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So i need some advice about this new girl in my life


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
As much as I really dig giving advice I'm just gonna have to pass here,

Yummybud's absolutely fried the 'Dear Abby' lobe in what's left of my brain.......


livin my way the high way
haha ur good man i got it all figured out now. ill revive this thread when shes mine, cuz she will be mine its just a matter of time.


and just as i say some shit about how non-kosher it is to be giving flowers and shit to another dudes girl, some dickshine is spending mucho dinero on anonymous flowers for my girl, delivered to her work ($120 flowers, yikes)

as soon as this idiot reveals himself, i will be making an appearance and talking to him/her face to face. shit is not cool. funny how a ring on the finger will make others try to get with it even more... fuckers...

if a dipshit sent my girl flowers, i would find him, and make him eat them.

hey man, i've been in that girls spot you speak of. i was seeing this girl i met at the university for about a year and when it was time for summer break, we didn't see each other. during the month of May, i met up with this chick that was 3 year younger than me i had known since high school. we hit it off once more after not seeing each other for a while. she knew i had a girlfriend, but didn't act on anything. and the girl that claimed to be my girlfriend was seeing this guy that she worked with, whilst being involved in the long distance thing. hangin out and shit with him, same i was doing with this new girl. in the end, the bitch broke things off with me even though i was the only person to tolerate her shit still to this day, and i started mackin on the young girl. her and i are still together, so ZB, good things can come out of this. just be patient. sorry for a little lateness.

and yummybud, you're a tool. i don't believe you asked a girl out.


all praises are due to the Most High
haha ur good man i got it all figured out now. ill revive this thread when shes mine, cuz she will be mine its just a matter of time.

so basically you lied to us, you did not end it, you are just hanging around her like her lap-dog...

shit S4L, I'm with you as of this moment

As much as I really dig giving advice I'm just gonna have to pass here,

Yummybud's absolutely fried the 'Dear Abby' lobe in what's left of my brain.......

in defence of yummy, at least he is not getting played like zingablack is, u know? I rather not date at all than to get played.

anyway, we have wasted our keyboards on this thread.
specially when there are a bunch of good girls out there waiting for a good man to love them and treat them right, but no, this dude chooses the worste person to love and be with... yikes!
and just as i say some shit about how non-kosher it is to be giving flowers and shit to another dudes girl, some dickshine is spending mucho dinero on anonymous flowers for my girl, delivered to her work ($120 flowers, yikes)

as soon as this idiot reveals himself, i will be making an appearance and talking to him/her face to face. shit is not cool. funny how a ring on the finger will make others try to get with it even more... fuckers...

zinga - i post this in here for 2 reasons, 1 to vent. the other, to show u that if u come after someones girl you are absolute shit in their eyes and u better watch out.

no job, lives at home, 5 years older... what if he sells rocks with a nine in his back pocket? truth is, you have NO IDEA who u are messing with (unless she's shown u pics, and if that happened i'd already be out the door)

Bro, you're giving good advice about being cautious about mixing yourself up in some else's biz, but think about considering another reaction when another dude is hitting on your girl. For nine years, I was with a girl who was california champion beauty queen before I met her. I mean thses girls get our attention--at least at first--'cause their cute, right?

My attitude was always, keep practicing my friend and someday you might have the game to score a chick as hot as mine, lol. This is also an excellent time to assess the character of the girl your with. Does the way she handles a situation like this give you more or less confidence and trust in her. If it gives you less, then I would pay close attention to all other signs and be prepared to admit that she is not right for you. More likely, her reaction will be to want to demonstrate her commitment to you, especialy when you play it cool.

You can't keep a cute girl hermetically sealed my friend, other men will desire her--and most of the time it will happen when you're not around and won't ever know about it. I like to expend my energy learning all I can about a woman's moral/ethical compass and confirming that our values are compatible before moving ahead in a relationship.

On the other hand, like that old calypso song says, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life; Make an ugly woman your wife..."

On the other, other hand, if a dude is being offensive or grabby or harrassing or something like that, then you may have to punch him in the face, lol.



Active member
well since you arnt going out why dont you just see other women,if she gets jelous and wants you shell say so and if not well your seeing other women anyway so you really cant loose.:woohoo: just dont and sit there wanting her your better than that .if you morally object thenor she thinks your a ass, think about this technicly shes doing the same too you,just some food for thought


livin my way the high way
im def not being a lap dog. even if we arnt dating i enjoy spending time with her. if it doesnt work out i can tell that we will still be great friends. i am talking to other chicks but that doesnt mean i dont have a goal in the back of my mind to be with her.
This sounds fucking pathetic, im sorry im not trying to be rude. But if you're sitting around "waiting" for some chick to end it with the guy shes with you have some problems. Ditch the bitch and move on, seriously. I will never understand that mentality of "I will wait it out and hope for the best", 9/10 you get fucked and hurt even more in the end. Ask Dr. Phil, he would tell you to GTFO.

Like I said not trying to sound like a prick.. just being blunt.

pz :rasta:


Active member
LOL.......The waiting is the hardest part!!!!Live and Learn,we all do.

Why do girls wear flowers on there panties??????
In memory of all the heads that were buried there!!!!!:sasmokin:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
listen fella, you already got taken for money by your friends right?

you really want to get put in hospital or even in the ground for some female you think you like?

i love my gurl to death, but even i know there is a better match out there for me...


livin my way the high way
i would love to see this guy try to put me anywhere near a hospital. hes like 5ft 5 at best no clue on weight but im 6"2 190 of solid muscle well mostly muscle. i also have a brother thats 15 years older than me so i know how to take a hit and keep hitting. if after Vday (sunday for us cuz we both work on Sat) its not working out than im done. easy as that.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
how is everyone on the internet 6'2? is there a height requirement to use this thing?


livin my way the high way
haha i dont know bout a requirement but im def. 6'2. no doubt about it. im actually proud of my weight too cuz i used to weigh like 220 and ive steadily lost enough to seem pretty in shape even tho i cant run for shit.
i would love to see this guy try to put me anywhere near a hospital. hes like 5ft 5 at best no clue on weight but im 6"2 190 of solid muscle well mostly muscle. i also have a brother thats 15 years older than me so i know how to take a hit and keep hitting. if after Vday (sunday for us cuz we both work on Sat) its not working out than im done. easy as that.

pretty in shape even tho i cant run for shit.

Laughing my ass off over here... So you're 6'2, 190... think you're solid even though you have NO STAMINA, and she won't leave her midget to be with you.

Buy a vowel man because this puzzle is apparently too damn tough for you to solve!



alright so i met this chick about 2 weeks ago and we have 2 classes together so i thought alright im gonna get this girl. well its been two weeks and we very happy when were together and everything just seems to click between us. Oh by the way i fell way hard for her.

so heres the problem. another guy asked her out on new years and she said yea. well she has yet to break it off with him even tho i keep getting told im way better and she will soon enough. now im trying really hard to just let it slide but every day i keep falling further and further for her. like really she has captured my heart. well tonight i was with her and a few of her friends just hanging at a bar. we were playing pool and having a great time and i leaned over for a kiss and was rejected with, "i dont want to do anything publicly yet because we arent together" so i asked her if she had a timeline for breaking it off so we could finally start a real relationship. i was then told that she didnt have any idea but didnt want to rush things. yea that kinda ended my fun for the night.

so im trying really hard to win her over. doing all the cheesy shit too, poems, flowers, all that. im mean for valentines day im making a bouquet of origami flowers in her favorite color, along with a butterfly (the butterfly is because she said she doesnt feel the butterflies with this other guy anymore) so im gonna make her one and write love poems all over it so i can say if your ever not feeling butterflies with me than just read a poem and you will.

on valentines day i have a wonderful day planned and i might ruin it because im gonna have to bring up this other guy cause i cant go on not knowing whether this is serious or not. she seems like shes worried for some reason and ive put my heart and soul into making this work so im scared that i may ruin a great thing.

so my question is how would you go about bringing this up in a respectable way without seeming overbearing

im just worried that i may ruin probably the most true love ive ever felt because she wont break it off with this other guy. this may ruin me too because i had my heart broken about a year ago and this is the first time ive even considered a relationship since then. o did i mention i fell hard for this girl, like tripped down a flight of concrete stairs hard

o btw i didnt know she had a boyfriend until a few days ago

only reasonable replies are welcome. non of that bitches aint shit stuff.

the second you found out she had a boyfriend, you should have bounced plain and simple.

and if your in school then youve got all the time in the world and all the girls in the world to deal with until you find the right one for you and that's if that ever happens at all.

remember your feelings are your own, and not hers, so dont expect anything. it woudl be different if she was feeling you the same way, but after that "move for a kiss" thing flopped that was your que to leave it alone for real!!

but my question is: how does a guy go off of the feelings that "he" has and not because of the feelings he knows are there for sure, or they both share? this is a definite recipe for a broken heart. and remember zinga YOU said that YOU are the one that has really fallen, you aint say nothin about her and what she is feelin or goin through.

i see downfall, but good luck either way, i never wish this type of bad on anyone

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