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some dick followed me from the grow shop today


Active member
Thats scary. Not to mention if he has your plate number, you are screwed. If you did happen to get his licence plate number, you might have to give him a little visit.

Anywho, it might be time to practice safe shopping.. For example I NEVER park at the hydro shop. I park around the way and walk.


GrowerGoneWild said:
Anywho, it might be time to practice safe shopping.. For example I NEVER park at the hydro shop. I park around the way and walk.

Yes parking around the corner is much less suspicious and if LEO is watching the grow shop, they certainly wont bother to watch which car you get in around the corner.

I know alot of people use this technique and suggest it but its pointless. Take a friends car or rent one. Rent one of the Home Depot trucks for $20 for 90 minutes. They would need a warrant to make HD tell them who rented the truck


If you're really concerned about being watched just do your business at opening time,the boys are still at Krispy Creme at that hour.


unfourtantly so is the store owner...they never open on time at my store..peace

OG bub

ICMag Donor
if yer being followed... 3 right turn, go 2 blocks, 3 more right turns, watch yer back the entire time, anything less than a 4 car team would show themselves.

but just so you know.. feds and local task forces dont have or are willing to spend time INVESTIGATING pot grows. they dont get much funding for that.. they are after meth and coke..
ya do know that paranoia is a side effect of a healthy pot consumer!?!

but if I thought I was being followed... Id pull over till they passed, and follow them. If I were shure they were cops, Id call the cops and report their car and location for dangerous/harassing driving. see what happens...
definetly not a satisfactory situation to be in..

if yer doing something big enuff to be worried about being followed, yer shopping at the wrong place, and shopping in the wrong manner!... plain and simple.

good luck, Peace, bub.


Active member
Verite said:
Tailed and you didnt stop by six grower friends houses on the way home? Hows a judge going to Kinko copy six warrants when you dont do that?

what a nice friend you are getting your peeps in trouble.
maybe i could duck in your pad when the dea is following me...

your paranoid!

good thread, sad story. just a lousy ripper.
what a loser, i hope u got the lic. plate #
if anything happens call the caps and claim a hit and run...

someone said call the cops on the way home...
you don thave to tell them where u came from. or u could just say the liquer store.
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Hey DigitalHippy...you might want to get to know me before assuming I'm paranoid. I am far less paranoid than most people on this site, and there are many people here who can attest to that. As a religious user I WELCOME the opportunity to defend my right to smoke in a court room. Fear has nothing to do with how I operate. However, I do have a very CLEAR understanding of surveillance tactics and how to assert my rights and deal with police, which is more than I can say for most people.

My advice is solid advice. If it's not, please show where.


The difference between paranoia and reality is the sort of test you did, ie, going into a 'destination only' area, where if the person doesn't stop it is likely they have no business being there in the first place.
That happened to me once. I wasn't coming from a grow-store, I was actually at the movies with my g/f. These guys followed me for a good 6 miles, and I finally led them into the pool parking lot at a development next to mine. I cornered them in the parking lot, jumped out with my glock 22 pointed right at him. They peeled out and went around me, and took the **** off. It was 3 black guys in a millenia. Most likely stick-up boys.


you got a little imagination...i will give you that
Depths Of OG said:
That happened to me once. I wasn't coming from a grow-store, I was actually at the movies with my g/f. These guys followed me for a good 6 miles, and I finally led them into the pool parking lot at a development next to mine. I cornered them in the parking lot, jumped out with my glock 22 pointed right at him. They peeled out and went around me, and took the **** off. It was 3 black guys in a millenia. Most likely stick-up boys.


My little pony.. my little pony
Gee, doesnt anyone yell out " say hello to my little friend!! " anymore?


stonedeconomist said:
if it was a narc it won't take him long to cross reference your cars license through the various data bases and find out were you live currently.

^ dude. couldnt a narc just chill at/ near a hydro store and write down all the liscence plates and just watch all of the houses of people that go to hydro stores?


No because you could presumably take what you bought ANYWHERE. They follow people because they want to see where the stuff is UNLOADED at.


you got a little imagination...i will give you that

Originally Posted by Depths Of OG
That happened to me once. I wasn't coming from a grow-store, I was actually at the movies with my g/f. These guys followed me for a good 6 miles, and I finally led them into the pool parking lot at a development next to mine. I cornered them in the parking lot, jumped out with my glock 22 pointed right at him. They peeled out and went around me, and took the **** off. It was 3 black guys in a millenia. Most likely stick-up boys.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


New member
To the original poster: Depending on your state laws for getting caught, determine the benefits of growing versus the penalties for getting caught. Sounds like a ripper more then the 50, but who knows. I would rip them, because the benefits in my area for 6 plants is not worth the punishment.


this sounds more like the tactic they pulled on me a few months ago! except i didn't realize that i was being tailed and went straight home. :spank: it doesn't matter wher you park they are very lazy individuals who want to be called detectives, so the next best thing(beside detecting anything) for them is to sit out side a grow store and follow people in most states the courts have oked this shaby police work.

a litle parinoia is healthy, i wish i had some prior to my bust. shit i thought my hobby food grows were a good alibi, they did not touch anything in my sun room where i had lights over a random collection of kithcen herbs in hydro.

OG bub, i am going to respectfully disagree... the cops definatly investigate pot growers, each bust they get just gets added to their #'s the more they get the more money and assets they get. Shit more people are growing than are cooking meth, the hell hole i just moved to the cops go out of their way to bust growers, they could give a **** about solving any real crime, i can't count the number of unsolved murders and or property crimes in this city on my hands and feet, yet they send "undercover" dudes tubing down the river and out at the frisbee course to catch and arrest pot smokers.
anyhoo, this is a new tactic that is geting "good"results and they are not showing any signs of stoping soon. shit my lawyer is working on four follow home busts not including me! no kidding or exaggeration.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Sorry but thats not the way police budgets work. They dont get bonuses for every bust and they dont get magical increases in budgets for more work done.

Sorry you got busted with sloppy trash habits but the fact still remains that visiting a grow store isnt probable cause for a warrant. Never has been and never will.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
I think Stonedtodeath has the best point and like he said solid info. I can conferm that. The only thing the cops would do or be able to do is a nock and talk then watch your reaction. Thats when the investigation would begin or end. Besides most bust are made by lack of knowledg of the law and security measures by the grower. The number 1 cause is narcs (loose lips).

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