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Smoking weed while pregnant?


Seriously? Someone needs to come on here and ask if smoking weed while pregnant is dangerous for the fetus?

I realize this thread is 2 years old, but OP, if you did not agree with this friends choice than you should not have supplied her with the weed as u indicated you did.
if I ever have off spring it will be required to receive this and an proportionate size load of cia grade lsd too in the cocktail,I will be present and dosed and joining from the remote to him location

training begins early in my family

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Seriously? Someone needs to come on here and ask if smoking weed while pregnant is dangerous for the fetus?

I realize this thread is 2 years old, but OP, if you did not agree with this friends choice than you should not have supplied her with the weed as u indicated you did.


I do not mean to intrude, and I ran a search to no avail.

I am not pregnant, nor is anyone close to me.

This is a friend of a friend, who is very pregnant ( not sure how far along ), and she is smoking weed. Good weed. (My Casey Jones)

I for one do not agree with her choice, and now feel bad about being the catalyst.

I also want my friend to talk to her (not my place). I want to know if,smoking weed, is as dangerous to the fetus, as i think it is...

TIA, and I once again am sorry to intrude...

Where does any of that sound like a fucking question?

I was asking for opinions, not answers.

Reading comprehension is fundamental.

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Well-known member
Because cannabis is a muscle relaxant and is used to course the periods i.e. promote blood flow; it is proscribed during pregnancy due to the potential for miscarriage. A number of recorded cases of miscarriage post cannabis consumption exist. Therefore it is strongly recommended that pregnant mothers refrains from using it.

Amber Trich

Active member
Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality

Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality

Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality
Jun-27-2010 02:00
Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality
Storm Crow for Salem-News.com

Surprising connections between "Failure-to-Thrive" and Cannabinoids.

(NORTHERN CALIFORNIA) - Years ago, a friend of mine, a good Christian lady, had a child with "failure to thrive". She had CPS all over her, looking for even the tiniest trace of child neglect. They found none. The child was well cared for, but she just didn't seem that interested in eating. Her bottles often went half finished.

I believe that those bottles of formula, given from birth, were major part of the problem. Our bodies make chemicals called "endocannabinoids" that are closely related to THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Endocannabinoids control many bodily functions and are excreted into breast milk. When lactating female rabbits were injected with CBD, a non-psychoactive, plant-derived cannabinoid, there was "a significant accumulation of the drug in milk." [1]

Endocannabinoids are also detected in human and cow's milk, with the highest levels occurring the day after giving birth. This healthy dose of naturally-occurring endocannabinoids stimulates the suckling reflex in newborn mammals, including humans[2].

When newborn mice are given a chemical to block the effect between endocannabinoids and their CB receptors, the mice simply don't know how to eat. Yet, if the blocking agent is mixed with an equivalent amount of THC, the mice eat and grow normally[3].

CB receptors work kind of like an ignition switch. First, you need the right kind of "key" (the right-shaped cannabinoid) to go into the "keyhole" (the receptor) to turn on the "engine's" action (suckling, stopping pain or inflammation, or maybe killing a cancer cell). Phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from plants, like THC) can mimic the effects of your endocannabinoids - they can turn on the same "ignition switches" as your body's own cannabinoids. The blocking agents (antagonists) are like sticking a broken key stub in the keyhole. You can't get a real key in, and the engine can't turn on.

Scientists have bred mice that do not have CB receptors. They are poor, sickly things, prone to all sorts of ailments. Some scientists believe that there are people like those mice, having fewer than normal, or dysfunctional, CB receptors. And infants born with this condition have growth failure resulting from an inability to ingest food, just like those newborn mice[4].)

If "failure to thrive" infants were being breast-fed, they would get at least some of their mother's normal endocannabinoids from her milk. If she were using cannabis, logically, her breast milk would contain not only her own endocannabinoids, but also the phytocannabinoids, THC and CBD. In CB receptor-deficient children, an extra dose of phytocannabinoids could make the difference between "failure to thrive" and a healthy child! However, since receptor deficiency is inheritable, the mother may be deficient, too, and unable to give her child sufficient amounts of endocannabinoids in her milk.

But all this is just conjecture on my part. Just me, grouping together various studies to make a theory about "failure to thrive" babies. Medical science surely isn't going to say that having Mom smoking a little pot in the evening is going to help her baby do better, is it?

Well, tonight, I found a study that seems to say just that! It's a sad little thing - an abstract of a study on the death of babies - yet vital facts can be learned from those soulless statistical studies. This one gave the infant death rates per 1,000 live births, and the drugs, if any, that the mother used during pregnancy.

A total of 2,964 babies were drug-tested at birth to see if they were positive for drugs - cocaine, opioids or cannabis were studied. 44% of the infants tested positive for all varieties of drugs, including the 3 being studied. During the first two years of their lives, 44 babies from the original group died. Since statistics are a drag to slog through, I'll cut right to the chase - the deaths per thousand live births - the numbers tell the story.

"No drugs at birth" deaths....... 15.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cocaine positive" deaths.......17.7 deaths per 1000 live births

"Opiate positive" deaths.......18.4 deaths per 1000 live births

"Cannabis positive" deaths.... 8.9 deaths per 1000 live births [5]

The cocaine and opiate babies have a higher death rate than the "No drugs" babies - that was to be expected. But look at the "cannabis" babies! Having extra cannabinoids in their bodies at birth (and likely later, from 2nd-hand exposure, or breast milk) seems to have some sort of a protective effect. The "cannabis" infants have a mortality rate almost half of what the "No drugs" infants have!

Cannabis has a remarkable safety record - it has never caused a single death by overdose, so it is safer than the Tylenol that we give to our children. Some cannabinoids, like CBD, can't get you high no matter how much you take, but are still quite effective medically. Perhaps it is time that someone considers doing a study of pediatric, non-psychoactive cannabinoid use to treat "failure to thrive" infants!

The studies below, and more, will appear in the new version of my list of medical cannabis studies and articles. It will be available around the beginning of August. For now, you can get a free copy of my current list (250 pages of MMJ links like those below), by emailing me at: i.wantgrannyslist@ green passion .org ..

[1] Mammary excretion of cannabidiol in rabbits after intravenous administration - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

[2] Born with the munchies - newscientist.com/

[3] Critical role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in mouse pup suckling and growth - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

[4] The endocannabinoid-CB receptor system: Importance for development and in pediatric disease - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

[5] Mortality Within the First 2 Years in Infants Exposed to Cocaine, Opiate, or Cannabinoid During Gestation - pediatrics.aappublications.org
I'm sure I've replied to this old thread before, but folks seem to really think ganja is a threat to pregnancy. I have a happy healthy 5 year old who was a "ganja baby" she's brilliantly creative, hilarious, can focus and problem solve. In fact, she's going to be starting school at second grade, skipping kindergarten and 1st grade (being a montessori preschooler may have helped that out also). She's been exposed to ganja all her life and in some cases, administered doses for various ailments that gave outstanding results.

I'm not sure if I've ever heard that cannabis promotes a miscarry, that to me seems ridiculous, midwives have been using cannabis for thousands of years to promote healthy pregnancies. We goddesses use ganja to relieve aches and pains, anxiety etc. that comes along with PMS, and sure, it can help things along, but only because anxiety or pain has been relieved, and you can follow your natural course. Nothing is being "promoted" besides your body's natural functions. Ganja is great at helping you relax and let things flow, and I can see it being extremely helpful in calming an anxious mother-to-be so that she can get to full dialation and have the baby - you can't always get to that point while stressed/nervous, especially if you're trying to have a natural birth. Sure the ganja could promote labor, but it is essentially helping your body help itself.
Again, there's no blood flow being promoted, there is no induction or contracting of the uterus that would happen from ingesting, smoking, or topical use of ganja.

Of course there is going to be a percentage of pregnant women who smoke pot who've also experienced a miscarry, chances are. How could you even scientifically link/prove that?

I'd bet that out of 1000 women - 500 pot smokers and 500 non pot smokers, that the pot smoking mama's would have less miscarry and bigger, healthier babies.

I had a 10.5 lb baby girl with NO drugs at home. I couldn't have given my child this gentle entrance in to the world without GANJA!



Active member
I don't sell my cannabis but when those that I share with share with pregnant women or adolescents. They never taste my herbs again.
Nice... you're in to hurting babies through denial.

Get more than a .25$ education on cannabis before you do more stupid stuff like that. I've spent over 3 years on the subject and your ignorance is obvious and painful.

My kid wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for cannabis. My adolescent would be better off with it as well.


Active member
humm, people have been saying "smoking is bad, mmkey?"

for decades and very many people are very impressionable.

id personally only listen to the one´s with experience and so far i´ve not seen a bad experience report on this matter.
humm, people have been saying "smoking is bad, mmkey?"

for decades and very many people are very impressionable.

id personally only listen to the one´s with experience and so far i´ve not seen a bad experience report on this matter.

Which means one of two things:
1) Weed actually doesn't impact pregnancies or
2) People who smoke weed while pregnant and have a messed up kid don't like talking about it.



Active member
Anyone here a professional or an expert in their field?

You know, you've spent at least a year or two working within the areas of that field and absorbing a lot of information, doing a lot of research and comparing a lot of data from a vast variety of sources of info... often with vastly differing quality ratings.

Ever listen to someone off the street talk about your profession? What about some "So called" expert in your field on TV/Radio or in print? They usually sound pretty ignorant on the subject and out of their depth, don't they?

90% of the posts in this thread sound like that to me. Cannabis should be your FIRST line defense when treating children with ailments. Pregnancy should only increase your willingness to choose cannabis over BigPharma marketing.

Don't take someone else's word for it.... do your own research. Just make sure that when you research it that you're using PURE cannabis, not 'marijuana'.

Cannabis = Cannabis that is grown by people who have taken the time to learn the best information and processes available... so they can produce the cleanest and most medicinal product they possibly can.

Marijuana = Cannabis that has been poorly grown, harvested, processed, stored, contaminated or a combination of such..... in the name of making money because of grossly inflated values from prohibition OR to save time or money to comply with legislation and, again, to make money from prohibition.

Get rid of prohibition and "Marijuana" will go away, people will be able to eat cannabis concentrates instead of smoking, Big-Pharma will take a drastic pay-cut and the population will begin to heal itself of this food and drug created healthcare crisis.

Think I'm wrong? Take the time to search out ANY doctor that has spent even a scant few months seriously looking in to cannabis and how it affects their patients. You won't find a single one that says cannabis is harmful. You can find plenty of OBG/YN's that will tell you the evils of the chemical 'Cures' for pre-natal ailments.

So..... Unless you've done research on a subject.... ANY subject.... I wouldn't speak up about it, just read and learn.

:thank you::tiphat::blowbubbles:


i think ....you take your child's life into your drug iduced state...BUT as long as your there for him/her.....


ther have been studies that prove that if you give your pre-born choline and b vitamins then it WILL benifit them later in life.
I think pipl are really ignorant if they light anything while they are prgenant, drink any drugs if they are pregnant or take any side effect causing medicine while in pregnant.There is one exeption that im not convinced totally to use or not to use.that is cannabis inhaling through vaporizer. Any thoughts about that? Right now im feeling more like no, cause your unborn will be literally high! I dont want he/she getting high until at least 16y. Other thing is, i totally feel like give ganja a go right after the baby is borned. Then it helps the after born depression, theoretically (im a man).Peace

EDIT: Also i dont understand pipl who speaks here about some of the positive examples.Of course its not like 100% sure that if you smoke your child will die immedietly.It all depends, we are all dif humans, dif genes. Few fine examples is not enough.There should be absolutely not even 1 negative case, but there is! Its not like ive been drunk driving lets say 99 % times i never get any trouble, its not like its ok then!


Active member

Ahhhh...... No. Don't do this unless Coconut milk is listed as beneficial for both your blood type and the baby's.
Check the list here: http://www.dadamo.com/typebase4/typeindexer.htm

Since coconut milk is listed as "Avoid" for all blood types except A types that are also 'Non-Secretor'... I wouldn't recommend it for any pregnant woman, regardless of blood type or genetic background.

I've been through this diet and I have yet to find where this list is wrong. Every single food that is listed as 'Avoid' WILL have side effects, whether they are immediate or take a few days to accumulate. This is especially true for those that are sick or pregnant.

Stay Safe! :)
I did search the thread for Jamaican and nothing came up but I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if this is a repost. For the record I would say don't put anything in your body when pregnant. However, there are time when women need to take medications when pregnant. Some women vomit so much that they can't even drink water for their first trimester. I've met 2 people who have had that and it is called hyper-emesis which just means tons of puking... There may be times where marijuana is a far better answer and especially based on this study from the 80's

Here is a link to a study done in Jamaica

Mostly they just say tests were equal between non using and using mothers. I have read critics say that the women who were users were from families that were growers and so because they sold pot they were a higher class of family and had other advantages in nutrition and social exposures that made up for any differences... So ?... This is an interesting quote though:

Jamaican study said:
"Although no positive or negative neurobehavioral effects of prenatal exposure were found at 3 days of life using the Brazelton examination, there were significant differences between the exposed and nonexposed neonates at the end of the first month. Comparing the two groups, the neonates of mothers who used marijuana showed better physiological stability at 1 month and required less examiner facilitation to reach an organized state and become available for social stimulation. The results of the comparison of neonates of the heavy-marijuana-using mothers and those of the nonusing mothers were even more striking. The heavily exposed neonates were more socially responsive and were more autonomically stable at 30 days than their matched counterparts. The quality of their alertness was higher; their motor and autonomic systems were more robust; they were less irritable; they were less likely to demonstrate any imbalance of tone; they needed less examiner facilitation to become organized; they had better self-regulation; and were judged to be more rewarding for caregivers than the neonates of nonusing mothers at 1 month of age. "

Again, I am not a proponent of using anything, but this is an interesting study.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I think pipl are really ignorant if they light anything while they are prgenant, drink any drugs if they are pregnant or take any side effect causing medicine while in pregnant.There is one exeption that im not convinced totally to use or not to use.that is cannabis inhaling through vaporizer. Any thoughts about that? Right now im feeling more like no, cause your unborn will be literally high! I dont want he/she getting high until at least 16y. Other thing is, i totally feel like give ganja a go right after the baby is borned. Then it helps the after born depression, theoretically (im a man).Peace

EDIT: Also i dont understand pipl who speaks here about some of the positive examples.Of course its not like 100% sure that if you smoke your child will die immedietly.It all depends, we are all dif humans, dif genes. Few fine examples is not enough.There should be absolutely not even 1 negative case, but there is! Its not like ive been drunk driving lets say 99 % times i never get any trouble, its not like its ok then!

My girl smoked up until the 3rd trimester and our daughter is farther ahead than most at her age and i HOPE english is a third language for you because your spelling and grammer are fucking atrocious


my lady is in the child birth/womans health industry and did her masters dissertation on this subject. Her research showed that there was no proven negative effects of cannabis use of developing fetuses even though they are exposed to thc. that being said she didn't smoke while pregs.