I have a couple of indoor plants to trim in the next few days myself, should take my mind off the current situation....Well Mate, the Missus and I are trimming. Green. There's an awful lot to do.
We're pulling the grow just as small amounts of downy mildew are visible under some leaves and on some stems. It's still high 20's (Centigrade) here and the humidity is up a bit.
We have bananas hanging ripening on the verandah and plenty more in the garden. We have Pittaya which is a central American cactus that gives big globular fruit that to me tatstes like pears. High vitamin C and Magnesium.
There are tomatoes too. They grow wild here.
But if the supplies stop we will surely starve to death unless we snare wallabies and eat them. At least that worst-case option remains.
Got the patch forked over and going to get some bits in tomorrow