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Sour Saver 2.5 *bong* Report

Excellent DeviLock, looks and sounds like you'll be enjoying yourself with that pretty lady.

And a BIG congrats to zep for making such a nice colorfull cross, sounds pretty potent to boot, way to go zep you rock & rolling grow dog :wink:




Wow. Thanx for all the kind posts everyone.

Bog, Rez, and Zepp. Ya'll rock in my book. lol. *bong*

Zilaniz. Yeah its a stinker in flower. The stretch i would say moderate. Not like a sativa though.

Indigo. You hit it right on the head with your description. And thank you very much for the pic nomination :redface:

mYke420. One of my fav band.

Zepp. THat mixed pheno you picture looks exactly like mine. :woohoo:

Peace and *bong* :friends:


Captain Expando
Dev does an outstanding job Supercropping...

Dev does an outstanding job Supercropping...

maybe sometime he could tell us more about this wonderful method :wink::yes: way to go Dev... it has it's advantages, but I do perfer the elongated Single Cola method, and I'm always learning more good things about it :D

a look at Sour Saver that's been Supercropped:


here she is using a Single Cola method:


either way :bongsmi: she g0nna bo0t ya in the tw0 t0o :kos: peAce, z


Awesome smoke report and a nice job done on the grow! Just to confirm w/ your grow, did you veg around 8 weeks?

I will be on the lookout in Feb for sure!


Hey zepp.Great pics. Actually i would prefer to do single cola grows. Just cause i could yeild more i think. Im gettin enough clones grown out so i can do a bunch of single cola plants. My supercroping i learned how to do here. 1st i top at like 4th or 5th node. Then i start squeezing the branches, breaking the inside of the stalk. (be careful) Basicly i just keep topping and breaking the branches. Pretty simple.

Hey cheeba. Actually im not really sure how long they were vegged for. I tried a new medium and fucked all my stuff up in the begining of the grow. Sorry im really sure.

Myke Great to see another fiend on here :woohoo: lol

Peace and *bong* :friends:


My hats off to you devil great looking plant....
Also to all the breeders in the prodject...
It just goes to show that a small seed bank is just as good as the big boys........


Good luck dude. YOu'll be very pleased with em. Theres a grow thread on em in the swan song seeds forum if your intrested. Peace and *bong* :friends:


Thanx rez. That means a lot comin from you. Peace and *bong* :friends: