Man this Sour Dubb s1#100 has some awesome terps and taste fantastic. It's a shame the bag appeal is bad.. I would run more if she looked better when dry.
Man this Sour Dubb s1#100 has some awesome terps and taste fantastic. It's a shame the bag appeal is bad.. I would run more if she looked better when dry.
There all great to smoke. Bag appeal has nothing to do with how she smokes. Most people decide what they what to smoke by looks. If they don't know how good Sdubb is many pass on her because of looks after she is dry. In flower she looks great .
There all great to smoke. Bag appeal has nothing to do with how she smokes. Most people decide what they what to smoke by looks. If they don't know how good Sdubb is many pass on her because of looks after she is dry. In flower she looks great .
"loud" as a term is dying around here...
Now people are saying "gas" as a term for the good good.
Times they are a changing.
Man this Sour Dubb s1#100 has some awesome terps and taste fantastic. It's a shame the bag appeal is bad.. I would run more if she looked better when dry.
@Purple Frostbyte When I'm low on stash, I hit up a local grower, with decades of experience, who has some really wicked strains. He gives me tiny samples and IME the ugly ones often smoke best. So, I've stopped letting bag appeal have anything to do with selection. All it took was him saying, try it before you buy it, and I was back the next day with cash in hand.
That works if you don't mind traffic at your house, if you're dumping it all at once to a dispensary, they want bag appeal, because thats what their patients buy. Sad but that's economics.