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Sinaloa cartel starts to care about quality


Well-known member
From what time period?? In NJ in late 1970's they had trouble getting $10 an ounce. We compared it to lawn clippings or people growing and selling home grown plants that never flowered.
back about then,there were people hired to do the cutting of ditch weed in,Ill.to blend it in with weed they bought ,they did'nt buy just a bale.

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
I would have no problem to grow for the cartel as long as they let me doing some breeding with the pure sativas i got ...i can see it from there, a selection with ten thousand females and males...no matter the risk, no matter my life, i would gladly sacrifice myself for such a thing, im gonna die one day anyway lol


Well-known member
I wonder if the banned pesticides
used to get Mexican here that was bright yellow and "kinda oily" from the paraquat the DEA had sprayed. the cartels tried to harvest it before it yellowed, made it easier to sell...if it had yellowed , they called it "gold'. and not the Acapulco variety either...:confused:


Active member
The Americans are dead convinced that weed gets its effects from candle scent suppliers, and that it should be sold fresh before the candle scents mysteriously vanish overnight. Considering this, I'm always excited for any and all non domestic Cannabis production.

You can only claim "myrcene causes couch lock" so many times before people completely lose interest in what you do for a living; tell lies. Name one cigarette smoker who knows what strain of tobacco they smoke. The domestic cannabis industry is creating a scene worse than the cigarette community, as they have zero consistency behind brands/lines. Fuck em. Fuck American weed. Maybe if they used the same pesticides every time they sprayed they'd have some long term loyalty but no every American producer will be dumped as soon as imports become the norm again and consistency and authenticity in flavor and effect means something, and has nothing to do with lemon peel extract in a vape pen.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Name one cigarette smoker who knows what strain of tobacco they smoke.

Every smoker that grows their own.

I smoke Burley and Virginia Gold for a cigarette blend and I just bought some Little Dutch seeds for wrappers and binders and some stouter Burley seeds for filler/pipe blend for next year.

Some of us care where our tobacco comes from.

Cartels serve the purpose of supplying people who don't care where their weed comes from.

Some of us care where our weed comes from.

I'd like to think that not supporting monsters that torture and murder as part of their business plan is paramount to sticking it to American companies...

But to each their own.


"every American producer will be dumped as soon as imports become the norm again"

This made me chuckle out loud.


Well-known member
Every smoker that grows their own.

I smoke Burley and Virginia Gold for a cigarette blend and I just bought some Little Dutch seeds for wrappers and binders and some stouter Burley seeds for filler/pipe blend for next year.

Some of us care where our tobacco comes from.

Cartels serve the purpose of supplying people who don't care where their weed comes from.

Some of us care where our weed comes from.

I'd like to think that not supporting monsters that torture and murder as part of their business plan is paramount to sticking it to American companies...

But to each their own.


"every American producer will be dumped as soon as imports become the norm again"

This made me chuckle out loud.
I wonder how many of us constitutes that ¨some of us¨.

I no longer live in the US or its territories (colonies), but american weed is making its way here to Spain and people seem amazed at me when I order SSH instead of Apple Fritter, Menthol, or Runtz. I tell them I smoked three grams of that and did not get high ... the cheaper weed is better ... only to receive looks of disbelief from them.

We used to get both Colombian and Mexican brickweed in Puerto Rico. I don´t know if public housing projects still import it, but next time I go back I will see if they are still selling and buy some to bring back seeds. In the early 90s and 2000s we used to get ¨Mango Piña¨, ¨Chocolate¨, ¨Arizona¨ (to this day I still think it was Mexican Import transported to PR via Arizona), Crippy (generic term for everything trippy), Punto Rojo, and yes some Afghan Skunk (which we all knew due to its denser buds and munchy inducing effect).

To be honest, I have never ever smoked anything that could even hold a candle to the very best of that brickweed. In fact, I grew the Colombian Import, flowered it several times until late December (19N) and we have a consensus in our group that we have never smoked anything stronger. We actually always go back to the story of one of our friends blacking out after being high as a kite for 40 or so minutes. We had never seen that and we have never experienced that after that night. The rest of us did not blackout, but we had hysterical laughing fits, some visual distortions, and a complete inability to operate motor vehicles.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I wonder how many of us constitutes that ¨some of us¨.

Somehow I doubt that it's ever enough to "dump every American producer".

I guess I should tell you how I don't want to smoke weed to trip my face off, that's what the psychedelics are for...

Or regale you with a multitude of personal anecdotes... but...

This was about the Sinaloa cartel.


Well-known member
Just legalize all drugs like Portugal did and watch the cartels fold faster than superman on laundry day. They're in business because of american consumers. Legalization means no more money for guards or hitmen or thugs to do their dirty work. The civilian vigilante groups would take care of the rest


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
mexico is walking a tight rope between being a 3rd world shit hole and faild nation
i dont think by giving the cartels more power its going to help the avg mexican citizen
the soft drug money is drying up sure but they still are major producers of hard core stuff
the money still flows and there are still lots of pesos in human trafficking, extortion and just shady cartel shit
i dont see the mexicans citizens rising up against the cartels
i used to like mex, now not so mcuh

to suggest we would all be smoking cheap import is kind of funny, i mean why eat fresh fruit when i can have old vegetables
american growers produces some of the best weed because you have a serious craft growers scene that drives innovation and progress
it starts with the seed (best genetics) and then they dial in a grow room so it produces optimal growing conditions from the soil to the lighting/ air systems
im sure a lot of people would be more than happy smoking boof, there is a market for all price points, but most people would spend a little more for fresh weed with a nice bag appeal and some flavor to it


Well-known member
mexico is walking a tight rope between being a 3rd world shit hole and faild nation
i dont think by giving the cartels more power its going to help the avg mexican citizen
the soft drug money is drying up sure but they still are major producers of hard core stuff
the money still flows and there are still lots of pesos in human trafficking, extortion and just shady cartel shit
i dont see the mexicans citizens rising up against the cartels
i used to like mex, now not so mcuh

to suggest we would all be smoking cheap import is kind of funny, i mean why eat fresh fruit when i can have old vegetables
american growers produces some of the best weed because you have a serious craft growers scene that drives innovation and progress
it starts with the seed (best genetics) and then they dial in a grow room so it produces optimal growing conditions from the soil to the lighting/ air systems
im sure a lot of people would be more than happy smoking boof, there is a market for all price points, but most people would spend a little more for fresh weed with a nice bag appeal and some flavor to it
I have been to Mexico and I dont get that impression. There are also veritable third worlds in the US, dude, and after moving to Europe almost a decade ago, barring exceptions, I can tell you that this is heaven next to most places I have lived in over there, including upper middle class places. Reducing Mexico to a 3rd world shit hole and failed nation is quite an exageration. Besides that, the phrase third world has been far removed from its original meaning: a place with no allegiance to the Western World or the Soviet Block.


Well-known member
Somehow I doubt that it's ever enough to "dump every American producer".

I guess I should tell you how I don't want to smoke weed to trip my face off, that's what the psychedelics are for...

Or regale you with a multitude of personal anecdotes... but...

This was about the Sinaloa cartel.
I am not interested in continuing the conversation that you had with another person. You smoke weed for your reasons and others smoke for theirs, whatever those reasons or the effects they are looking for may be, including psychedelic experiences. The fact is that we dont know what the Sinaloa Cartel will do, but in any case we shall only have to wait and see. What I can tell you is that this american exceptionalism bullshit where the old varities that they themselves took, bred, and selected to produce hybrids are liked by a lot of people, even more than the bland tasting, perfumed shit of a weed with great bag appeal, but absolutely no high, full of muddyness, that is in most dispensaries today in the US/PR. I have noticed that a lot of people can´t simply understand this or don´t want to understand it because perhaps they want to feel special about doing the same thing farmers around the world have been doing for a long time. Yes, selection has been done for centuries and for different reasons, just in another direction.

Smoke what you want dude. We can care very little what cannabis you prefer.


Well-known member
Most mexican citizens despise the cartels but they know better than to make themselves a target. My wife has family from Guerrero and the law enforcement there is in cahoots with multiple cartels. And mind you Guerrero is a lot more peaceful than the northern states on the border. High poverty is how they run their intel. Complaining to broke cops, or bitching about cartels at the local watering hole, will usually just bring a world of trouble


Well-known member
i don't see abandoning domestic cannabis if legalization brings in more imports. even when we were getting imports, much of the very best was domestic, whether from the Kentucky Cornbread Mafia or the old farmers on the Cumberland plateau around Crossville. much of that compared favorably with the smoke we were getting from Colombia and was better than what came in from Mexico...


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
ive been to mexcio myself, mostly baja region and used to love the country
/we used to surf there all the time
great people awesome food plus a sort of wild feel to the place
i see all the trappings of third world poverty and its not getting better for the avg mexican
i havent been back in more than 10+ years
/when was the last time you were there? where did you go
the mrs visits family she has in oaxaca recently
she basically stuck to the main areas and was told by her family to not go out on her own and if she did not to stray too far from home
the mexican gov is a joke on the local level as @RobFromTX mentioned and it dosent get much better as you go up the food chain
the only thing keeping the cartels from taking over the place, (like they havent already) is the big bad bully nortenos
the local gov isnt doing anything to end the murders and corruption, but hey i guess its just par for the course in some places
/third world shitholes
im not going to debate semantics here but if you have high crime, crippling poverty and no way out i think thats a great start to being a failed nation
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