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Smoking strong pot gives you Psychosis


ICMag Donor
March 21, 2019

Call it Reefer Madness 2.0. The notion that marijuana makes you crazy is back – and with a vengeance.
If you’ve checked in with the mainstream media at all over the past 24 hours, there’s a good chance you have heard about a new study published in the British journal The Lancet purporting that up to half of all new cases of psychosis are due to cannabis.
Does this claim sound outrageous to you? That’s because it is.
As NORML details in our comprehensive response here, this study falls far short of establishing any sort of direct link between cannabis exposure and psychosis. In fact, despite the sensational headlines, this paper reports nothing particularly newsworthy at all.
It is well established that those with psychiatric illness typically use all intoxicants at greater rates than do the general public, so the fact that those admitted to institutions for first-episode psychosis are more likely to consume cannabis than are those in the general population is hardly surprising. But it is not evidence that marijuana in any way causes the condition. Rather, this association may exist because many psychiatric patients are self-medicating with cannabis. Or, this relationship may persist because many people predisposed to psychosis are similarly predisposed to also using cannabis — a theory that is supported by many experts in the field.
Perhaps most importantly, the fact that cannabis has been used by various populations for decades at disparate rates, yet rates of psychosis and other psychiatric disorders have generally remained static over this same period of time, strongly argues against a direct causal relationship.
As you might imagine, we have much more to say about the issue. That is why I just published a new essay critiquing The Lancet study, and highlighting a number of new, yet under-reported studies assessing cannabis use and the brain. You can read the essay, entitled ‘Latest Science Debunks Claim That Marijuana Significantly Harms Brain,’here.
You can also check out NORML’s public criticism of the paper in a number of high profile media outlets, such as Web MD, Rolling Stone, US News and World Report, Yahoo News, and Healthday, for further perspective.
Reefer madness is nothing new. But for decades these sort of exaggerations and half-truths would persist because there was no voice pushing back against it.
Today, we work to keep NORML the leading voice working to set the record straight, and to ensure that pundits, lawmakers, and the public have access to the facts about cannabis. Please help us continue this important work by making a one-time contribution to NORML today.
Stay in the fight,
Paul Armentano
NORML Deputy Director

soil margin

Active member
Weed makes me crazy for buttered popcorn and dark chocolate. Seriously though I'd love someone to show me a crazy person who is claiming that weed caused their psychosis and I would talk them out of that notion in less than twenty minutes. They'd be back to work on Monday.


Active member
Weed adds a glow to my crazy. I love it. It builds a forcefield around my crazy and helps me contain it in times of chaos. It’s like a crazy container.


Namekian resident/farmer
THC as i have read by the very knowledgable CHIMERA stated can be "anxiogenic" means it can induce ANXIETY

My guess is you may have to he predisposed to such disorders to experience it i do because i suffer PTSD as i had friends that did not experience the anxiety i do if that makes sense to anyone reading....

The PSYCHOSIS B.S. is pure propaganda pushed in the past and now being pushed by some british psychologists i believe as i have argued with some ignorant lady stating it claiming it to be facts on FB.. lets keep clear of facts opposed to very misleading propaganda

have a good day

White Beard

Active member
I think it’s time the talk was turned.

After nearly 50 years of research in specific, looking exclusively for the harms caused to mind and body by cannabis (in any form, any quantity) - the smoking metabolic gun - the WORST they’ve been able to do is “may be involved in” x, “might contribute to” y, “could increase likelihood” of z. That may involve science, but what it is, is grasping at straws.

They have proved no harm from cannabis. Think about that.

Despite political, personal, legal, religious motivations to ‘get the job done’ and deliver what they were asked for, despite all the money spent on the effort, the sheer volume of other research that DIDN’T get done...despite all that, they dug a dry well. Every. Single. Time.

They have failed to prove cannabis is harmful in any form, at any rational dose, under any circumstances, to the general run of mammals in the general course of things (normal statistical variation notwithstanding). What we’ve learned about the ECS so far, and the role of plant cannabinoids in it, it would be fair to say that they’ve (inadvertently) proven that cannabis has enormous value to the health and well-being of humans - individually and collectively.

Enough money, enough wasted years, NO MORE WASTED LIVES, no more hunting for justification. Just quit. Stop. Pull the plug, turn out the lights, deschedule cannabis completely, and CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR.

(*ahem*). Let them try and fight *that*...no more mister dumb stoner


Active member
We all smoke pot so that's our excuse but what is the excuse of world, so called, leaders who bomb innocent people in order to make their friends rich? Isn't it strange that they are not considered mentally ill?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Haven't had any real levels of CBD in a while. In addition to the pain and all the other issues increasing in the background, there's a definite change in my thinking. I much prefer life with CBD. ;)

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Haven't had any real levels of CBD in a while. In addition to the pain and all the other issues increasing in the background, there's a definite change in my thinking. I much prefer life with CBD. ;)

I have had nothing but GG4 for years, which has no CBD, all high level THC. A friend sent some CBD capsules which put me in great mood with GG4 and some beers. I have been on depression pills for almost 20 years, and they are nothing compared to that combination. I also enjoyed some old dead kennedys concerts with it, and got me pumping.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I tried running my vape at lower temps for a couple of months, with GG4 (all THC). The taste was fantastic at 200C then 220C to finish bowl. I did a single one hit bong and got toasted with paranoia. I saw someone say that the anti anxiety effects in cannabis were released at 234C. Have been using that and depression in general is better, but it tastes like shit. No paranoia though. Maybe there is something at even higher temp that can cause anxiety. Actually since I bought the vape I have not had an anxiety attack.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I think it’s time the talk was turned.

After nearly 50 years of research in specific, looking exclusively for the harms caused to mind and body by cannabis (in any form, any quantity) - the smoking metabolic gun - the WORST they’ve been able to do is “may be involved in” x, “might contribute to” y, “could increase likelihood” of z. That may involve science, but what it is, is grasping at straws.

They have proved no harm from cannabis. Think about that.

Despite political, personal, legal, religious motivations to ‘get the job done’ and deliver what they were asked for, despite all the money spent on the effort, the sheer volume of other research that DIDN’T get done...despite all that, they dug a dry well. Every. Single. Time.

They have failed to prove cannabis is harmful in any form, at any rational dose, under any circumstances, to the general run of mammals in the general course of things (normal statistical variation notwithstanding). What we’ve learned about the ECS so far, and the role of plant cannabinoids in it, it would be fair to say that they’ve (inadvertently) proven that cannabis has enormous value to the health and well-being of humans - individually and collectively.

Enough money, enough wasted years, NO MORE WASTED LIVES, no more hunting for justification. Just quit. Stop. Pull the plug, turn out the lights, deschedule cannabis completely, and CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR.

(*ahem*). Let them try and fight *that*...no more mister dumb stoner

Mexico is about to decriminalize everything, in small amounts.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Latest news is of the huge amount of requests from patients needing Cannabis meds through the NHS,,,
As of today ,, NOT 1 Person has received any meds,,
Docs being supportive but drug council won’t allow it for untested reasons,,,
BUT ya can still nip up to Manchester with ya few ££grand and see the doc and get a 3 month supply,,,
Totally sickening,,,,,s2


atomizing haze essence
Im not sure if its right(scientific) to say that psychosis is caused by any material substance. why? because the origin of psychosis is not organic. we are talking about material substance, cannabis or thc. so theoretically it should cause some organic damage of nerve system, and there should be some scientific evidence of it(the object of clinical psychiatry), I mean physiological evidence. so for example schizophrenia, if it would be caused by some organic damage of brain, clinical psychiatry should find this damage, based on physiological evidence, and solved it by some meds or mechanic surgery of brain or like in the past they tried to give electric convulsive therapy - it never cured any psychosis - may be helped with some symptoms, but never never cured it. but we all know, that in the case of schizophrenia, hysteria or manic depression, there is no simple organic origin for these diseases, and cant be cured based on physiology.. the cure has more character of supporting patients, and helping them in their lives to fight it - where the cannabis can be very beneficial. but in fact, patients have to fight it themselves. in many cases the psychosis appears and in late age just disappears.. psychosis has more social causes, than inherited or mechanical damage causes.. so like EvergreenState stated its more problem of how society is working than anything else..