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sony pulls movie due to terror threat


Well-known member
Wow.now its starting to make sense willstown.yeah your right about that ps3 bullshit.unfortunately its still the best game in town.


Active member
Hello all,

Its free because it was put out on pirate site the night before it went public....torrents.

That is all.



if it smells like fish
its on Netflix now....lots of funny lines ..i got questions for that goat,,,just for the record I don't got stank dick,we don't have a better plan your gonna have to stick it in your ass...gay breadcrumbs......yeehaw .. I can see why kim wouldn't like it tho ...suck it kim


Active member
There is a theory that this whole thing was planned and put in motion by those agencies within the US government that want popular opinion here to change so that people will think, "See? We need the government's intervention and to watch over the internet so that terrible things like those God hating N Korean terrorist governments can't ruin our lives. We need a governmental watchdog over the internet here." I have read there are agencies in our government that not only just planned this and set it in motion, but also provided tools and strategies to the N Koreans. I'm not sure this is true, but I also read that distinctive NSA footprints were found in the software used in the attack. Does this sound to you like something those slimy NSA bastards would do?


if it smells like fish
nothing would surprise me...hey suck it kim ...truth hurts....if you cant laugh at yourself your doing something wrong..


Active member
To believe for a moment that this flick was spammed or fucked with from NK is dumb in the extreme, see it as more Zionist manipulation to entice you to watch yet another dumb movie from the likes of Seth Rogen, whose been playing catchup his entire career.

Randall Park who plays Kim, conceals his true ability, but does peak 1-2 times, but when he peaks, its worth the ticket to view this crap.
SCORE: 3/10
better value at Inherent Vice


if it smells like fish
what kind of porn have you been watching......lol suck it hatrz....funny but not a classic by any means...stoner comedy...


Active member
Well i watched it finally And TBO it really wasn't that great throw Eminem in movie in hopes to grab peoples attention for this show typical i found it to be rather boring
Jim Carey, John Candy many others would school these punks in comedy
owe the finger biting sick show is a major failure peanut butter and jealous hahaha NOT likely or anus glad i not even close to being like them

Stupid show period wasted couple hrs when i could of had more fun tending my plants