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So you wanna be a commercial grower?

  • Thread starter British_Bulldog
  • Start date
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Active member
Oh yeah :) That might have commercial quality;p How is the smoke?

I'm not quite sure why 2KW couldn't be considered commercial;p If you're runnign it on a steady basis you can harvest 10 kg per year - that's gonna earn you pretty much the same as a full-time job (depending on your job of course) and you'll still have time to work while tending the plants (Although trimming time will be busy but that's what weekends are for)
Also, with a little luck you'll fetch a much better price than the beastie grower + your exposure is low - you're not cutting any serious slice off the market so chances are if you keep it to a single good contact everything will be cool for years.
Depending on where you live a 2KW grow might not even earn you serious jail-time if the shit hits the fan (Obviously do some research here for your own location... running a SOG with 100+ plants under those lights could get really ugly in the US)

FOE20 said:
kewl!!...are we finaly gana see some cola pics?....lol
compare cocks...wtf...you need a different site for that man...ya freak...
heres 3oz's of Purple Pecker for ya...and a Peace sign to end it all...now go grow some weed....

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New member
TGT said:
I think the best way of growing commercially with the least risk is to grow at multiple locations and keep them under a certain kw. I know someone (very well) that has three grows going consisting of 4 to 5 thousand watters at each. He only has no more than 25 plants at each location and pulls in $35,000.00 profit from all three every two months. 2 pounds per 1000 is very common. The veg location is somewhere other than the three grow locations so this allows each grow to only need lights on for 12 hours each day. The amount of time it takes to tend each garden is about 2 hours a day on average. 6 hours a day isn't too bad for the income. Some days is less, some more. Just depends on what has to be done that day. Usually the most work is in the beginning and end of the crop, with the middle being the least effort.

The main things I can suggest to be successful is:

- Pay your hydro bill on time every time.
- Never steal power.
- Do the grow properly or don't do it at all.
- Don't tell anyone anything - it is a need to know basis.
- Take care of the property outside and look like you live there.
- Never put anything grow related into the garbage. Not even hydro bills.
- Get a lock on your mail box.
- Take care of smell 100%, even with the front door wide open you shouldn't smell anything.
- Use a dehumidifier in the grow room and in the living areas of the home. Fogged up windows in winter is a dead give away.
- Replace all incandecent lights in the home with spiral flourecents to save power.
- Wash and dry all clothing at another location.
- Eat out so that the electric stove does not have to be used.
- Secure your property with gates and locks, but not to the point of being suspicious. If the post man can go there so can the police! If locked it is trespassing. This is especially good for when cops try to do a perimeter search.
- If police come to the door it is probably for a 'knock and talk'. Do not open the door and act as though you are not home. When they leave call the number on the card they most likely left behind.
- Try to not have any exhaust exiting the home at ground level.
- Do odd favours such as cutting the neibours grass when away on vacation or shovelling snow ect.
- Be friendly to your neibours, but not overly. The less chance you give them to questrion you the better.
- Always make sure your electrical is up to par especially in older homes.
- Don't opt for any special offers your hydro company makes you. It will only flag your name and then human eyes will have to see your bill. Just better to be a number in the system.
- Do not dispose of old soil in your garden. The perlite stands out as indoor soil and looks very sucpicious.
- Don't have frends and visitors at the grow location.
- Never sell from the same location as the grow (obvious!)

That's all I can think of at the moment. If done correctly it can be very easy and not as stressful on the nerves. Even 1 grow that takes 2 hours a day on average to care for can bring in 15,000.00 profit every 2 months minus all expense.

Just what I have learned over the past fifteen years.


many, many thanks for that post


Active member
BlindDate said:
You have obviously never grown with coco. Most of us reuse it for at least 3-4 runs. That will drastically eliminate the amount of root ball to dump.
all mediums have some form of rootball to toss.... RW u throw away the medium, rootball and all. my SOIL rootballs arnt bad, i re-use all my FFOF...
but seriouse, even with hydroton u have some material to throw. just dont be scared because ROOTS=BUDS...


Grinding extra.
That's wierd. My anti-virus/firewall has a website identifier that tells me the location of any server.

I think maybe something is being routed through the UK. Otherwise, why would it come up?


the Revenant
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
That's wierd. My anti-virus/firewall has a website identifier that tells me the location of any server.

I think maybe something is being routed through the UK. Otherwise, why would it come up?

Look man its in amsterdam, everyone knows that. Marijuana isnt legal in the UK and the server would be in alot of jeopardy there.
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
That's wierd. My anti-virus/firewall has a website identifier that tells me the location of any server.

I think maybe something is being routed through . Otherwise, why would it come up?

You sparked my curiosity with this note. I did some poking around and here's what I found out. First off, the server is located in Amsterdam, and you can verify that by doing a ping like woman says. Another interesting thing to try is tracing the route from your PC to the site. Open up a DOS window (Windows: Start | Run | enter 'cmd' in the text box and press enter). Then enter, "tracert icmag.com". It will return all the IP's along the route to ICMAG. I then did a whois on all these IP's to determine if they are anywhere besides the Netherlands. There's plenty of places to do a whois, such as http://www.arin.net/whois/ .

I found that the first four locations were pretty clearly around my ISP, in Reykjavik, Iceland (j/k). My hunch is that while I'm surfing the internet, my ISP decides which "port of call" to send my request to in their vast network. So my request gets handed off to this server and that server within my ISP, about four in all. So that explains that.

Then it zips straight over to the Netherlands. No intermediate stop anywhere else, not the UK or anything. So I think your anti-virus's mention of ... (I will leave the location you mentioned blank)....has more to do with your ISP than with ICMAG.

I still don't have a definite conclusion one way or the other about security, because on the internet you never really can have such a conclusion, even if you're Microsoft or the Pentagon. Anyone who thinks they know everything probably doesn't. It's just too complicated and my knowledge is pretty thin. I just googled a couple search terms to find about the tracert command. But here's the other thing. There's so many growers on here and they seem legit, and they continue to post on a daily basis, so that says something about security a lot more clearly than your antivirus package or whatever it is. Which I think was just bopping around your ISP prior to hitting ICMAG.

There might be hostile forces from one government or another tracing or intercepting things, especially in today's post 9-11 legal environment. The usual warnings apply about obscuring your personal info. If you remain concerned, one solution would be to access the site from an internet cafe rather than your location. I haven't seen anyone post a message about getting busted because of their ICMAG activity. People have posted threads about busts, but no one has actually pointed the finger to their internet activity yet, as far as I see. If that ever happens then I think it would send shockwaves in a lot of places.
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Mt Toaker

I doubt that they are going through all the cannabis related sites on the web and hunting down growers. A lot of wasted time even for the US...


Pirate138 said:
Look man its in amsterdam, everyone knows that. Marijuana isnt legal in the UK and the server would be in alot of jeopardy there.

Marijuana isn't legal in Netherlands. It is tolerated. I don't think pot is legal anywhere. Coca leaves are flat out legal and sold to children in grocery stores in Bolivia and Peru. Not because they are stupid but because coca is completely harmless.


New member
I think this is getting too off topic for some of the more knowledgeable commercial posters...

Out of curiousity, for those working 10k and up, what sorta gm/w are competent folks averaging? High grade. and how frequently?

1.37gm/watt on a 56 day cycle seems to be damn near maxxed out as far as average production goes. or rather,

or rather 3lb/1000w


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
slipperysamus said:
I think this is getting too off topic for some of the more knowledgeable commercial posters...

Out of curiousity, for those working 10k and up, what sorta gm/w are competent folks averaging? High grade. and how frequently?

1.37gm/watt on a 56 day cycle seems to be damn near maxxed out as far as average production goes. or rather,

or rather 3lb/1000w

Good Q Slippery one,

Most people "let things go" a bit when they get a large garden on the go and according to my mate who runs a UK based shop, precious few gardeners of any size manage to grow "High grade" let alone "High grade." ..... i.e. all the time..... many never manage it.

A friend set up a large garden for someone, they should be getting 30k, but, so far have only managed 3k, some might laugh.....I just want to cry, even though it is totally unconnected to me.

Are you asking a Q based on SoG ? From what I have seen a 7x7 PSM gives the highest yield for mainly Indica commercial strains, but on a 10K plus grow you are probably talking over 1,000 plantlets, very hard to get right..... most Commercial Growers I hear about seem to grow larger plants, get slightly lower yield, but with a lot less work and plant numbers.

1.37 gm/w /56 has to be very good for anyone with 10K plus, IMO, but with the love and care you find on smaller setups, more is possible. Most will probably laugh at me, but I reckon 3gm/w is possible with a highly maintained, perfected SoG.... but that would be very hard to replicate on a large scale.


Yes the math is off I was reading off my written notes and I added one too many zeros. So with 25 lights I was expecting around 20,000 grams but if I were to cut that down in half to 10-12 lights I should expect around 10,000 grams right?


great thread i think a lot of peeps need to ask themselves these ???'s before rushing into a life changing career.
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