i think he uses a vibration machine with like 10 screens
I will be working on creating varieties for resin production, this is amongst my first effort.
Too all,
I think we should be looking at journal articles, not just taking a bong hit and waiting for some random thought to pop into our respective heads.
If I saw him in person I would laugh in his face, I have no respect for him after how he acted in this thread.
Wow, read this whole thing. Science to drama. Fine sift. Have to disagree with the above quote though. Some of the best discoveries are made by random thoughts, especially after a nice bong hit.
Hence, ripping and reading various posts on electrostatic separation made me realize, yes this works. Have not checked for purity, but using the women's kitchen utensils(she hates this), placing well dried buds(sometimes trim) in PLASTIC mixing bowls and mixing gently by hand. Removing all bud/plant material, the trichomes cling to the bowl by static as the actual bud/leaf material does not. So....umm no journals, just random thoughts. Just postulating, no Bill Hye science guy here. Good facts though.
.Question to Sam:
After your 99.9% method, is it possible to use the leftover plant material again to make "normal" dryshift or ice extraction?