These are pictures from today of a few of my autoflowers I'm currently growing. (I have several more beside these outdoors).
These are planted half Mai/ beginning of June. (Can't remember exactly when ). So they are 6-8 weeks old from seed up to this day.
The biggest one is around 1,6m in height. They're bigger then they seem in the picture. And are flowering at the moment. All are fed only organic amendments and are planted in full ground. They smell very strong already.
These are 3 White Widow auto's with the exception of the tall lanky one in the top left corner which is an Auto Massive Bud. So 4 in total in these pictures.
That Auto Massive Buds sure does have some skinny leaflets. I wonder what's in it's genetics causing such a Sativa expression.
Anybody any idea perhaps? It's a reworked Big Bud variety. Anything in Big Bud that's towards the Sativa side?
Just chopped
Top left = Pink Runtz from Auto Seeds
Bottom Left and along the bottom = Acapulco Gold from Auto seeds
Top right = Predator from Sawneys Beans
Acid kush from urban legends 2021 run it again this year in the UK love the urban legends autos run the gorrila auto acid kush auto and gorrila cookies auto outdoor all are perfect for our climate
I just would like to understand it and my opinion is that plants are performing better with a night phase simultaneously saving energy(costs). So at least i would give the automatics 20/4 like 18/6 with photoperiod plants. You don't give your photoperiod plants a night in their growth phase either?