictate Our Future

6 – Someone is Screwing With the Weather



Kiss My Ring
Deforestation is messing with our weather -- and our food

New study, the first of its kind, investigates cooling and warming effects of forests at both a global scale and a high spatial resolution

University of Maryland

Annapolis, Md -- New research published today in Nature Communications provides insight into how large-scale deforestation could impact global food production by triggering changes in local climate. In the study, researchers from the United States and China zero in on albedo (the amount of the sun's radiation reflected from Earth's surface) and evapotranspiration (the transport of water into the atmosphere from soil, vegetation, and other surfaces) as the primary drivers of changes in local temperature.

The research is the first global analysis of the effects of forest cover change on local temperature using high-resolution NASA global satellite data. A peer-reviewed paper based on the study, "Local cooling and warming effects of forests based on satellite observations," hints at how land use policies could have economic implications from forest to farmland.

"Understanding the precise mechanisms of forest-generated warming or cooling could help regional management agencies anticipate changes in crop yields. Together with a knowledge of other ecological factors, this information can help decision makers and stakeholders design policies that help to sustain local agricultural practices," said Safa Motesharrei, co-author of the paper and a systems scientist at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC).

Agriculture--specifically, converting forest cover to plantations for oil palm, soy, rubber, coffee, tea, rice, and many other crops--is widely believed to be one of the main causes of deforestation. Such change in land cover could drive a rise or fall in local temperature by as much as a few degrees. This kind of fluctuation could substantially impact yields of crops that are highly susceptible to specific climate conditions, resulting in harvests that are less productive and less profitable.

The authors say it underscores the need for a holistic understanding of forestry activities on local climate. They point out that while local impacts of forest cover change are some of the most relevant for management practices, they're also the most poorly understood.

The path to understanding these local impacts, the researchers say, is through albedo and evapotranspiration. Forests have a darker surface than, for example, an agricultural field--forests therefore have a lower albedo, which means less solar radiation is reflected and more is absorbed. This phenomenon causes warming. On the other hand, forests absorb more rainwater and transpire it as water vapor later. This phenomenon, called evapotranspiration, causes cooling.

"These two competing biophysical effects could determine whether--at a specific location or during a specific time of the day or season of the year--a forest could cause local cooling or warming. And, by extension, whether clearing a forest could lead to a rise or fall in local temperature," explained Yan Li of Peking University, lead author of the study and visiting climate scientist at the University of Maryland.

For example, the researchers found that tropical forests, which occur closest to the equator, have a strong cooling effect year-round. Boreal forests, which occur furthest from the equator, and temperate forests, which occur between tropical and boreal forests, show a seasonal variation. Boreal forests have strong warming in winter and moderate cooling in summer with net warming annually, and temperate forests show moderate cooling in summer and moderate warming in winter with net cooling annually. The scientists say this difference in cooling or warming can be largely explained by whether albedo or evapotranspiration is the dominant effect.

The study addresses questions that have been previously impossible to answer without these global satellite data. Earlier research has studied the effects of forest cover on temperature using field observations or global climate models. Because field work can be expensive, time-intensive, and logistically difficult, field measurements are generally available for only limited areas. These data are therefore difficult to scale up to develop a global picture. And because climate models require immense computational resources to run, they're often unable to provide focused local information with reliable precision.

"It's difficult to get measurements that are both accurate at a fine scale and have a large enough coverage that they can inform global climate models," said Nicholas Magliocca, a computational research fellow at SESYNC who was not involved in the study. "This analysis offers an important empirical benchmark against which global climate models can be validated to accurately represent the temperature-mediating effects of forests."

The satellite data used in the study--collected by NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS--provide the best of both worlds: information that is rich in detail and global in coverage. As a result, the researchers could effectively zoom in and back out again to analyze the same phenomena everywhere around the world.

"We knew before that forests have an impact on temperature. But this study has provided a precise, quantitative estimation of the impact of forests depending on the geographical location, tracing it back to the changes in albedo and evapotranspiration," said Eugenia Kalnay, co-author of the paper and a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland.

As rates of deforestation climb and shifts in local climate become more pronounced, the need to understand the relationship between forest cover change and temperature will become more urgent. We have already lost 130 million hectares--an area roughly equivalent to twice the size of France--of the world's forests just in the past decade, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The more forests we clear, the more we increase risks for food production due to changes in temperature.


Kiss My Ring
yesterday i watched them spray under a heavy cloud cover.
first time noticing that. it's poison, pure and simple.


Active member
If you watched the new season of the Xfiles they touched on chemtrails, the story said they gave people vaccines, and the chemtrails were activators of illnesses.
"contrails" over my horizon every night, well I live on a hill so I can see a few miles maybe 10 away, yeah planes fly over all the time leave interesting patterns that make for great pictures around sunset but can't prove they have an agenda haven't been poisoned yet last time I checked at least although if it did happen it could explain a thing or 2! As nuts as I may be think this whole thing is far more nuts! We'll see, I will research and keep an open mind if you do the same!

Rocky Mtn Squid

Hacking The Planet : The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Hacking The Planet : The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering


Climate engineering and weather warfare are ultimately one in the same. The ongoing atmospheric experiments taking place in our skies have a long history with many objectives and agendas being carried out, the equation is complex. If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting catastrophic global climate engineering operations, we must first have a clear understanding of the issue itself. This video is by far the most complete and comprehensive presentation ever produced by GeoengineeringWatch.org. The presentation was given live at Northern California public awareness raising event. It is our hope that this video will provide a useful tool for increasing desperately needed public awareness and understanding of the critically important climate engineering issue.
It is imperative to reach a critical mass of public awareness as quickly as possible. The effort to expose and halt geoengineering operations can only be waged with an awakened population, time is not on our side. Sharing credible data from a credible source is the most effective and efficient way to wake others who are not yet aware of the issue. Make your voice heard, make every day count.

Dane Wigington





Kiss My Ring
Finding the right "dose" for solar geoengineering

Solar geoengineering could halve global temperature increases without making climate change worse, research shows

By Leah Burrows
March 11, 2019


New research finds that if solar geoengineering is used to cut global temperature increases in half, there could be worldwide benefits without exacerbating change in any large geographic area.

One of the key misconceptions about solar geoengineering — putting aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and reduce global warming — is that it could be used as a fix-all to reverse global warming trends and bring temperature back to pre-industrial levels.

It can’t. Applying huge doses of solar geoengineering to offset all warming from rising atmospheric C02 levels could worsen the climate problem — particularly rainfall patterns — in certain regions. But could smaller doses work in tandem with emission cuts to lower the risks of a changing climate?

New research from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), in collaboration with MIT and Princeton University, finds that if solar geoengineering is used to cut global temperature increases in half, there could be worldwide benefits without exacerbating change in any large geographic area.

“Some of the problems identified in earlier studies where solar geo-engineering offset all warming are examples of the old adage that the dose makes the poison,” said David Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at SEAS and senior author of the study. “This study takes a big step towards using climate variables most relevant for human impacts and finds that no IPCC-defined region is made worse off in any of the major climate impact indicators. Big uncertainties remain, but climate models suggest that geoengineering could enable surprisingly uniform benefits.”

The research is published in Nature Climate Change.

To better understand what regions could experience worse climatic conditions if solar geoengineering were combined with emissions cuts, the researchers used a state-of-the-art high-resolution model to simulate extreme rainfall and tropical cyclones (a.k.a. hurricanes). It’s the first time such a model has been used to study the potential impact of solar geoengineering.

Researchers looked at temperature and precipitation extremes, water availability, and a measure of the intensity of tropical storms. They found that halving warming with solar geoengineering not only cools the planet everywhere but also moderates changes in water availability and extreme precipitation in many places and offsets more than 85 percent of the increase in the intensity of hurricanes.

Less than 0.5 percent of the land would see the effects of climate change exacerbated, according to the model.

“The places where solar geoengineering exacerbates climate change were those that saw the least climate change to begin with,” said Peter Irvine, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at SEAS and lead author of the study. “Previous work had assumed that solar geo-engineering would inevitably lead to winners and losers with some regions suffering greater harms; our work challenges this assumption. We find a large reduction in climate risk overall without significantly greater risks to any region.”

The researchers are quick to point out that this is a simplified experiment, which assumed doubled CO2 concentrations and represented solar geo-engineering by turning down the sun.

However, it is a first step towards understanding how solar geoengineering could be used in tandem with other tools to mitigate some of the worse impacts of climate change.

"For years, geoengineering has focused on compensating for greenhouse gas induced warming without worrying too much about other quantities like rainfall and storms,” said Kerry Emanuel, the Cecil & Ida Green Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT and co-author of the study. “This study shows that a more modest engineered reduction in global warming can lead to better outcomes for the climate as a whole."

“The analogy is not perfect but solar geoengineering is a little like a drug which treats high-blood pressure,” said Irvine. “An overdose would be harmful, but a well-chosen dose could reduce your risks. Of course, it’s better to not have high-blood pressure in the first place but once you have it, along with making healthier lifestyle choices, it’s worth considering treatments that could lower your risks.”

This research was co-authored by Jie He, Larry W. Horowitz, and Gabriel Vecchi.


Rocky Mtn Squid

US and Saudi Arabia blocking regulation of geoengineering, sources say

US and Saudi Arabia blocking regulation of geoengineering, sources say

The United States and Saudi Arabia have hamstrung global efforts to scrutinise climate geoengineering in order to benefit their fossil fuel industries, according to multiple sources at the United Nations environment assembly, taking place this week in Nairobi.

The world’s two biggest oil producers reportedly led opposition against plans to examine the risks of climate-manipulating technology such as sucking carbon out of the air, reflective mirrors in space, seeding the oceans and injecting particulates into the atmosphere.

Deeper analysis of the risks had been proposed by Switzerland and 12 other countries as a first step towards stronger oversight of potentially world-altering experiments that would have implications for food supply, biodiversity, global inequality and security. Some have been tried, but as yet none deployed at a scale that would affect the climate.

This call for caution was supported by the president of the assembly, Siim Kiisler, Estonia’s environment minister, “We need to talk about governance of geoengineering. We need an international agreement on this in the future. Just ignoring the issue does not help. We need to talk about it and how to govern those technologies in the future.”

But sources involved with the talks said the initiative was blocked, initially by the US and Saudi Arabia, then by Japan and other countries.

Once dismissed as reckless science fiction, geoengineering has risen up the political agenda of some nations as the climate crisis has become more apparent.

The petrochemical industry sees it as a way to justify further expansion of fossil fuel industries. Chevron, BHP and other high-emitting companies have invested in companies that are pushing ahead with experiments to pull CO2 out of the air.

US academics at Harvard are also poised to conduct the biggest outdoor test of stratospheric aerosol injection, which simulates the cloaking effect of a volcano eruption. The researchers say this test, known as Scopex, will probably take place in New Mexico.

One of the leading US scientists behind such research, David Keith, published a paper this week claiming the risks of geoengineering are not as great as previously feared.

Opponents counter that earlier, more thorough studies show serious impacts on Asian monsoon cycles, African droughts, tropical cyclones and extreme temperatures. They want the UN to impose a moratorium on outdoor experiments using this form of technology.

“More than a scientific test, this is a political test. It’s a way to establish the technology,” warned Silvia Ribeiro of the industry watchdog ETC Group. “Stratospheric aerosol injection would cause huge imbalances in the climate. We think it will also exacerbate geopolitical unfairness.”

Many climate scientists argue such research is a distraction from proven methods of mitigating emissions through tree planting and a switch to renewable energy.

Jacqueline McGlade, professor of sustainable development at University College London, said she supported certain types of locally appropriate land-based geoengineering but was extremely concerned about efforts to play with the stratosphere. “If we mess around with particulate matter, it could potentially affect everyone. As far as atmospheric physics are concerned, we don’t know everything.”

Currently, the main prohibition on testing is the Convention on Biological Diversity, which the US is the only country not to have ratified. There are also provisions in the London Protocol, which forbids ocean seeding – another form of geoengineering, which aims to increase the capacity of sea water to absorb CO2. The question now is whether to strengthen the controls, by tightening rules and broadening oversight, or to narrow them down.

The US argues that geoengineering should be left to climate forums, such as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

This week, consensus proved impossible. On Wednesday evening, the Swiss delegation withdrew their resolution and expressed regret that “some countries” were reluctant to move forward. “Our motivation was to get more information to inform discussions,” the head of the delegation Felix Wertli said. “Governance of geoengineering is an important topic today, and even more tomorrow. The topic is not off the table. It is the start of a further conversation.”

This was seen as a defeat for the “precautionary principle”, under which nations are supposed to put safety first when faced with uncertain but potentially catastrophic risks. Campaigners warned future debates on the subject are now more likely to focus narrowly on science and politics, rather than other species, food supply, water use, inequality and peace.

“It is regrettable that efforts to strengthen existing UN governance on geoengineering met with resistance from a handful of high-emitting oil-producing countries,” said Lili Fuhr of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. “This task is now more important than ever as we see real-world experiments and public support for these technologies growing in exactly those countries, like the USA and Saudi Arabia, that were blocking progress on this issue this week in Nairobi.”

This was not the only agenda item in Nairobi that Trump administration diplomats were accused of watering down; they were also accused of undermining efforts to ensure strong environmental governance. “They are trying to remove all targets and timelines,” said one senior delegate.

An ambitious Indian resolution to phase out single-use plastics by 2025 has been diluted to resolving to “significantly reduce” them by 2030, said another delegate. The US was supported by Brazil and at least four other countries in pushing back the deadline and making the language more vague.

On marine waste, a Norwegian proposal to build an effective global strategy for dealing with plastics that enter the oceans has also met with resistance from the US. “They want to postpone measures so they can protect their industry,” said an ambassador from a large developing country.

Approached by the Guardian, a US official denied his country was playing an obstructionist role.

This could prove to be the last time the UK is part of the European Union delegation at an international conference, and there is speculation that after Brexit the British position may be realigned with the economy-first, environment-second approach of Washington.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/mar/18/us-and-saudi-arabia-blocking-regulation-of-geoengineering-sources-say




Well-known member
I think some of the recent storms in CO might have been assisted by cloud seeding, there have been articles on local news sites about "making good snowstorms better", also NOAA is here


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The global warming issue can be cured by moving back to living, fungal and bacterial rich soils. Fungus and bacteria are capable of sequestering plenty of CO2 to cool the planet. The same defense against the chemical air poisoning will also heal the soils. A massive need to quit ignorantly tilling/plowing, quit using fungicides, quit using insecticides, quit using salt fertilizers, and actively work at healing the fungal/bacterial balance in the soils. Preliminary research says we have enough soil in use to cool the planet... but after the soils are healed they'll only be able to feed about 14 billion people.

Plan accordingly.

(Edit: Up to 75% water savings are also commonly realized)