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Smoking weed while pregnant?


I haven't read the entire thread, so maybe this has been posted before, but I thought it was relevant.

(NORTHERN CALIFORNIA) - Years ago, a friend of mine, a good Christian lady, had a child with "failure to thrive". She had CPS all over her, looking for even the tiniest trace of child neglect. They found none. The child was well cared for, but she just didn't seem that interested in eating. Her bottles often went half finished.

I believe that those bottles of formula, given from birth, were major part of the problem. Our bodies make chemicals called "endocannabinoids" that are closely related to THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Endocannabinoids control many bodily functions and are excreted into breast milk. When lactating female rabbits were injected with CBD, a non-psychoactive, plant-derived cannabinoid, there was "a significant accumulation of the drug in milk." [1]

Endocannabinoids are also detected in human and cow's milk, with the highest levels occurring the day after giving birth. This healthy dose of naturally-occurring endocannabinoids stimulates the suckling reflex in newborn mammals, including humans[2].

When newborn mice are given a chemical to block the effect between endocannabinoids and their CB receptors, the mice simply don't know how to eat. Yet, if the blocking agent is mixed with an equivalent amount of THC, the mice eat and grow normally[3].

CB receptors work kind of like an ignition switch. First, you need the right kind of "key" (the right-shaped cannabinoid) to go into the "keyhole" (the receptor) to turn on the "engine's" action (suckling, stopping pain or inflammation, or maybe killing a cancer cell). Phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from plants, like THC) can mimic the effects of your endocannabinoids - they can turn on the same "ignition switches" as your body's own cannabinoids. The blocking agents (antagonists) are like sticking a broken key stub in the keyhole. You can't get a real key in, and the engine can't turn on.

Scientists have bred mice that do not have CB receptors. They are poor, sickly things, prone to all sorts of ailments. Some scientists believe that there are people like those mice, having fewer than normal, or dysfunctional, CB receptors. And infants born with this condition have growth failure resulting from an inability to ingest food, just like those newborn mice[4].)

If "failure to thrive" infants were being breast-fed, they would get at least some of their mother's normal endocannabinoids from her milk. If she were using cannabis, logically, her breast milk would contain not only her own endocannabinoids, but also the phytocannabinoids, THC and CBD. In CB receptor-deficient children, an extra dose of phytocannabinoids could make the difference between "failure to thrive" and a healthy child! However, since receptor deficiency is inheritable, the mother may be deficient, too, and unable to give her child sufficient amounts of endocannabinoids in her milk.

But all this is just conjecture on my part. Just me, grouping together various studies to make a theory about "failure to thrive" babies. Medical science surely isn't going to say that having Mom smoking a little pot in the evening is going to help her baby do better, is it?

Well, tonight, I found a study that seems to say just that! It's a sad little thing - an abstract of a study on the death of babies - yet vital facts can be learned from those soulless statistical studies. This one gave the infant death rates per 1,000 live births, and the drugs, if any, that the mother used during pregnancy.

A total of 2,964 babies were drug-tested at birth to see if they were positive for drugs - cocaine, opioids or cannabis were studied. 44% of the infants tested positive for all varieties of drugs, including the 3 being studied. During the first two years of their lives, 44 babies from the original group died. Since statistics are a drag to slog through, I'll cut right to the chase - the deaths per thousand live births - the numbers tell the story.

"No drugs at birth" deaths....... 15.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cocaine positive" deaths.......17.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Opiate positive" deaths.......18.4 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cannabis positive" deaths.... 8.9 deaths per 1000 live births [5]

The cocaine and opiate babies have a higher death rate than the "No drugs" babies - that was to be expected. But look at the "cannabis" babies! Having extra cannabinoids in their bodies at birth (and likely later, from 2nd-hand exposure, or breast milk) seems to have some sort of a protective effect. The "cannabis" infants have a mortality rate almost half of what the "No drugs" infants have!

Cannabis has a remarkable safety record - it has never caused a single death by overdose, so it is safer than the Tylenol that we give to our children. Some cannabinoids, like CBD, can't get you high no matter how much you take, but are still quite effective medically. Perhaps it is time that someone considers doing a study of pediatric, non-psychoactive cannabinoid use to treat "failure to thrive" infants!




Didn't have the time to crawl this topic from start to end - so please contribute if you have something to say.

Friends cab drivers cousins moms friend needs an advice with breastfeeding and cannabis relations. It's a well known fact that cannabis is the ultimate tool for pain and when you start breastfeeding it might be a bit painful. So what do you think - is there any risks involved if you eat some proper, clean and out of love grown cannabis to relief the pain?


Andinismo Hierbatero
Bobby, have you became impregnated that you ask this question?

who has impregnated you if so?

impregnate, just had to type that word again.


I don't see how cannabis will help with the pain of nursing for a new mother, especially if she didn't prepare her breasts properly. However, I'm sure it can help her relax, which is also important.

With my first son, when my nipples were cracked and bleeding, I used fresh aloe vera on them to help healing. I washed prior to each nursing session, as he was a newborn and I didn't want to cause any reactions or make him reluctant to nurse.
Whatever bombadil.360! Cannabis could help greatly with being "engorged" because it can help you relax and feed your baby (milk "let-down" is a lot like the feeling when you first smoke cannabis... quickly relaxing, weight lifting, anxiety-relieving feeling) which gets you un-engorged :) Sometimes I had to take a shower or smoke some herb so I could "let down"... Being engorged for me was more direct pain than giving birth itself (10.5 lb baby, NO drugs). After a while nipples can get cracked and sore, just like your lips can. Luckily I evaded that problem, but it is quite painful and I can see why someone is seeking relief... but the only use you'd have for cannabis for THAT particular new mama problem would be to use topically. You'd have to pump your breast milk and apply the ganja topically so the baby was out of the direct line of the medicine. You would never want to put ganja on your nipples and feed the baby of course! Unless your baby was ill and suffering because of not eating... then in that case a miniscule dab of coconut oil would perhaps be a lifesaver. But a little here and there filtered through the mother if she has eaten some or smoked to relax is just fine in many experienced parent's opinion.


Andinismo Hierbatero
MissGreen, hello, hey, I did not write anything against or pro the use of cannabis in this case; my comment was purely on the excellent aesthetic imagery presented to us by SeaMaiden.

happy weekend


Active member
In the first 12 weeks fetal organs are formed. It is recommended only natural eating. Natural juices and vitamins.

After the 12 weeks, occasionally it is ok to smoke marijuana to calm down the Pains. one joint per week or two weeks is tolerable for pregnancy.

THC is stored in body fat for a long time, so there is a link with pregnancy.

Never abused. !
My wife smoked to relieve morning sickness and other than that a bowl in the evening. Our son is now two. He is a smart little guy. No worries smoking while pregnant because herb is a gift from the creator just like that baby in your belly.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
weed is good for babys < wish my momma wouldve smoked when i wuz inside, had to wait 12 years , once I got out.....


New member
I've known a few mothers who smoked while pregnant, two consistently. Interestingly enough they all had awesome, relatively easy at-home births. Imagine that.


If she's already pregnant, wouldn't low sperm count sort of be a non-starter?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
my wife smoked a tiny bit during pregnancy, maybe once every couple of weeks.
you have to take an all-round view. stress is very bad for pregnancy so relieving stress can be a good thing.
theres often a big difference between what you THINK you would do and actually being in the situation for real and what you actually do.

i find for the man its definitely beneficial to smoke during your partner's pregnancy - it helps put up with all the moodswings and general abuse :D

we have two beautiful children

not had opportunity to read entire posts but had to add first in this state its illegal and concidered child abuse to smoke when preg. so the baby will be taken from the mother


Active member
not had opportunity to read entire posts
Please take the time on your next thread.

salem-paper said:
"No drugs at birth" deaths....... 15.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cocaine positive" deaths.......17.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Opiate positive" deaths.......18.4 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cannabis positive" deaths.... 8.9 deaths per 1000 live births [5]

The cocaine and opiate babies have a higher death rate than the "No drugs" babies - that was to be expected. But look at the "cannabis" babies! Having extra cannabinoids in their bodies at birth (and likely later, from 2nd-hand exposure, or breast milk) seems to have some sort of a protective effect. The "cannabis" infants have a mortality rate almost half of what the "No drugs" infants have!

Cannabis has a remarkable safety record - it has never caused a single death by overdose, so it is safer than the Tylenol that we give to our children. Some cannabinoids, like CBD, can't get you high no matter how much you take, but are still quite effective medically. Perhaps it is time that someone considers doing a study of pediatric, non-psychoactive cannabinoid use to treat "failure to thrive" infants!
This is the information that needs to be spread... until the jack-boot thugs protecting their jobs are overwhelmed by the voice of the people.

Look up the precedents in your state. Should there be medical defenses that have been successful in the past... seek legal counsel from your attorney, get medical approval from your doctor and medicate yourself properly. In the end it's your decision.

The current federal and masses stance on cannabis and pregnancy/children is wrong. Period. Time will prove that out as it has in the past... before all this nonsense started.

Be good to yourself... be good to your children. This does not include blindly following what you're told by your govt.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


not had opportunity to read entire posts but had to add first in this state its illegal and concidered child abuse to smoke when preg. so the baby will be taken from the mother

That's how it was when I had my kids (long before Proposition 215). I made the mistake of telling my OB/GYN when I learned I was pregnant with boy #2 that I was concerned because I'd partied pretty hard the weekend I got pregnant. Never said anything else about it. Then, I go in for delivery, and it's a fairly quick delivery and boy #2 gets an APGAR of 10 (for a VBAC delivery!). Docs won't sign off to let us out. For two full days, I'm sitting there in the hospital, waiting, waiting, waiting. I finally ask one of the nurses if something's wrong with the baby, they have to tell me. She *finally* explained to me what was going on, and that because I'd discussed my drug use with the OB/GYN all those months ago, the docs at the hospital were not going to release us until they got a urine sample from the baby. They'd been trying to get enough of a sample to test him and couldn't!

Well, the moment she told me that I called my husband and my folks and said to come and get me. They asked if we were released and I explained what was happening and I swear my father was there before anyone else. He's a doc, and oh my God was he mad! (Dad's got issues with the government and their methods.)

Out here in Nevada County, just earlier this summer a woman was convicted of child abuse for breast-feeding her child while smoking. I know of another woman in my county who's incredibly open about it, but she insisted to me that there is no longer any risk of children being taken. I hate to tell her this, but she's flat out wrong. Even here in Cali, she's still got to be very careful.

Is it harmful to the child, though? I doubt that it's terribly harmful, no more so than eating cole crops that make them as gassy as you are, or tomatoes that may give them colic. I can't say from direct experience, but that's my take on it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
All you guys saying "I know plenty of kids who came out fine and their moms smoked they are amazing brilliant kids", can you attribute this to the weed? That is one of the worst arguments I've seen in this thread.

I know a girl that smoked her whole pregnancy and her kid has ADD and can't talk normal, he's 6 now, still can't talk. Was it the weed? IDK. Bet if she could go back she wouldn't smoke, just in case...

I seen a bunch of youtube videos of pregnant chicks skydiving. Most were fine. Not too long ago a newly pregnant lady wanted to do one more jump when she found out she was pregnant then vowed never to jump again. Guess what. SPLAT.

Someone mentioned their are cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Our brains have many receptors, there is some for cocaine too, would you suggest doing some lines for low energy or sluggishness while pregnant? Just a couple here and there should be fine... If it helps her get out of bed. Maybe a bump of meth here and there?
Shitloads or science done by real scientists who say it has negative affects, you can find some who say it has none.

Bottom line for me, you don't have any 100% proof that says it is good for the baby, jut anecdotal stories. Why risk it? Maybe you are a gambling type? *shrugs*


Active member
Bottom line for me, you don't have any 100% proof that says it is good for the baby, jut anecdotal stories. Why risk it? Maybe you are a gambling type? *shrugs*
Just anecdotal stories? You're doing the exact same thing you're accusing these people of. The problem is that you're missing out on a LOT of research that's out there.

There are thousands of studies on cannabis and the human body. NONE of them show any harm and most of them show benefits not realized without cannabis. People talk about their cannabis kids being smart? Do some reading on cannabinoids and the brain's reactions to them being present... and when they're removed. Your friend would probably have had a worse kid... mental development is protected and helped by cannabis the most. *shrug* But you don't know that...

You... are talking without doing any research. Talk about speculation... Shame on you.

Here's a good place to start... PLENTY of links in this pdf to keep you busy.... You'll be a lot happier about cannabis when you know the truth. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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