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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

"Welcome to the Recovery!" Timmy "Two Hands" Giethner.

No, but seriously has anyone seen my 401K?


master shake

Active member
Just started fuckin with a stock simulator... 1st day yesterday, made $800, today down 5k... This is very inspiring for me to get in with real $$$....or not!


I'd like to see silver take a big hit so i can stock up some more. I was hoping to see 30$ an ounce sometime but I dont think it going to happen now. Either way, I like silver. Gold is too expensive for my blood !

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Just started fuckin with a stock simulator... 1st day yesterday, made $800, today down 5k... This is very inspiring for me to get in with real $$$....or not!

If you doing that with a simulator, your not nearly ready for real money. Wait until your doing well with a simulator, that way when you start with real money, you lose it slowly instead of in one day.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Selling off harder into the close. Tomorrow is going to be fucking brutal after the shit jobs report.

The iD

i cant even watch it anymore or my heart will pop. im going to the bank and withdrawing 95% my cash. peace & stay frosty.


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Selling off harder into the close. Tomorrow is going to be fucking brutal after the shit jobs report.

That might be whats being priced in today, everybody knows the report is going to be shit.

I wouldn't be suprised if the bad news breaks tomorrow, drops off a bit then a reversal and a finish in the green, possibly above 1200. We'll see soon enough.

Historic day though, for sure.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
PHEW! What a day and what meltdown. Final tally for the day.

DOW: -513 (-4.31%)

NASDAQ: -137 (-5.08%)

S&P: -60 (-4.78)

Oil: 86.42 (-5.92%)

This is worth posting again.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
That might be whats being priced in today, everybody knows the report is going to be shit.

I wouldn't be suprised if the bad news breaks tomorrow, drops off a bit then a reversal and a finish in the green, possibly above 1200. We'll see soon enough.

Historic day though, for sure.

Certainly could be case. I'm worried about the European contagion getting worse and developing into a credit crunch. I don't know bulls can stop the trainwreck. Crazy f'ing day fo sho. Hang onto your tin foil hats! :joint:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You are watching history my friend. History in the making. We stand on the precipice of epic change you can believe in.


Active member
hey spastic with this new group of 12 ,wich i just found out they made the committee leagle like last night so we cant do a thing,do you see that march on washington comming soon?


That might be whats being priced in today, everybody knows the report is going to be shit.

I wouldn't be suprised if the bad news breaks tomorrow, drops off a bit then a reversal and a finish in the green, possibly above 1200. We'll see soon enough.
I think that may be part of what was priced in today. I'm leaning toward agreeing with the 2nd part as the market looks oversold right here. I'd guess it'll drop more tomorrow carrying over today's action then recover. I don't think 'they' are ready to see this thing really crash yet. Here's the NASDAQ tech sector...


Gramps...thx for the clarification on what's going on with gold. I don't follow metals like you do and was more guessing than anything else. Was a bit surprised when I saw silver taking a beating early today but understand better now.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
hey spastic with this new group of 12 ,wich i just found out they made the committee leagle like last night so we cant do a thing,do you see that march on washington comming soon?
Yes the "Super Congress" as they call it. Basically the dissolution of Congressional powers and the final installation of an elitist dictatorship. Not that Congress or the people really mattered anymore anyway. This just makes it official.

When the proles get hungry enough and have nothing left, they will march on Washington for sure. The timing is the only question.
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Yes the "Super Congress" as they call it. Basically the dissolution of Congressional powers and the final installation of an elitist dictatorship. Not that Congress or the people really mattered anymore anyway. This just makes it official.
Yeah when I saw the deal they made was like...whoa! Knowing how hard it was to create the current deal doubtful the House and Senate will agree on much so it'll go back to the elite group.