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Spain - growroom trash (substrate, leaves, etc)

Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Hi folks

So small-scale, personal growing is "not illegal" in Spain. Not legal too, but you know :)
(edited bacause information was contested and is not confirmed)

So my question is for other growers in Spain - do you somehow "hide"/"disguise" your growroom tarsh?
Cannabis leaves, stalks, broken lights, fans, used substrate/pots etc.
Do you just get it to street bin as normal trash and do not care that someone might find it interesting?
Or do you somehow "hide"/"disguise" it? Dispose in other way (secretly)?

I have very small operation, only for me - but I always worry a little hauling 200 liters of soil to the bin 😅
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Well-known member
Hi folks

So small-scale, personal growing is "not illegal" in Spain. Not legal too, but you know :)

So my question is for other growers in Spain - do you somehow "hide"/"disguise" your growroom tarsh?
Cannabis leaves, stalks, broken lights, fans, used substrate/pots etc.
Do you just get it to street bin as normal trash and do not care that someone might find it interesting?
Or do you somehow "hide"/"disguise" it? Dispose in other way (secretly)?

I have very small operation, only for me - but I always worry a little hauling 200 liters of soil to the bin 😅
You need to be cautious and not take any chances. Compost all your scraps and don't put it in the public trash just to be on the safe side. It doesn't matter where someone lives putting cannabis debris where it can be seen is asking for trouble.


Not ICMag Donor
Personal growing in Spain is as illegal as it gets. The law is clear as day, and there are no loopholes of any kind.
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Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Hm... That's not what I've heard.
To start with - Spain is NOT unified country. Autonomous comunities have their own laws.
Catalonia and Valencia have weed decriminalized for personal use as far as I know...

I'm not a lawyer, I have no personal experience in being arrested - maybe you are right - but in several years of growing here and talking with growers/clubmembers - this is first time someone tells me it's "as illegal as it gets" - go to Poland or Russia dude. You'll see how illegal it can get.


Not ICMag Donor
It's always hilarious when foreigners insist to tell me how my country works.

1. Spain is indeed a unified country with nation wide laws. The last time Spain was not a unified country, was in the 15th century. No autonomous communities have special laws concerning drugs. That is ludicrous.

2. You didn't say anything about using weed in your original post. You said growing:
small-scale, personal growing is "not illegal" in Spain. Not legal too, but you know
Personal growing weed and possession are illegal nation wide.

3. I don't need to go to Poland or Russia. "As illegal as it gets" means 100% illegal. Whatever penalties are applied in different countries is irrelevant. Every 2-3 months there's a new thread talking about how "everyone knows personal growing is legal in Spain" or "you can have 3 plants legally in Spain". Again completely false. Growing weed for personal use is 100% illegal, as is possession of even a single joint.

4. Clubs are tourist traps where only fools waste their money. Not surprised you got your legal information from them.

Edit - 5. I suggest you educate yourself before you spread this bullshit that could end up with someone landing in jail. As I said, the law is clear as day. Maybe go and read it if you're interested. I can't imagine growing weed in a country that's not my own, and not knowing the law in every detail. That is completsly crazy.
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Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Every google search tells me it is decriminalised (in private areas, for adults, NOT for sale). Many Spanish, local growers said me so, breeder living here for 10+ years said me so... So with that many sources of bad information - talking to you and other Spanish growers may by my only option to get real info.
It is not my fault noone is writing how it really is and everyone lies.

I'm not explaining "your country" to you. I do not know you, I did not know that you are from Spain - plus you are very aggresive now for no reason at all. I just want to get to the truth.

And as for being from Spain - that does not necessarily means you know law. 99% of citizens do not know laws of their own country in full extent - even the lawyers, hell even the judges argue over law interpretations. I'm not saying you do not know - just that being Spanish does not automatically mean that.

Can you provide any more info in that? Like government regulations/acts?
I would love to see some but can't find it anywhere. I tried.

What about this? Is this not true? As I understand it it should not be illegal if not visible from street (indoor) and not made for sale...
Please, please respond with more knowledge and explanation instead of passive-aggresive attacking :(
I really just want civilised discussion, I'm not here to make you angry.
El artículo 368 del Código Penal prohíbe cualquier forma de negocio o narcotráfico así como el cultivo y la elaboración de drogas o estupefacientes, ya que suponen un delito contra la salud pública, con penas de prisión que pueden ir de uno a seis años y multa dependiendo de las circunstancias en que se cometa.26

Fuera de estos casos, la posesión de drogas para uso propio no está penada, pero el artículo 36 de la Ley Orgánica 4/2015, de protección de la seguridad ciudadana castiga como infracción administrativa grave (con multas de 601 a 30 000 euros) también la tenencia ilícita cuando se produce en espacios públicos y asimismo el traslado de personas para ese fin, la plantación y el cultivo en público y la tolerancia de su consumo por parte de propietarios, administradores y encargados de locales y establecimientos, cuando no supongan delito. La disposición adicional quinta abre la posibilidad de la suspensión de las sanciones dinerarias en materia de consumo de drogas siempre que el infractor sea menor de edad y solicite y se comprometa a seguir tratamiento o rehabilitación al efecto.
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Not ICMag Donor
If I came out aggressive it's because I'm tired to correct these myths every few months. It's not really personal towards you, more like I can't understand why people wouldn't look for the correct info.

Regarding your quote, it says possession of small amounts is not penalised, but that doesn't mean it's legal. They are still getting your data, and you being stopped and taken your weed away will be in the legal record which will matter in the future if you are detained for a bigger issue.

Here is a thread where I also may come out aggressive because as I said it's tiring to correct these things all the time (in Spanish forums too which is quite sad). I think most of the stuff you'd be interested is talked about here.

Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Thank you very much.
I've read it - and... it is EXACTLY how I thought it is - and as I stated in my first post - so we probably did not understood eachother on some level. Sorry for that 👊😅

I stated, I quote "(...) personal growing is "not illegal" in Spain. Not legal too (...)" - I did not state it is legal - just "not illegal".

Buy you are right, I did not add that I mean indoor grow, not visible to public in ANY way and it could confuse someone reading only first post.

My growroom does not even have windows. I would never do outdoor or balcony grow. Crazy to me. There is zero possibility to see my plants without fully entering my house and going 5 meters and turning. 😅

My weed generally does not leave my house(building) - once or twice a year for GrowCup only.

I do not have guests, I do not have people coming and going, I barely leave the house, I do not party, I do not make noise, I do not get any attention from neighbours.

I have never sold even a milligram.
I do not do or have other drugs at home.
I do not have money at home.
I do not even drink alcohol.
My landlord (house owner) knows what I grow and is okay with it.
I know that police here cannot easily get into private house - so I would just not let them in if they came. Also I have cameras to prove if they enter illegaly.

So am I good here? Am I in any "police danger" if I do as I just stated above?
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Not ICMag Donor
You will be fine in the sense that you most likely won't get caught, but you're still not legal. Your grow room not having windows doesn't mean the grow is legal by any means. Just they can't see it. You are still potentially subjected to forced entry and inspection if the authorities have reasons to suspect there is an intent to sell. Which can be for example if the judge considers the quantities you grow are enough to assume you sell. Or if ppl enter/exit your house multiple times a day, things like that. Which you have said is not the case. I have grown indoors for a long time and had no issues at all. But I was very careful all the time. Now that I grow outdoors I am even more careful.

I think you might have missed the article I linked in the post.

Here it says (translated by Google):

Thus, article 36.18 of the Citizen Protection Law expressly punishes the execution of acts of illicit planting and cultivation in places visible to the public.

For its part, article 368 of the Penal Code punishes with prison sentences of one to three years and a fine of up to twice as much (in the case of substances that do not cause serious harm to health, as is the case with marijuana), to those who carry out acts of cultivation, processing or trafficking, or otherwise promote, favor or facilitate the illegal consumption of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances, or possess them for those purposes.

Notice it's 2 different laws. YOur situation is illegal as well. The whole article is quite informative and to the point.

The main thing that will determine if they will try to get an order to enter your house is: are there reasons to think it is possible you are selling drugs. As long as you remember this you should be fine. Ppl entering your house often, cars parked outside, people complaining about smell, finding little baggies or a weighing scale in your car, things like that.

As for your question on your original post, what I used to si when I grew indoors is: wait until busy commute hours (7-8 AM or 6-9 PM) and drive a few blocks away to throw the trash bags in a container that's not near your house. Make sure there's nothing in the bags with your name or address on it (like grow shop packages).

Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Thanks! 😍💪
Until now I was mainly on Polish groups/forums/Discords. Time to change it 👊

So to sum it up - as I understand:
It is kind of gray zone.
It is still illegal inside - but they generally should not be able to see it and prosecute cause they cannot just "go inside on a whim".
Soo... do not get attention enough for them to issue a search warrant and you should be good.

Does is seem about right?

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