Yes i was referring to that on mobile and i cant edit pictures anywat you got me. I am not asking if its a issue but if you find the phenos with a bent leaf to be Sdubb dominant or you see that in every Sdubbs1 / s2 ... It would be helpful in identifying Sdubb phenos in all the Sdubb crosses now available in seed form...
Hope thats more clear..
I finally up potted my s2 to a 1 gallon over the weekend, she is darkened up very much now in just a few days. Pics next weekend, my mom who is holding her said i am an asshole for leaving her in the cup so long lol.
Branching and structure were perfect as was the strength of the branches. It will yield well. There were several nice tops. Pretty colors. Well see how the smell and flavor are after a couple weeks drying.
Oh ya, amazing what a switch from 600w to 1K lights will do. Got 5.5 zips dry off the second Sour dub. Plenty good enough to keep growing this strain and not just use it for a couple breeding projects. Liking this strain more and more the longer I'm around it. Friends love the hell out of smoking it also.