Damn Sleepy I just noticed this new thread of your's. I didn't have time to read it, but I'll stop in later and catch up. The plants look stellar k+++, grabbing my seat.
S - I called that lavender pheno of the BT Blue Suede when I grew them out, lovely sativa and smoke. Reefs blue sats are fine mind meds, looks like you are having fun, good on ya.
Hiya Sleepy
You must be runnin a Phat Pharm - cuz all ur gals are lookin - well you know - PHAT 2 on that "Maroon Thunder" - wow, gorgeous color! I'm with Babba - thanks for taking the time to show us your stuff!!!
Howzit brother..?? hope all is well thanx for sharing yer garden pix much beauty in there brother.. That Orange skunk x chronic sounds tastey.. bbl to peep so more girls.. peace..
cough_cough_eer!!>>hellooo, anita!!...thanks for stopping back to check on me!! Babbabud!!>>thank, babba! i hope things are ok out there...say "hi" to the family. InNvBoarder!!>>thanks!!...wait until you see the new pix! Black Ra1n!!>>wow, quite a compliment! thank you!! i have been lurking your thread for a while...damn, you got the skillz! Bonzo!!!>>hey, man...thanks!! your encouragement is always appreciated! Haps!!>>yessir!! blue suede buds!! sounds accurate!...good of you to post!! teddybud!!>>thanks! Anima!!>>you are quite welcome...i'm glad you like-ee! blazeoneup!!>>damn, blaze...i was reading your thread last nite...wow...quite a haul!! Mr GreenJeans!!>>>hehehe...you've been hanging out with pack'n too much!!...thank you, sir! sackoweed!!!>>HOWZIT!!??...hehehe good to see you!! thanks!
Awesome work, Sleepy! Your Blue Thunders (especially that purple one) are just lookin' killer, bro. I loved the smoke. So smooth it's like smoking velvet and I loved the buzz. Not a bad yielder either. I'll be anxious to hear how they all smoke. You should be in for some serious cranial rearrangment with that Black Domina!
InNvBoarder!>>hey thanks! NorthernKronic!>>wow, i didn't think i was doing all that well... hehehe thank you!! Rellikbuzz!!>>hey buddy!! ...yeah i am anxious to try these as well! Connoisseur300!!>>thanks for popping in on my l'il show...
some pix...
Blue thunder (suede)...
from Gamera...this thing is like one big bud from tip to tail!
Can't wait to hear that Blue Thunder smoke report....she's the star of the show from my perspective....looks lovely....they all do bro...amazing what you do with so many strains
-VT-!!>>hey thanks!...your positive feedback and encouragement makes it worth the effort...that, and harvesting primo stash!!hehehe Mr GreenJeans!!>>hey now!! ...thanks, MGJ!!!...
i have started to chop the ladies...will get some pix up later...
the Black Domina, one Bleu Thunder, and both Bogbubble are hanging... .
>>first impressions...the Black Domina is a short, stout plant, and did not really do much...compared to the others i grew this round...i am considering not re-vegging...
>>one bogbulbble produced nice tight buds, the other is a bit fluffy...good tumbler fodder! hehehe