yes I have noticed the same thing with pure sativas. I grew a plant once that I had no idea what it was and my brother-in-law said it looked like the Oaxacan.
It took like 90 days to ripen with very little trichomes but it was some mind blowing smoke. Very motivating!
Beautiful picture!
Hiya Sleepy
Happy to see your new thread - and holy moly Batman - lookit dose hairy girls! I really wanted to repost every pic - they all look fab man. I have to say you are one of the wonder workers with a 400W lamp - you always have a load of plants with a load of buds! Great stuff buddy!
Stoned2Death!>>yep, i bought several BOG strains a while back...why shouldn't i grow them??? they grow real easy and i like the smoke so far... i have don Grape Punch and Bogglegum before...both were great! thanks for stopping by! stretchpup!!>.dook dook!!!hehehe...yep, cool avatrs rock!! you are doing very well i see...nice grow you have going! EasyMyohoDisco!!>> make me blush! i am not worthy of POTM! so much more talent on the forum than in my thread... thanks, though...your high praise is humbling. GMT!!>>hey, mate! glad to see you stopping by! i am happy to finally have a female Black Domina as well!! she is definitely the 'runt of the litter', though... oh well, its all about quality over here, so thats just fine! hehehe Big D!!>>ahhh...just what i needed to hear!...thank you!!! glad you could pop in to see my little garden. Mr GreenJeans!!!>>hey old pal, howzit??!!...hehehe beep beep indeed! you sure deserve a victory lap after your last haul!! thanks for the kudos, sir! stop back, the Blue Thunders are getting BLUE...imagine that!
Hey sleepy! Really looking good in there!
I found a picture I am not sure if it is oaxacan but it is a pure mexican sativa I think@ about 50 of the 90 days in flower. It was some dynamite smoke! And as you can see no trichs.
Looks a little different than yours!
sorry about the HPS yellow... -VT-!!>>thanks a lot!! i appreciate the encouragement! Big D!! >>yes, i see the resemblance! thanks, i guess i needed some reassurance...everything else is soo frostee at this point!...hehehe i was getting a bit worried, but the 2 oaxacans have started to frost up a bit in the last few daze...nothing to worry about! cool...i am anxious to try these, too...thannk you for posting!!
i just took a few pix... blue thunder
oaxacan sativa
orange skunk x chronic
more of the blue thunder, getting bluer each day...
one more of the blue-est of the 3 blue thunder gals...
Oh yeah Sleepy. I was just surprised to see his gear in your grow knowing he's been gone so long. I've still got 6 grape punch seeds left that I haven't touched. They'll be showing their face soon though. I'm a big fan of BOG, very glad to see you working his stuff!
InNvBoarder!!>>hehehe...thanls...doing the evaluations are not my strong point...i'll see what i can do... HerbGlaze!!>>thank you!! glad you could peek in! mrwags!!!>>hey WAGS!!! howzit?!?!?! wow, great to see you in my humble show...i have the seeds, might as well grow far, i have been very happy with the other 2 BOG starins i grew...this one looks like a 'winner' as well. Stoned2Death!!>>yeah, will do a bang up job with the Grape Punch...its a knockout!! hehehe TML16!!>>well thank you very much!!...i never thought i would have the capacity to inspire anyone! hehehe dwtc!!>>hey man, thanks!! DimeBag65!!>>well, sir, if you like colors...just look at these!! VVVVV
just a couple shots...then the batteries died!
well, they are sure looking good lately. with the exception of some leaf-tip burn, and one of the 2 Oaxacan Sativas suffering from some pH problems, i think we might just harvest some buds in the near future!
Blue Thunders...
a lower bud...
Oaxacan Sativa (the healty one)...
Wonder99...getting frostee!
Orange Skunk x Chronic...looking mighty fiine!