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Soil or Hydroponics?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey sativa

it will be a champs show now. i will also be entering and winning marcos cup again

nothing beats organic hydro

sooo funny , i literally just requested a stat sheet from them. for a booth and pricing


Sativa Dragon

Active member
hey sativa

it will be a champs show now. i will also be entering and winning marcos cup again

nothing beats organic hydro

sooo funny , i literally just requested a stat sheet from them. for a booth and pricing


Cool you will have to put aside a collection of seeds for me, I will be doing some shopping when the time comes.

Was Marco's Cup there last year? I went on the last day.



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey gs

you are really slippin man

marco already has contacted me, and i am entering his "canadas best" cup. will also have a booth at the champs expo.

get out more son lol



Your one of the few I have witnesses saying two things in one post allowing each point to be contradiction but allow to exist in the same post.


Upon further thought, it's probably impossible to ever really dial in a hydro grow like an organic grow without extensive lab/field work. And even then you would have to probably adjust if your environment ever changed and of course all through various phases of growth. I think organic almost universally produces higher quality but the potential for hydro is there in a strictly hypothetical sense (if difficult to actually do in real life).

There wasn't anything contradictory in my post. I don't believe.

Unless there are special nutrients only available in organic growing mediums, which there aren't that I know of, it only makes sense.

Sustainability is a good reason to grow in organic soils IMO. However there is probably a place for hydroponic setups in this world too. Most of them really need to do a lot more extensive field/lab work to improve their plant health though in my estimation.

I know there was a DWC guy in one of the High Brix threads saying that using some of the same methodology the organic Brix gardeners were using he was able to up his game a lot, measuring his brix levels after nutrient adjustments, sap pH and all that jazz.
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Also... I believe a lot of this stuff is scientific theory, not scientific fact. As much of it hasn't been thoroughly tested AFAIK. I know a lot of the Brix stuff is anecdotal at this point.


ICMag Donor
Every bottled nutrient is merely an attempt at trying to harness and reproduce something which was first witnessed in the original envrionment of nature...a derivitive of; A copy cat for the sake of a patent and profit.

Why choose the reproduction and alteration of a naturally occuring system which is being marketed to you as technology - when the original is already fully complete and perfectly adept in and of itself?



I grow in an organic soil mix. No till and all that jazz. I'm not sure why you're trying to sell me on anything. I'm trying to be objective and unemotional but there sure are a lot of emotional statements being made in this thread that aren't really that helpful.

IE: Hydro guys are only in it for the money and don't care about quality. Or that it's impossible to grow plants hydroponically that are healthier than even some well grown organic plants. The guy in that DWC thread was measuring his sap Brix content in the 20's (whereas it was previously under 10) and felt good about his end product. He also needed the extra yield to keep his patients happy and in meds.

To each their own. Your piss is an excellent hydroponic nutrient that currently goes to waste. Just an example. Maybe it wouldn't be a perfect nutrient unless you started to adjust your diet for your plants (LOL), but that was sort of where my comment about it having a place in this world came from. The extra yields provided are helpful as well, assuming you can get some quality product at the end, which IMO would be wrong to say is impossible.


ICMag Donor
Also... I believe a lot of this stuff is scientific theory, not scientific fact. As much of it hasn't been thoroughly tested AFAIK. I know a lot of the Brix stuff is anecdotal at this point.

Huh, you must have read my post...

This brings about the discussion of high brix...which is still not exactly proven in terms of scientific studies, but there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to suggest it is an effective tool for which to measure plant health.


As for the rest of it - just read the links. They are scientifc studies, made to test the theories or reproduce the results of other scienteist, which then correlate to a conclusion of proven FACT.

It really isn't up for debate - it just is what it is and the way things work and function. That is the nature of understanding the natural world.

It is only becasue science has proven these matters as fact that any one comapnay is able to re-brand the witnessed events as "technology" and create artificially what they KNOW will work.

They synthesized nature. This results in synthetic flowers.

I prefer nature. This results in natural flowers.


Green Supreme

Well-known member
hey gs

you are really slippin man

marco already has contacted me, and i am entering his "canadas best" cup. will also have a booth at the champs expo.

get out more son lol


Again, toot toot is all I hear. Peace GS

ps. I am curious how Marco is going to get Canada's best to enter his contest. Contest is only as good as those that enter


Every bottled nutrient is merely an attempt at trying to harness and reproduce something which was first witnessed in the original envrionment of nature...a derivitive of; A copy cat for the sake of a patent and profit.

Why choose the reproduction and alteration of a naturally occuring system which is being marketed to you as technology - when the original is already fully complete and perfectly adept in and of itself?


Why choose something else? Thats an easy one. Just because something is natural it doesn't make it better. How about the next time you need an aspirin you chew on some white willow bark instead of taking an aspirin. Its 100% natural. Or would you rather just take aspirin that has been made from the bark realizing that you only want the chemical, not the chemical trapped in the bark. The same thing applies to most fertilizers. For example I really doubt that a plant uses 100% of guano. If science could discover how to keep what the plant wants and get rid of the chemicals not needed in guano don't you think that would be a superior product? Of course I'm talking about an ideal world here that we don't yet live in. For now organics produces the best smelling and most powerful buds. But not forever. Its only a matter of time before we discover how to replicate what nature does but with precision.


Active member
GS, as many dank, exotic kinds as you and Al have...you would have to give them a way better haircut and remove all the gold/yellow leaves before entering ;) if not, most judges just wouldn't "get it"...

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Could not get me to enter something like that. Oh and I believe ,as prohibition disappears, my style will take over. Which would you really rather have, something mauled by hand, or pristine and untouched? Too each his own I guess. Peace GS


Active member
I agree on the leaves protecting untouched trich's, but untrimmed herb retains that "leafy" taste a little more than I care for...there is a reason being, most weed that people buy ( in the 1st world, esp ) is well manicured. that reason is, curb appeal for the masses and most peeps don't wan't to pay for shake, obviously ;)
ps- was only buggin', realise you would never dream of entering such an event


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey gs

i am just teasing man. thats all :)

"one day you will grow some hydro, and know the full power of the dank side" (darth vador voice)

toronto is always fun. you and alien should make an appearance. take a break from your garden
