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Something strange happened to me tonight


Active member
I had been doing some gardening and I was thinking to myself “I wish I had a wheel barrow to mix this dirt in, it would make thing so much easier”

I was thinking nothing flash just an old rustic wheel barrow.

Then tonight I had an urge to go for a drive to a local industrial area to scope out some potential new employers.

It’s raining, dark and I couldn’t see shit so I was about to turn around and go home but I was drawn down this long dark road and sitting there at the end of it was the wheel barrow I had pictured in my head.

So I get out of the car into the rain and put this wheel barrow in my boot and drive home thinking wtff all the way home.

Now has anyone else out there just had thoughts about things you may need or want and then like magic they manifest into you physical reality?
This sht still has my head spinning wtfffff :chin:



Every once in awhile, I dream about getting some fine tail...

Then I wake up - and don't...

Not quite the same thing, eh???


Active member
Funny you should say that because that has happened to me before as well! A few times! :tiphat:

Normally I’m not one to instantly act on urges or impulse rather I’m a thinker and tonight I just went with the flow.
This wheel barrow was just sitting there waiting for me tipped on it side with what looked like potting mix spilled on the grass.
It’s a new industrial area, not somewhere where people dump rubbish & junk. It’s a fully functioning barrow with an inflated wheel!
Maybe wheel barrows are lying around all over the place but I’ve just never noticed them before because I have never needed one


Active member
I dont get it, u wished u had a wheel barrow and then u go for a drive and find one??

Nothing strange about that man, it is called law of attraction


Active member
Then the owner comes back 10 minutes later and is like WTF some one really stole my wheelburrow? lol.

lol i hope i didnt fck it up for someone planting a crop at 9:30 at night in the rain.

No one was in sight and if someone was there they would have seen me with my high beams on looking at this wheel barrow.

This law of attraction business is great. I didnt even intend to look for a wheel barrow. It was just there, looking just like what i had pictured in my head.


A week ago I saw a new Ducati 999 and thought how much I wanted it.

But I sure as hell didn't STEAL it...


Active member
haha funny

i dont see that happening, but if this starving african kid was thinking about something relivent to his situation like a bowl of rice or some corn.... then...

maybe lol

I didnt steal it. Its a long dark road with NOTHING within 500m. Nothing!
Who ever left it there did it with that intention. Its not like a set of car keys, ooops i forgot my keys. Its a big bloody wheel barrow
We can indeed manifest "things" to happen.

Ever heard of the holographic brain, or the holographic universe ? This dimension that we exist in is only a flicker of light/vibration.

When you dream at night, who is to say it isn't real ?


Active member
We can indeed manifest "things" to happen.

Ever heard of the holographic brain, or the holographic universe ? This dimension that we exist in is only a flicker of light/vibration.

When you dream at night, who is to say it isn't real ?

Yes i'm right into the nature of reality and quantum physics.

Anyone who can comprehend the double slit experiment will understand that all matter only exists when conciousness is observing it. In a way we are all Gods.

I just cant figure out how i got it to work this time. Logic tells me someone must have left it there.


Active member
A week ago I saw a new Ducati 999 and thought how much I wanted it.

But I sure as hell didn't STEAL it...

Thanks for the negative rep and comment dude. I dont believe i stole it but i do belive in karma. Dont be supprised if you all of a sudden get some neg rep. I wont :ying:


I had been doing some gardening and I was thinking to myself “I wish I had a wheel barrow to mix this dirt in, it would make thing so much easier”

I was thinking nothing flash just an old rustic wheel barrow.

Then tonight I had an urge to go for a drive to a local industrial area to scope out some potential new employers.

It’s raining, dark and I couldn’t see shit so I was about to turn around and go home but I was drawn down this long dark road and sitting there at the end of it was the wheel barrow I had pictured in my head.

So I get out of the car into the rain and put this wheel barrow in my boot and drive home thinking wtff all the way home.

Now has anyone else out there just had thoughts about things you may need or want and then like magic they manifest into you physical reality?
This sht still has my head spinning wtfffff :chin:

its subconcous intent, the universe will bring you what you need,
I had been doing some gardening and I was thinking to myself “I wish I had a wheel barrow to mix this dirt in, it would make thing so much easier”

I was thinking nothing flash just an old rustic wheel barrow.

Then tonight I had an urge to go for a drive to a local industrial area to scope out some potential new employers.

It’s raining, dark and I couldn’t see shit so I was about to turn around and go home but I was drawn down this long dark road and sitting there at the end of it was the wheel barrow I had pictured in my head.

So I get out of the car into the rain and put this wheel barrow in my boot and drive home thinking wtff all the way home.

Now has anyone else out there just had thoughts about things you may need or want and then like magic they manifest into you physical reality?
This sht still has my head spinning wtfffff :chin:
hey you just stole someones gardening tool because you wanted it and decided it was fate to make yourself feel better.
take it back bro.:tiphat: