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So, this is where I ended up!


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
AAAANNNND... Like the cock-a-roach you cannot fling offa yer fingles, here is Himself.

I see half the fargin crowd has migrated here.

I've got an odd 'fess-up. Without Rob clueing me in, I was totally unaware of the sudden left turn over there.

Like Witchie-Poo says -- I am so naive, sumbody could hit me inna face with a sack of horseshit, and the only thing I would smell would be the seeds.

I hope Subbie shows up. Anybody ask her?

Now fer some content: I got a break because of a neighbor down the road. I gots one of those little red Honda generators that are so nifty. Well, I went to start it, and the spongy filter thing had liquified and was sucked into the carbonator (that I could not even FIND on this machine).

Anyway, this guy does that sorta thing for a living, and when I asked if he would look at it, he took it and kept it for about three weeks. Got it running, and would not take payment for it.

I had just gotten about $1200 worth of copies of The Cadet, so I gave him an inscribed copy. And a "butterfly" made of peacock feathers in a glass shadowbox. He wuz pleased.

How do you put a picture on your avatar? This one is pretty much me:
View attachment 18921279

hola Unca!

great to see yer mug here!

my apologies for the lack of a heads up

i think I have your email

mine is [email protected] in case there is a shipwreck here

i am trying to get in where I fit in!

you feed a lot,of different critters , we feed mostly cats and chickens around here



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I seen Irene walking down the street the other day and she was singing do wa diddy dum diddy do

before I knew it she was walking next to me


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Rule number 16 you gotta have 50 post before you get an avatar

16. PM System: A minimum post count of 50 is required before being able to send/receive private messages, as well as use a custom avatar.
AHA!! I wuz busy reading the "no titties" warning in the Rules Of Engagement and missed the post count thingy.

PLEASE folks... lissen to pute regarding the nutjob. He prolly will wind up being a mod over there.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
While I am on the subjeck of wildies around the Sneakydicker Househole, I gotta pass on a new development:

Yestiddy afternoon, I went out to refill the birdie feeder (which I have squirrel-proofed with an unclimbable cone) and a blue jay landed on the top of the metal hoop holding the feeder thingy.

It looked at me, and I held up a peanut (inna shell) near him. He took the peanut from my hand. YAY!

Been working on the squiddels. They come within three feet of me and wait for me to drop the peanut. I am not patient enuf to get them to come closer; I just toss it to them and they grab it and run off. Someday I'll get enough patience... Maybe.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
"This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors."

Alla my posts so far have that header.

But since youse guys are reading and answering some of my maunderings, that must mean -- by official definition -- y'all are NOT NORMAL. :smoke out:

Unca Walt

Well-known member

Who else should we throw a life-preserver to over there?

Please: Lissen to Brotha pute. (re: the idiot)
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
While I am attit... Gotta ask Subbie what the hell went down?? Cannot ask by PM becuz I cannot do PM's yet. And the deal obviously ain't private to anybody but the Ancient One. (so far)