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So i need some advice about this new girl in my life


livin my way the high way
naw i knew ur were playing but im still hopeful cuz she said she wants to break it off but just doesnt know how. o well ill have a definitive answer tomorrow. actually i may put her in the friend zone just to flip shit around, haha thatd be awesome.


livin my way the high way
alright so today we had class and i went to grab a cup of coffee afterwards with her. while we were sitting there i brought up the fact that she has a boyfriend currently and i like her and all but im going to go the friend route right now just cause i dont want to be in some messed up love triangle. she agreed and apologized for leading me on and said that she really feels bad about it but i swept her off her feet and she just went with it. also she said that she wants to get her shit together and drop this other guy and then we can start somthing up. i kinda got the feeling the whole time that we both were gonna bring this up today so im glad i did. o well there it is, wish me luck with future female encounters. man relationships are hard i think i may just stick to F-buddy, its so much simpler.


all praises are due to the Most High
good for you zingablack, plus you ended things like a gentleman, k+

f-buddy aka lonely chickens screw around a whole lot more, be careful with some std.



livin my way the high way
naw im not the type for f-buds i actually like relationships. sounds wierd to some but i cant be physical without emotions, well i can but its not the same.


mofuckin farmer smurf
well it was said best by funkdoobiest I think

"pussy aint shit but lips and clits"

"I just fuck the pussy than I throw it out it ain't shit the bitches be actin like it's gold"

Song would be entitled Pussy Aint Shit

The Bling

You should love em and leave em
Fuck em dont feed em
Keep ten at a time and tell em all
nothing less than a dime or maybe an OCHO
Get your self a bisexual wizdom
because the reality is THEY WANT SOMETHING THAT ISNT REAL BUT ONCE THEY START GETTING FUCKED THEYR BRAINS MAKE ALL SORTS OF HORMONES THAT WEARS OFF AFTER A WHILE plus if your a player and your acting like a fag with her she's gonna find out DONT BUY HER SHIT women these days wanna be "independent" well good TURNING HOES TO HOUSE WIFES AINT NEVER BEEN COOL WITH US listen up partner she already wants you thats why she's running game but if she thinks she already has you and doesn't need to fuck [friend]you[zone] so stop the pussy shit :noway: and if this bitch thinks her pussy can cure cancer accuse her of it be like bitch i bet you think your pussy cures cancer! you can say whatever the fuck you want to a girl and as long as you ignore her reaction or accuse her reaction of being faulty for some reason or another and stay confident that your right. Not a woman though they don't want you to say any thing they want someone to talk to and by to I mean at. Young girls will fuck who ever if you really want her tell her so but lay down the law if she doesnt like it you didnt really want her.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
and just as i say some shit about how non-kosher it is to be giving flowers and shit to another dudes girl, some dickshine is spending mucho dinero on anonymous flowers for my girl, delivered to her work ($120 flowers, yikes)

as soon as this idiot reveals himself, i will be making an appearance and talking to him/her face to face. shit is not cool. funny how a ring on the finger will make others try to get with it even more... fuckers...

zinga - i post this in here for 2 reasons, 1 to vent. the other, to show u that if u come after someones girl you are absolute shit in their eyes and u better watch out.

no job, lives at home, 5 years older... what if he sells rocks with a nine in his back pocket? truth is, you have NO IDEA who u are messing with (unless she's shown u pics, and if that happened i'd already be out the door)


livin my way the high way
she didnt show me pics but ive seen him. he def. doesnt sell rock or have a gun. i wouldnt ever go this far but if i know i could take him. i stopped all that flower shit when i found out about him, but it was kinda late, ya kno, she told one morning when she woke up in my arms,OOPS.

funker: roomate is goin good, havent seen any shit thats weird in fact id say were starting a friendship as well as housing relationship. he seems cool but i think i was just worried cuz ive never lived on my own before.


ICMag Donor
sounds like your doin fine zing..just take it one day at a time.
the bling has no clue, he must be single


livin my way the high way
ive never been one of those bitches aint shit guys. i think i have a lot more respect for women than most guys. probably cuz my dad left when i was 2 and i grew up with 3 sisters and my mom, well my brother too but hes more like a sister. haha


Garden Nymph
wait a minute...if she's cheating on her current boyfriend, what makes you think she won't cheat on YOU?

in a woman's pov: if she's not breaking it off as fast as she can with that guy, she's not doing her hardest to get with you. and that means one thing; she probably doesn't like you as much as you like her. you might be thinking that it's worth it to chase after her, but that's not the case. if it was, you wouldnt be led around. just saying, there's plenty more fish in the sea and if she's not giving you her all, why should you give her yours?!
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livin my way the high way
ok i straight up asked her why she wont break up with dude. she replied that shes known him a long time and it would completely destroy him. i dunno. im liking this friend thing tho cuz i can just keep putting my foot further and further in the door for when shes ready. also i spent most of today at her house studying for a test tomorrow both her parents were there for the majority of the time and they both seem to genuwinly sp like me. actually her mom told her that the first time she met me. i made a point of talking to her dad today for about 10 minutes about his vette and just shot the shit and hes pretty cool as well.