Thanks for being concerned for your girl. I've been told straight up that being shot at and having guns in my face didn't phase someone who's supposed to protect me. I resent him for it and will never forget the look on his face when he said that shit to me. He'll die alone....and with nobody to get in their car and chase some motherfuckers down for him. All he's got left are the people who won't even drive by to let him know the door ain't kicked in.
Yeah I did find 3 dudes breaking in to my house, got in my car, chased them for 10 minutes and got shot at twice. All in honor of a motherfucker that "it didn't phase".
I'm really sorry this happened NorCal....been there 1 short of how many times you can count on 2 hands. Take care of your girl, she's the only one taking care of you. She's gonna be scared for a while....just listen and let her vent. My absolute best wishes and thoughts your way.
^^^^ This Lady is what we refer to as a 'Keeper'!! Well done P you must be smarter than you look