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Something strange happened to me tonight

Logic tells me someone must have left it there.

yea...they left it there for you.

if an image of the wheel barrow flashed in your mind, perhaps this might be considered premonition?

Interesting story. I think now at this point, in my own human experience, Im starting to notice "signs" a lot more often. Answers will eventually find the way to me, somehow, someway.
I dont get it, u wished u had a wheel barrow and then u go for a drive and find one??

Nothing strange about that man, it is called law of attraction

Someone knows about the secret. Your not the only one.

But Honestly the main part of the story I can't really understand is why you saw a random piece of equipment and thought that you had the right to take it home with you because you saw it in a day dream. :chin:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
good find JWP, I believe they call that kismet
or at the very least 'recycling' wtg though bro.

anything you guys want here can be found on
CraigsList, including that fine tail for Classy.......

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If everything you say about this wheelbarrow being an absolute, dumped, obviously abandoned piece of shit , and not a good condition item in front of a construction site is correct, I apologize for saying you stole it.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
If everything you say about this wheelbarrow being an absolute, dumped, obviously abandoned piece of shit , and not a good condition item in front of a construction site is correct, I apologize for saying you stole it.

i dont.... why would you steal a rusted wheelbarrow, when a new one cost about $20 bucks???

and if its in front of a construction site, you think its abandoned??? have you ever worked construction? cause we used the wheelbarrows damn near everyday to move everything from brick to mixing cement.... im sure there is a pissed off foreman somehwere having to buy a new wheelbarrow....

bad karma man... im telling ya.


Active member
If everything you say about this wheelbarrow being an absolute, dumped, obviously abandoned piece of shit , and not a good condition item in front of a construction site is correct, I apologize for saying you stole it.

Thank you fishheadbob, its nice of you to say :wave:

laws of attraction???

thats if your like .... DAMN i really wish a big tittied thin framed fine faced redhead would come into my life....and yal cal up pizza hut and voila.. marcia cross shows up at your door with a stuffed crust pan pizza...

thinking you need a wheelbarrow and driving around til you find one is fucking stealing.

how fucking stupid you have to be?? shit it probably cost you more in gas looking for one in industrial areas then to goto homedepot and buy one for a louse $18 fuciking dollars.

but hey if its worth getting busted for growing MMJ by bring attention to yourself for stealing shit....be my guest. youll just make it easier on the rest of us who stay righteous.:thank you::thank you::thank you:

thats like justifying the crazy lady who drives her minivan 20 miles across town to the OTHER grocery store to save .10 cents on a bag of lays potato chips.....

i dont.... why would you steal a rusted wheelbarrow, when a new one cost about $20 bucks???

and if its in front of a construction site, you think its abandoned??? have you ever worked construction? cause we used the wheelbarrows damn near everyday to move everything from brick to mixing cement.... im sure there is a pissed off foreman somehwere having to buy a new wheelbarrow....

bad karma man... im telling ya.

I didn’t go driving around looking for a wheel barrow. I was doing something else and came across it.

Who said anything about growing MMJ? I said gardening.

Who said anything about a construction site? End of a long dark road...

Do you even bother to read the posts? Or do you get an idea in your head and just go with that. That’s what it looks like.

I would also bet you have a lot of confrontations in your life over this exact type of thing. Clearly you make assumptions and run with them.

Then through your own stubbornness or just a complete lack of self awareness of what you have done an apology is out of the question and the bad karma continues.

You are quick to judge others and cast your verdict while proclaiming to be on a higher moral ground. I think its time for you to have a good look in the mirror because I’m sure I’m not the only one who can see this about you.

While looking down from your great moral heights why not take a second to look up for a change and learn a lesson or two from the most moral of all.

Judge not lest ye be judged.. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..

lol I’m not even religious. You talk a lot but you don’t make a lot of sense. Maybe you should talk a little less, at least in this thread anyway :ying:


no wuckin furries!
this thread is cracking me up !!!

this thread is cracking me up !!!

side of road...not in front of someone's business or home....FAIR GAME!

LOOK! ....if someones tool shead door is open or the lock is easy to break its fair game...

glad no one one chased after you while you were on your thieving spree JWP :tiphat: you must have the speed of a ninja....using the cover of heavy rain was just genius...

next time your out get me a nice sized tv and some sort of gaming console (with some decent games of coarse)...i'll throw you a $20 ?

ahhh streaming tears...im mean...i'll take my tongue out of my check now :D...HH. =]-~
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Active member
happyherb, i didnt plan it that way. The dark and the rain were just circumstantial variables.

Only now do i realize that these things make me look like an elite criminal mastermind :sasmokin:


Active member
I have to agree with you happyherb, it is rather entertaining reading these responses.

The most entertaining part for me is that my character has come into question over this wheel barrow. I think the resale value of this thing couldn’t possibly be any more than $1. In fact I’m pretty sure I would have to pay someone to cart it away lol

Well for anyone who still just inst sure about shady old me. I don’t even own a TV or a gaming console. But if I did I would gladly give them to you happyherb.

Still not sure? I have an awesome selection of bump keys & some of raimundo's custom made lock picks. A TV & gaming console would not be hard for me to come across at all. But that’s just not how I roll.

I use my evil powers for good :tiphat:


Active member
So it was destiny that you were gonna steal somembodies wheelbarrel?

I hope it was abandoned, if not that was theft.

I don't mind weed smokers because what we do is victomless but theft is another story all together.


Active member
Something REAL strange happened to me.

I had a vision that I would walk away and my wheel barrow would be stolen.

So when I went inside for a lunch/smoke/bath room break I knew I would return to a missing wheel barrow.

Well right after I took my last puff of the joint I walked down the hazy path on this rainy day, and to my amazement the wheel barrow was missing.

You wouldn't happened to know anything about this would you? :wave:


Active member
So it was destiny that you were gonna steal somembodies wheelbarrel?

I hope it was abandoned, if not that was theft.

I don't mind weed smokers because what we do is victomless but theft is another story all together.

Not too bright are you. Go look at some crop circles or pull some whitches out of their houses and burn them at the stake.
Why does evolution take so damn long!

yea...they left it there for you.

if an image of the wheel barrow flashed in your mind, perhaps this might be considered premonition?

Interesting story. I think now at this point, in my own human experience, Im starting to notice "signs" a lot more often. Answers will eventually find the way to me, somehow, someway.

waaa i dont know how i missed this post. clearly a thinker.
premonition... i hadnt thought about that until now.
it makes sense, especially with all the drama in this thread. a lot of energy involved..

who would have thought such an insignificant peice of crap wheel barrow could have such profound meaning in my life :chin:


no wuckin furries!
who would have thought such an insignificant peice of crap wheel barrow could have such profound meaning in my life :chin:

thats because its an 'EVIL' wheelbarrel...the poor guy that had it before you left it where you found it knowing the next victim would find it on that dark lonely stormy night...he willed you to that spot even showing you in your mind what to look for...the rest of your life is in great danger...you will find from here on out ppl will not believe a word you say ...murders will occur in the dead of night,you will have been in bed but bloodied barrow tracks will strain your floors and fingers will be pointed at YOU ...these are scary days ahead .....

i do a lot of walking(dont drive)....one night (while having a few empty bags on me) i walked towards this large box sitting out on the street...i laughed to myself and said "i hope thats full of video tapes"....looked into it...lol lol lol there it was a box of tapes :D...2 trips and my 3 bags filled twice and i had over 50 new vids to watch..tripped me out...now im cursed with a messy house with tapes scattered everywhere :D

another night...i was walking along and there it was in someones front garden a 26" Tv and it was telling me to take it!...well more so the sign that said "please take"....picked it up and moved it up the road to someones house and got a lift the next morn to bring it back to my house...only problem is i have to leave it on stand by all the time because if i turn it of at the button it sometimes wont turn back on for an hour or days ???? but a bloody good find....

my sons asked me "how the hell did you find that?"...i said at 1st...."look its not my fault ppl leave there windows open while they are out the back hanging there washing out...they are just asking for there stuff to be stolen... fair and square "....we had a good laugh about it when i told them it was a give away( so i dont need a tv JWP or the game console...just playing with ya...plus we are in different countries :gday: )

the funniest thing ive found is a 2 foot long(and very very heavy) adjustable spanner...what the hell am i going to do with that?...saved it from going through someones car window around here i would say though

ppl seem to be putting A LOT of stuff out around here these days....i have to stop picking up crap!...

anyway just messing with ya JWP....if some ppl are serious they need to think about it a little more before tripping.HH. =]-~

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
only thing that happens to me is a have a hot and sexy dream and wake up with a wet bed. lol
I have had some strange dreams. in the past month i had a dream where i woke up from a dream all panic like and then i woke up from that dream, trippy a dream within a dream strange as hell, felt really weird when woke up, like mentally i mean it was hard on my subconcious i think


Similar kind of thing happened to a friend of mine, we were driving around blazed at about 1:30 in the morning, not really speaking just enjoying the weed and listening to the radio, all of a sudden my friend starts slowing down, were in a residential area and hes driving at like 5 mph then he just stops, the second he does a jet black cat with a strange white marking jumps out into the middle of the road, my mate freaks out as if he knew it was gonna be there, like something just told him. 3 months later doing the same, completely different part of town at least 5 miles away from where we were last time, same fucking thing happens again, same cat as well, he was fairly overcome with emotion to say the least, it really freaked him out, like he didn't even really realize he was slowing down.

Strange stuff.


haha! I always feel like I am psychic. I don't know if it's the acid...or the pot...or if it's just my mind. Though, honestly, would knowing why really make any difference? lol :bigeye: