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shoreline strain BS story????


shiva said:
To confirm the orginal bagseed was crossed with sensi seeds NL#5 and the clone was selected from there, it is one stinky plant and the skunk flavor really lingers on you when smoking it.

that is what i heard EXCEPT that after the bagseed x nl5 it was then crossed to a completely different NL possbily nl9.


Active member
in H-town Shoreline will run you at least $350 an oz., if not more. In austin even more than that; the hippies there are all about the $$$, sad but true.

And a couple of years ago there was a strain running around Houston called NorthShore: Shoreline skunk x NL. I've moved, so I'm not sure if it still gets around.


I didnt say it was shoreline, only looked very close. I wouldnt be surprised though if what I ran across was just as good. i'll never know at 350 an oz either,lol I aint cheap but damn.


Active member
lol, ya, 100 an oz in tex for anything better than brick is the best hookup I've ever heard of down there, even beasters clears 200 an oz in most situations..

Interesting thread, it's cool to see more peeps chime in about her.. she was fairly elusive until recently, both the clone and info, so it's nice to see her coming out more.

I think she'll be a solid clone and definately worth growing, but she's no holy grail (is anything?), and from what I hear Bubba is better.. I know some who prefer Shoreline to ECSD, and some who prefer ECSD to Shoreline..

Some people think it's got true RKS funk, and some think she's more of a lemon-skunk with obvious Northern Light traits..

I think alot of the reason for mixed reports is most samples that people have tried have been decently/improperly grown hydro/indoor (tex), or decently/improperly grown outdoor (cali), usualy not done to their potential, or pulled a bit early.. So i think there's some room for improvement..

regardless, from all accounts she's as good or better than most elites and deserves her spot as a good clone only. And I can't wait to see what I think and how she does in my garden, as that's all that matters in the end.

And you know i'll be hittin' her up with some stinky males :joint:

Anyways, here's a couple Shoreleezy clones just recovering from rooting in a tubbler.. I look forward to seeing how she stacks up to the rest.. She sounds like something I would like, but 'crushes OGK'? :chin: I highly doubt.. depending on which OGK of course.. :wink:



woa who said that. thats bold. I would actually put it below bubba. ill get some more harvest shots up tomorrow.


crushes... i am saying this not jus of odor, taste, potency, but also because of yield and ease of growing.

ogk real finicky feeder, very tempermental wit growing conditions... SL on the other hand, will suck up all the nutes thrown at her and is simple to grow

and people sayin the quick tolerance, yea, but not everbody smokes this 24/7 except the growersv and distributors

so for the peeps who run into a zone will be more than pleased

bubba???? maaaan hole up pimpin, i put that below SL
hahaha dont cry jus gettin a stir outta ya lol *i can tell ya bubba has nothing on SL in odor/ taste.... maybe potency buuuuuuuut thats jus my say

but as a grower seeking an elite clone only strain

odor - hands down, nothing compares *rub ur fingers and the smell will never leave, or at least it'll make its presence be known for aloooooooong time, soap and water dont work for this strain*
taste - same as smell, although soil does taste better than hydro SL
high - geeking, uplifting sativa high, but i gets couchlocked after 2 hrs of blazing the SL
grow - easy, as long as ur not an absolute noob, SL wont fail ya.... but if u know ur way around a grow room, easily 1.75g/watt *so this is a really good yielder for an elite/ exotic strain* this is the reason i say this will be the holy grail of the elites because i have been disappointed wit the final weight results of a few ELITE grows

so yeah, to me time = money

make the most outta ur time and get the best product out of that - SHORELINE


Lookin good bc. Thanks to everybody for the info...on both threads. Late


Canna Coco grower
1.75 grams a watt?? come one guyz. No offense but if yer dreamin about 1.75 grams a watt... i.e. 1750 grams from ONE halide or OVER?? 3 lbs~~ what else are ya dreamin about?? u do mean dry weight right?

Pix do look awsome... nice bubba too..



yeah bro bone dry weight, but like i said the reason i said this is because of all the factors that go into it. i've ran thru NL that gives me more than 2+/1K, smell taste high were all good, but the SL jus has that something special bout her know wat im talkin bout?

wat other strain can u smell thru 3 vacuumed sealed bags??? *the 4th vacuumed sealed bag is wat keeps everybody safe from people w/ a good sense of smell


mike jones

mike jones

beancounter, CRUSHES!!!!!! :woohoo: , and im not here to argue w/ ya bout it cause u got the cut going, so u shall see urself the greatness of SL!!!

inline.... nice bubba pix :yummy: / but wats the yield like??? looks like bubba does a lil more damage on the scale than BOG's shitty yielding sour bubble *which happens to be my next choice of smoke besides SL* but i would never flood the garden wit BOG's SB cause it is such a low yielder :fsu: tho the quality is on point. :confused:

this is why i truly say holy grail:

odor - 5 stars
taste - 5 stars *flavor stays on ur taste buds even after 30 minutes of smoking it*
bag appeal - 4.5 stars *not super duper icey like a Sour Bubble or sweet tooth BUTT (__I__) everything else is to die for bout this cut*
potency - 5 stars *this shit gets me baked for at least 2 hours, my kinda high, i like to be able to function and talk shit to friends flirt w/ the hoes u know.... wat all the cool kids are doing... lol j/p* for those who say they build a tolerance for the SL "put some variety in ur garden!!!! and smoke the variety!!!!" if i was to smoke lisa marie or flo for a str 3 days, id be complaining bout building tolerance up for her, naw mean... jus peeps opinions, but yeah change up the smoke and keep it moving *thats why i also have BOG's SBx3, Blueberry Haze, SL, SKUD*another local favorite, jus not popular like SL* and Special ED*sweet tooth x SL*
grow - dood, hearty veger, and jus more than doubles in bloom. very easy, this bitch is down for ya even when you dont treat her right, but if you do..... OMG

beancounter - 6 weeks into flowering you will def know wat SHORELINE FINGERS mean *and simple green does not work to take that off* my trick it to use purell hand sanitizer rub the goo off 1st then wash ur fingers w/ soap n water. ur fingers will be back to 98% normalcy

inline, the guy u was talking bout that worked w/ SL for 7 years..... :wave: it truly is a small world, maybe we know each other.... or at least the same circle of people *online-degree of separation*

OOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH did i forget to mention im in SHORELINE HEAVEN!!!!!

Mr. Burns


Active member
shoreline sounds like some shit i used to get in the early -mid 80's

....i'm sure it's not ...but it sounds like it

sounds f 'n awesome



bergerbuddy said:
1.75 grams a watt?? come one guyz. No offense but if yer dreamin about 1.75 grams a watt... i.e. 1750 grams from ONE halide or OVER?? 3 lbs~~ what else are ya dreamin about?? u do mean dry weight right?

Pix do look awsome... nice bubba too..

sorry my math was a lil off *dunno if it was my EGO :bat: doing the math but now that i reread ur post i did the math again .85g/watt <~~~ now this is correct*

6300g / 7400w = .851351351 *this was a cycle veg for 30 days and flowered for exactly 60 days* so there's still room for improvement w/ these numbers *2-5 more weeks woulda easily put it over 2+/1k* but i was running this against quick finishing strains to see the final product of the SL weight smell and all the other good stuff that makes being a farmer soooooooo great

Mr. Burns


Ed, which ogk did you grow or smoke to make that comparison, I thought you didnt have any kush? Anyway I have but the bubba and SL and have been smoking both of them for a long time and potency and taste hands down goes to bubba. Shoreleezy is a good yeilder, and run as a mersh strain it probly cant be beat. The only OGK Ive smoked was a friend of mine from tahoe and he said it is the original aka headband and while its taste was M A zing, the potency was lacking. But it did blow my bubba out of the water as far as taste goes.


Active member
Txgrown said:
Whois to say these austin hippies just didnt take some mexican bagseed and mix with say nl as said before

Very possible, a lot of the time here the commercial cats don't know exactly what the hell they're growing anyway. Strains have been crossed back and forth so much here... Not that the bud isn't nice, just no telling what the hell it really is. (I hope that doesn' piss off any growers in TX too much, but it's true.)

Txgrown said:
Far as me with the hookup I never thought about it that way

I would! :smile: To find the best stuff I can here, it costs $60 an 1/8 all the way up to an oz., no breaks... Granted I'm outta the loop here, that's why you grow your own though isn't it...:smile:

I really need to call my boy in Clear Lake and have him pick me up some Shoreline, all this talk has really got me missin' it!
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Active member
i wanna know if special ed has any experience with omega gardens?

haha talkin shit about my flo and lisa? ;)

lisa really does own the shoreline i've been getting recently imo. smoked em back to back and every which way and its undeniable. i used to get it from different growers and they seemed to have mastered the product better back then.. larger, denser, rounder nugs and with proper cure! that was always when huge amounts of shore were around tho so maybe that was the cali version who really knows.. but i still don't think that stuff was better headstash than this lisa marie.

i can see from a commerical perspective why growers would love sl if its a good yielder.. but doesn't running them a whole 10-13 week flower time kill that aspect? haha

another thing i hate about the sl i usually get a hold of now is whoever fucks with it definetely has a different definition of proper dried/cured mj than me.. and the previous growers of sl i used to be in line with. that could be whats keeping it from trumping these ones i've grown meself.. soft ass fresh nugs in plastic bags haha with stems that bend like cooked pasta.. its like they are always rushing product to market. holy grail smoke can't be treated this way and retain its full capacity of excellence imo.

but once i get the cut in my garden, which is supposedly soon, i'll see what i can do with it, and decide once and for all if its up there with my other favs i've grown. hate to judge it based on other peoples samples that vary so much.


i wanna know if special ed has any experience with omega gardens?
who else is on to me???? hahahaha u must mean da wheelOFfortune, the SL in the OG @ 312 sites will yield 10-14g/plant *dried*
haha talkin shit about my flo and lisa? ;)
naw bro, ur flo was nice and purple but ur ECSD didnt really stink :confused: so does that sound like wats been in UR garden???? :yoinks: if so, im that dood that u think i am and ur that dood and roommate that i think u are :wave:

lisa really does own the shoreline i've been getting recently imo. smoked em back to back and every which way and its undeniable. i used to get it from different growers and they seemed to have mastered the product better back then.. larger, denser, rounder nugs and with proper cure! that was always when huge amounts of shore were around tho so maybe that was the cali version who really knows.. but i still don't think that stuff was better headstash than this lisa marie.

i can see from a commerical perspective why growers would love sl if its a good yielder.. but doesn't running them a whole 10-13 week flower time kill that aspect? haha

another thing i hate about the sl i usually get a hold of now is whoever fucks with it definetely has a different definition of proper dried/cured mj than me.. and the previous growers of sl i used to be in line with. that could be whats keeping it from trumping these ones i've grown meself.. soft ass fresh nugs in plastic bags haha with stems that bend like cooked pasta.. its like they are always rushing product to market. holy grail smoke can't be treated this way and retain its full capacity of excellence imo.

but once i get the cut in my garden, which is supposedly soon, i'll see what i can do with it, and decide once and for all if its up there with my other favs i've grown. hate to judge it based on other peoples samples that vary so much.

yeah man, to answer a few more of ur ????'s the last SL that went around that was a lil loose and airy was because dood came back from out of town: the intake fan went out and the room was above ambient temps for anywhere between 1-10 days

the thing bout 10-13 weeks, thats for personal consumption!!! lol stuff that floods the market is taken at 8 no more than 10, i'll post some pix of 8weeks later tonite

the thing bout letting it fly before its dry..... all up to the person getting rid of it, it usually takes me 14 days from my chop&screw session *one week cure... sweat them out, every 6 hrs but yeah its because alot of heat has been happening in htown, so peeps want the work and dont care bout wat state its in, as long as its finished and not wet, naw mean.... wat else can money hungry people do besides make that loot :confused:

ps.... seedynono, was u or ur roomate plannin to get a new 3series beemer??? HONDA's ROCK

inline = nope nothing touches my batcave that hasnt been test driven in other peeps gardens 1st... my buddy got the cut from a buddy up in austin who had it sent to him from a connect who runs a compassion club in SoCal, so thats as far as i know bout the OGKush. i seen it thru 2 cycles, it's coo n all but like people was sayin, "holy grail, " and that even includes ease of grow and yield besides all the other fun characteristics of good smoke. taste and high depend on the person, but the things u cant lose wit the SL is bag appeal, smell, and mos def the ever-losing battle wit gravity everytime she tips the scale...... my opinion OGK = BOG'sSBx3 but i wouldnt wanna do a see of green with either strains wit 30veg/60bloom under 7400w.... jus a waste of time

but yeah, i only grow 6plants under a 600w... all the other stuff is from other peeps or pix of friends clubhouses and wat i say or have said is all heresay and more-or-less stories :joint:

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