youre the smarty pants who figured out how to explain proper moisture. thats so simple and perfect. its the single hardest thing about explaining cloning to newcomers. i am relearning from the ground up after abandoning it for a little while. aero rooter, reoccurring rot related failures, im going to try your cleaning. i talked to a fish tank pro and he recomended muriatic acid {diluted) for breakingg down hidden encrusted gunga. have you ever tried doing aero to the pre rooting stage and then putting into medium. i know it is probably not something that someone with success would even consider but it was an idea i had for an experiment. what do you think? thanks sooo much for posting this, its a very nice tutorial. i am intrigued to hear more of your tips that you mentioned. whats the cutting location you speak of.
Yeah the moisture level is a big part of the rooting process in Rockwool. I stopped using my AeroCloner as well but I just broke out 4 EZ Clone 60's to prepare for this years outdoor crop. Not really trying to take 240 clones in Rockwool. My cleaning technique will work for you with the Erythromycin but make sure to clean out everything before you use it. I'd even replace the sprayers and rinse out the manifold and make sure there's nothing build up in there. Use new Neoprene as well. As far as where to cut the clones, it really doesn't matter but I think I get faster roots with very specific cuts on the MOM. I won't even try to explain it because it will be so confusing to people. I will have to take some pictures. Maybe tomorrow. One hint that I will say beforehand, when you take you cut, you will notice that there is no white and only green inside the tissue of the stem. There's no white ring.